_-*Stairs to the Stars*-_
Those who have chosen to live here
The Angelic Peoples
The Angelic Peoples
Ara Family
I am know as: Maricole Ara
I have many years of experience: One thousand, two hundred seventy-one years old
Who I shall love, it has its boundaries: Straight
What I Am: Hardworking and dedicated, Maricole has become the head of his clan. Just as his fathers before him, he has given up his entire life just to make his people rise in power. All clans below him burn with jealousy; all clans above him tremble with fear. His own clan loves him, almost worships him, as he takes them up the stairs, so they can finally find a home within the stars.
Even though he is such a wonderful person, inside his bloodline family, he is disliked, for he spends more time with the clan as an entirity than his own wife. He isn't very aware of his surroundings, so he doesn't realize that his wife is craving his companionship.
But when no one is really around, like if he's talking to one of his close friends, he changes drastically. At one moment he's serious, the next he's sill, and then mad.
To have a future, you must have a past: Maricole's father, and the father before him, and so on for thousands of generations, were the great leaders of the stairway. They held much power, and, with time, pushed aside all noble clans above them. Maricole was left with the responsibility of passing the royal heads of the family when he was only four years old, when his father decided to leave the stair and become humble, as a human being. With their leader gone, the entire clan turned to Maricole for guidance. Being so young, he almost lead everyone off the stairway right into the earthly mines, where all his clan would've died in the dust. Angered with their leader the best fighter in the clan, Raiford, challanged Maricole to a duel of power.
While Raiford welded the sword of Ara-Nabib, Maricole only had himself to use to win this battle; his wings hadn't even grow in yet. Still, he accepted Raiford's challenge. Before the battle, Maricole prepared for his going into the mortal world; simple robes were placed upon the edge of the stairway. Then the fight began.
Several times, Raiford swung his sword as if to cut Maricole's head off, but he used his young nimbleness to his advantage. This did not work for long. The flat of the Sword of Ara-Nabib hit squarely upon Maricole's back. Screaming in pain, the young leader plummeted over the stair. As he fell, he could hear Celestials congradulating Raiford, celebrating the mortalizing of their foolish, young leader. But Maricole could hear something else. It was one little girl, beautiful in all ways and even more youthful than Maricole; she was leaning over the stair's edge and mourning the loss of a ruler.
With a sudden burst of power, wings burst forth from where he was hit. And they weren't the wings that all Celestials started off with, small wings like a doves. No, Maricole got the full wings of a thousand year old Celestial. Catching the wind, Maricole went up with the updraft back to the stair his clan was on. His clan was shocked to see him still heavenly and with fully-grown wings.
Since Maricole was still there, the battle was still on, but now he had something to figth with. Even Raiford was only six hundred forty-two, so Maricole actually had the advantage. Now, Raiford wasn't so confident. He swung the sword of Ara-Nabib wildly. Maricole had no idea on what he should do. He could've sheilded his face with the feather part of his wings, but he was inexperienced. Raiford took out his left eye.
Maricole writhed in pain, sending feathers flying everywhere. The rest of his clan had already moved far away from the battle. The power had built up in Maricole's tiny body, and finally had to be released. His wings glowed silver, and the feathers that had floated away all gathered in an angry flurry. Using his wings, Maricole blew the flurry towards Raiford.
Damaged beyond repair, Raiford had to be reborn into humanity. He was stripped of his wings and pushed off the edge of the stair.
Now that they were sure their leader was strong and reliable, the rest of the Ara clan came to Maricole. They stared in awe at his beautiful wings and told him what a great leader he would make. Nobody noticed that he had lost his eye and was still in pain, except for the girl that mourned Maricole's humanity. She ripped off the hem of her dress and bandaged the wound. Everyone was appalled that they hadn't noticed. The doctors tended to his eye day and night, but they couldn't save it.
Maricole was a forgiving person, so he forgave his clan, under one condition: He would marry the girl who had helped him so much. People everywhere searched for this girl, until they learned the horrible truth.
The girl was from the Solum Clan, the only clan to have ever touched the stars before the top stair crumbled away and had to be rebuilt. The girl had been sent to kill Maricole because of his power, but had been too soft-hearted to slice off his head and push him over.
