Thank you, Night
Ten thousand ton suffocating night, I'm so glad you're here to pound all the sense out of my head. I'm so relieved the pain is finally over. It has been hard to carry it all day after day. Now I know there is life after she leaves. Now when I hear mean singing the blues on the radio, I think they're suckers wen I used to feel the same way. All those songs about waiting for her to come back. I lived the lyrics. I stuffed myself like an animal in a trophy shop and waited in the window. Where she went and where she is are facts I don't know and don't care if I ever know. If she called me right now I would be polite and tell her I understand and she doesn't have to explain a thing. I know the truth. You do what you have to do. The way you are is the way you are and I am not here to judge you on your actions. Thank you, putrid choking urine stench Night. Thank you, men falling out of doorways looking for change. Darkness. I owe you big time garbage strewn alleys of failure and damnation painted by moonlight scene. Because of walking through you, I see clearly. I got my sight back from your destitute hunchbacked monster sleeping on a grate perspective. I see what. I see how. I see why. I know the truth. I no longer need. Take the bandages off my skin and let me out of the iron lung. Tell the burn ward I won't be coming back for treatment. Tell the doctor in intensive care I won't be getting that amputation. I am healed. I am screaming. I am smiling like Buddha out of malice and clarity.