Heart-broken, Maricole decided that he shall dedicate his life to going as high as she lived. When he became five hundred years old, he had only gotten through half the distance, and was required by law to get married. Everyone had forgotten that they were forgiven on one condition that still hadn't been fufiled. He went into a terrible rage, hurting everyone who stood before him. "You don't remember your promise!"
Finally, one of the elders, ones who had decided against mortality, chained their leader to his thrown. Forcably, he was married to a fair Celestial named Urra. Maricole hated her completely. She acted nothing like his true love. She didn't even look like her; his love had flowing dark blue hair and eyes that shone silver. Urra cut her blond hair to her ears, and her eyes were blacker than coal. To this day, Maricole has dedicated himself to moving upward, and nothing else.
The song I sing in my heart: "オルゴール - Music Box"
Everyday, I look into a mirror, and this is what I see:

I have many years of experience: One thousand, two hundred seventy-one years old
Who I shall love, it has its boundaries: Straight
What I Am: Hardworking and dedicated, Maricole has become the head of his clan. Just as his fathers before him, he has given up his entire life just to make his people rise in power. All clans below him burn with jealousy; all clans above him tremble with fear. His own clan loves him, almost worships him, as he takes them up the stairs, so they can finally find a home within the stars.
Even though he is such a wonderful person, inside his bloodline family, he is disliked, for he spends more time with the clan as an entirity than his own wife. He isn't very aware of his surroundings, so he doesn't realize that his wife is craving his companionship.
But when no one is really around, like if he's talking to one of his close friends, he changes drastically. At one moment he's serious, the next he's sill, and then mad.
To have a future, you must have a past: Maricole's father, and the father before him, and so on for thousands of generations, were the great leaders of the stairway. They held much power, and, with time, pushed aside all noble clans above them. Maricole was left with the responsibility of passing the royal heads of the family when he was only four years old, when his father decided to leave the stair and become humble, as a human being. With their leader gone, the entire clan turned to Maricole for guidance. Being so young, he almost lead everyone off the stairway right into the earthly mines, where all his clan would've died in the dust. Angered with their leader the best fighter in the clan, Raiford, challanged Maricole to a duel of power.
While Raiford welded the sword of Ara-Nabib, Maricole only had himself to use to win this battle; his wings hadn't even grow in yet. Still, he accepted Raiford's challenge. Before the battle, Maricole prepared for his going into the mortal world; simple robes were placed upon the edge of the stairway. Then the fight began.
Several times, Raiford swung his sword as if to cut Maricole's head off, but he used his young nimbleness to his advantage. This did not work for long. The flat of the Sword of Ara-Nabib hit squarely upon Maricole's back. Screaming in pain, the young leader plummeted over the stair. As he fell, he could hear Celestials congradulating Raiford, celebrating the mortalizing of their foolish, young leader. But Maricole could hear something else. It was one little girl, beautiful in all ways and even more youthful than Maricole; she was leaning over the stair's edge and mourning the loss of a ruler.
With a sudden burst of power, wings burst forth from where he was hit. And they weren't the wings that all Celestials started off with, small wings like a doves. No, Maricole got the full wings of a thousand year old Celestial. Catching the wind, Maricole went up with the updraft back to the stair his clan was on. His clan was shocked to see him still heavenly and with fully-grown wings.
Since Maricole was still there, the battle was still on, but now he had something to figth with. Even Raiford was only six hundred forty-two, so Maricole actually had the advantage. Now, Raiford wasn't so confident. He swung the sword of Ara-Nabib wildly. Maricole had no idea on what he should do. He could've sheilded his face with the feather part of his wings, but he was inexperienced. Raiford took out his left eye.
Maricole writhed in pain, sending feathers flying everywhere. The rest of his clan had already moved far away from the battle. The power had built up in Maricole's tiny body, and finally had to be released. His wings glowed silver, and the feathers that had floated away all gathered in an angry flurry. Using his wings, Maricole blew the flurry towards Raiford.
Damaged beyond repair, Raiford had to be reborn into humanity. He was stripped of his wings and pushed off the edge of the stair.
Now that they were sure their leader was strong and reliable, the rest of the Ara clan came to Maricole. They stared in awe at his beautiful wings and told him what a great leader he would make. Nobody noticed that he had lost his eye and was still in pain, except for the girl that mourned Maricole's humanity. She ripped off the hem of her dress and bandaged the wound. Everyone was appalled that they hadn't noticed. The doctors tended to his eye day and night, but they couldn't save it.
Maricole was a forgiving person, so he forgave his clan, under one condition: He would marry the girl who had helped him so much. People everywhere searched for this girl, until they learned the horrible truth.
The girl was from the Solum Clan, the only clan to have ever touched the stars before the top stair crumbled away and had to be rebuilt. The girl had been sent to kill Maricole because of his power, but had been too soft-hearted to slice off his head and push him over.
Heart-broken, Maricole decided that he shall dedicate his life to going as high as she lived. When he became five hundred years old, he had only gotten through half the distance, and was required by law to get married. Everyone had forgotten that they were forgiven on one condition that still hadn't been fufiled. He went into a terrible rage, hurting everyone who stood before him. "You don't remember your promise!"
Finally, one of the elders, ones who had decided against mortality, chained their leader to his thrown. Forcably, he was married to a fair Celestial named Urra. Maricole hated her completely. She acted nothing like his true love. She didn't even look like her; his love had flowing dark blue hair and eyes that shone silver. Urra cut her blond hair to her ears, and her eyes were blacker than coal. To this day, Maricole has dedicated himself to moving upward, and nothing else.
The song I sing in my heart: "オルゴール - Music Box"
Everyday, I look into a mirror, and this is what I see:

I am known as: Urra Ara
I have many years of experience: One thousand seven hundred fifty-one
Who I shall love, it has it's boundaries: Bisexual
What I am: Urra is a timid creature. Her fragile nature made her different from everyone else in the clan. She was never cut out for such a prestegious clan, where everone worked hard to reach for the stars.
Urra expected all her life, since she was the leader's blood cousin, that she would be pampered and revered. She was impatient with everyone, and she held her nose so high that if she trampled her parents, she wouldn't even notice.
To have a future, you must have a past: Ever since her birth, Urra was told she had a blood connection to the great leader of Ara. Her mother had been Maricole's aunt, which made her his cousin. Out of the kindness of his heart, Urra's uncle used his power to pamper his sister and her kin, which was only Urra, for her father had left for Earth.
And pampered she was! Urra loved the adoration from the lowly Celestials that were below her. She would make sure she looked perfect before she even left her tent. As she grew, the more gaudy her appearance became. Her natural beauty began to melt away into disgusting blotches of make-up.
Her vanity ran deep within her veins. Even before she got her wings, they were stained with self-want.
Everyday, she would stare into a water mirror, and say over and over how pretty she was, how special she was. And since she was so gorgous, did she really need to take off the make up? Of course, her natural skin would be so glorious that she would be dazzeling if the make-up just slowly faded away, revealing Urra in full glory.
That had been a horrible idea. It never faded, but flaked off her face. She looked more like a human that had live one hundred years than a Celestial who had lived one celestial year. Everyone was terrified of this horrible monster, and they all ran away in fright.
Wanting the makeup to stop flaking, Urra washed it all off, only to find that her once flawless skin had begun to cling to the makeup and flake away with it. It was the turning point in her life. She looked over herself and saw: her face was like an old, curling painting, her wings were diminutive and stained, and that she, as a person, was ugly.
She had no power to change what she had become, but her cousin did. Patiently, she waited til the day Maricole would be forced by law to get married. When the clan advisors began to look for a sutable bride for the leader, Urra came and fit perfectly.
All the ladies of the clan flocked to her home, offering up secret lotion formulas and starlight tonics, things of that nature. Soon, Urra was once again beautiful, but this time, it was her own skin. Then she had to face a horrible problem. She had to marry Maricole. I wasn't as if she hated her cousin, it was just that he looked so frightening with only one eye and his fierce pasions. Would he even accept her?
Urra decided to go for it. Vowing to forever be in celestial harmony, she became Maricole's wife. This threw him into a horrible rage. And elder had to come chain her husband to his thrown. Now it was up to the leader's partner to take over the clan until the time came for their guide to rise.
And Urra lead them on. She was not a good; she was not bad. They made a steady pace, going up one step every hundred years. The clan could've gone much faster, but it was customary for the ruler to fly up in front. Urra's deformed wings slowed her ascent into the heavens.
Every once in a while, she visits her spouse. As the celestial years go past, his temper begins to fade. The elders tell her that soon, she must release him from bondage and bear him at least one son.
The song I sing in my heart:
國王皇后 - King and Queen
Everyday, I look into a mirror, and this is what I see:

I have many years of experience: One thousand seven hundred fifty-one
Who I shall love, it has it's boundaries: Bisexual
What I am: Urra is a timid creature. Her fragile nature made her different from everyone else in the clan. She was never cut out for such a prestegious clan, where everone worked hard to reach for the stars.
Urra expected all her life, since she was the leader's blood cousin, that she would be pampered and revered. She was impatient with everyone, and she held her nose so high that if she trampled her parents, she wouldn't even notice.
To have a future, you must have a past: Ever since her birth, Urra was told she had a blood connection to the great leader of Ara. Her mother had been Maricole's aunt, which made her his cousin. Out of the kindness of his heart, Urra's uncle used his power to pamper his sister and her kin, which was only Urra, for her father had left for Earth.
And pampered she was! Urra loved the adoration from the lowly Celestials that were below her. She would make sure she looked perfect before she even left her tent. As she grew, the more gaudy her appearance became. Her natural beauty began to melt away into disgusting blotches of make-up.
Her vanity ran deep within her veins. Even before she got her wings, they were stained with self-want.
Everyday, she would stare into a water mirror, and say over and over how pretty she was, how special she was. And since she was so gorgous, did she really need to take off the make up? Of course, her natural skin would be so glorious that she would be dazzeling if the make-up just slowly faded away, revealing Urra in full glory.
That had been a horrible idea. It never faded, but flaked off her face. She looked more like a human that had live one hundred years than a Celestial who had lived one celestial year. Everyone was terrified of this horrible monster, and they all ran away in fright.
Wanting the makeup to stop flaking, Urra washed it all off, only to find that her once flawless skin had begun to cling to the makeup and flake away with it. It was the turning point in her life. She looked over herself and saw: her face was like an old, curling painting, her wings were diminutive and stained, and that she, as a person, was ugly.
She had no power to change what she had become, but her cousin did. Patiently, she waited til the day Maricole would be forced by law to get married. When the clan advisors began to look for a sutable bride for the leader, Urra came and fit perfectly.
All the ladies of the clan flocked to her home, offering up secret lotion formulas and starlight tonics, things of that nature. Soon, Urra was once again beautiful, but this time, it was her own skin. Then she had to face a horrible problem. She had to marry Maricole. I wasn't as if she hated her cousin, it was just that he looked so frightening with only one eye and his fierce pasions. Would he even accept her?
Urra decided to go for it. Vowing to forever be in celestial harmony, she became Maricole's wife. This threw him into a horrible rage. And elder had to come chain her husband to his thrown. Now it was up to the leader's partner to take over the clan until the time came for their guide to rise.
And Urra lead them on. She was not a good; she was not bad. They made a steady pace, going up one step every hundred years. The clan could've gone much faster, but it was customary for the ruler to fly up in front. Urra's deformed wings slowed her ascent into the heavens.
Every once in a while, she visits her spouse. As the celestial years go past, his temper begins to fade. The elders tell her that soon, she must release him from bondage and bear him at least one son.
The song I sing in my heart:
國王皇后 - King and Queen
Everyday, I look into a mirror, and this is what I see:

Solum Family
I am known as: Azula Solum
I have many years of experience: One thousand, two hundred sixty-nine
Who I shall love, it has it's boundaries: Straight
What I am: Azula has always been kind her entire life. Even though she is above everyone else, she cares for those who have less than her. Since everyone in the Solum family is perfectly happy, Azula usually has nothing to do.
Her nature is forgiving and sickly-sweet. No matter what you do, Azula would forgive you of your horrible deeds, even though she hasn't commited one herself. It's so nice, that it almost seems cruel. Her personality is layered in sweet words and charity. Almost like eat sugar for the rest of your life.
To have a future, you must have a past: Azula was the first born child born into the leader's family. Her father was already two hundred thousand years old. By this time, most Celestials became elders, who did almost nothing but fly, or leave the stair and start mortality, which got harder the older one got. Since he didn't have any other choice, his daughter would be leader until a Celestial married into his family. So her father became an elder as soon as she opened he tiny eyes, making a baby the guide for the most elite clan to ever step upon the stair.
Some people worried that they should be passed, but most were quite calm. The Solum Family had no one above them to stop them, and almost every other clan was twenty or more steps below them. The one problem was that the Ara Clan, one of the Nobilities, was climbing up, passing Royalties, and make great progress as well. Without the consent of their guide to the stars, the entire clan decided that the Ara leader must be damaged, and that their leader would do it!
So Azula, barely even two years old, was sent down the stairs. She had asked many times how she would get back, for she had not even dove wings yet. Many times she was told one of the warriors would come down to get her.
Then she went down the steps. Each drop was like her heart was imploding, but the landing was falling into a pile of feathers, so she endured it all, all twenty-seven steps down. Azula had to pass several Royal Clans, and sometimes she was chased across a step to the next below. This was quite some pressure for a two year old to handle, and it built up in her small body.
Finally, after fifty days of hard struggle, she had made it to the step the Ara Clan was currently at. She had come during the duel between Maricole and Raiford. Just as she was about to kill Raiford, for she thought he was the leader, Maricole fell over the mortality cliff. People began to congradulat Raiford for becoming the leader. Azula realized that to fufill her duty, two people must endure mortality. This was to much on her kind little heart. She went to the edge, and sobbed horribly. It felt as if the pressure was crushing her soul, and in truth, it was breaking her bones and squeezing her heart.
Then Maricole flew back up, without having wings when he went down. Again, the battle raged between the two Celestials, but this time, the younger one had the upper hand. She watched the two fight it out, and young Maricole won. But Azula noticed something everyone else ignored; Raiford had hacked out Maricole's left eye. She ran up to the new Ara clan leader, and tore off the hem of dress to make a bandage. Then he was rushed off to be repaired.
On her first mission, Azula had failed. Her clan was furious, so much that they didn't even send someone to get Azula. This tipped her over the edge. Her wings burst out, for the pressure that had built up were her wings growing early, but when the tore out of her back, they split into three. So Azula's had three pairs of wings about two feet long each. Now she could get home one her own, and since she had three pairs of wings, she got home within the year.
Amazed when she arrived home, still only two years old, with wings of a Celestial that was four hundred years old, at three pairs at that! Azula was now worshiped as
a reincarnation of Ophian, the legendary Celestial who married an Angel and grew two extra pairs of wings to stay with her husband. Never again was Azula sent to do such easy work as like assassinating another leader. The only thing she was in charge of moving them up the last thousand steps.
But she never really paid attention to what she was doing. Even so, she whipped her entire clan up twenty-two steps a year, just like she had to endure at the age of two. The only problem she had was that she had fallen in love, with the boy she was supposed to kill.
By the time she was five hundred, she couldn't stop thinking about him. It was as if she had a love disease. Her clan chose her husband, and they made vows, Azula's mind wandering far away. Finally, after five celestial years, the Solum clan had a male leader, as needed, but instead of heading up, Ickiru, Azula's spouse, didn't leave the step. He told everyone that no one would ever catch up, not even the Ara clan! They were, in fact, one hudred thrity-five step above the second highest clan! How would they ever catch up in one leader's lifetime? The clan agreed with him, and ever since, they have been resting their tired wings upon the step.
Azula hated this idea, but maybe, just maybe, her lover would one day find her up there if they stayed long enough. So she waits, forever in love with someone who should have been human and dead by then. She would've been with him in a heartbeat if she wasn't chained to her clan.
The song I sing in my heart:
それでも人形 - Still Doll
Everyday, I look into a mirror, and this is what I see:

I have many years of experience: One thousand, two hundred sixty-nine
Who I shall love, it has it's boundaries: Straight
What I am: Azula has always been kind her entire life. Even though she is above everyone else, she cares for those who have less than her. Since everyone in the Solum family is perfectly happy, Azula usually has nothing to do.
Her nature is forgiving and sickly-sweet. No matter what you do, Azula would forgive you of your horrible deeds, even though she hasn't commited one herself. It's so nice, that it almost seems cruel. Her personality is layered in sweet words and charity. Almost like eat sugar for the rest of your life.
To have a future, you must have a past: Azula was the first born child born into the leader's family. Her father was already two hundred thousand years old. By this time, most Celestials became elders, who did almost nothing but fly, or leave the stair and start mortality, which got harder the older one got. Since he didn't have any other choice, his daughter would be leader until a Celestial married into his family. So her father became an elder as soon as she opened he tiny eyes, making a baby the guide for the most elite clan to ever step upon the stair.
Some people worried that they should be passed, but most were quite calm. The Solum Family had no one above them to stop them, and almost every other clan was twenty or more steps below them. The one problem was that the Ara Clan, one of the Nobilities, was climbing up, passing Royalties, and make great progress as well. Without the consent of their guide to the stars, the entire clan decided that the Ara leader must be damaged, and that their leader would do it!
So Azula, barely even two years old, was sent down the stairs. She had asked many times how she would get back, for she had not even dove wings yet. Many times she was told one of the warriors would come down to get her.
Then she went down the steps. Each drop was like her heart was imploding, but the landing was falling into a pile of feathers, so she endured it all, all twenty-seven steps down. Azula had to pass several Royal Clans, and sometimes she was chased across a step to the next below. This was quite some pressure for a two year old to handle, and it built up in her small body.
Finally, after fifty days of hard struggle, she had made it to the step the Ara Clan was currently at. She had come during the duel between Maricole and Raiford. Just as she was about to kill Raiford, for she thought he was the leader, Maricole fell over the mortality cliff. People began to congradulat Raiford for becoming the leader. Azula realized that to fufill her duty, two people must endure mortality. This was to much on her kind little heart. She went to the edge, and sobbed horribly. It felt as if the pressure was crushing her soul, and in truth, it was breaking her bones and squeezing her heart.
Then Maricole flew back up, without having wings when he went down. Again, the battle raged between the two Celestials, but this time, the younger one had the upper hand. She watched the two fight it out, and young Maricole won. But Azula noticed something everyone else ignored; Raiford had hacked out Maricole's left eye. She ran up to the new Ara clan leader, and tore off the hem of dress to make a bandage. Then he was rushed off to be repaired.
On her first mission, Azula had failed. Her clan was furious, so much that they didn't even send someone to get Azula. This tipped her over the edge. Her wings burst out, for the pressure that had built up were her wings growing early, but when the tore out of her back, they split into three. So Azula's had three pairs of wings about two feet long each. Now she could get home one her own, and since she had three pairs of wings, she got home within the year.
Amazed when she arrived home, still only two years old, with wings of a Celestial that was four hundred years old, at three pairs at that! Azula was now worshiped as
a reincarnation of Ophian, the legendary Celestial who married an Angel and grew two extra pairs of wings to stay with her husband. Never again was Azula sent to do such easy work as like assassinating another leader. The only thing she was in charge of moving them up the last thousand steps.
But she never really paid attention to what she was doing. Even so, she whipped her entire clan up twenty-two steps a year, just like she had to endure at the age of two. The only problem she had was that she had fallen in love, with the boy she was supposed to kill.
By the time she was five hundred, she couldn't stop thinking about him. It was as if she had a love disease. Her clan chose her husband, and they made vows, Azula's mind wandering far away. Finally, after five celestial years, the Solum clan had a male leader, as needed, but instead of heading up, Ickiru, Azula's spouse, didn't leave the step. He told everyone that no one would ever catch up, not even the Ara clan! They were, in fact, one hudred thrity-five step above the second highest clan! How would they ever catch up in one leader's lifetime? The clan agreed with him, and ever since, they have been resting their tired wings upon the step.
Azula hated this idea, but maybe, just maybe, her lover would one day find her up there if they stayed long enough. So she waits, forever in love with someone who should have been human and dead by then. She would've been with him in a heartbeat if she wasn't chained to her clan.
The song I sing in my heart:
それでも人形 - Still Doll
Everyday, I look into a mirror, and this is what I see:

Tiolas Family
I am know as: Tengu Tiolas; The Worst Celestial ever Born; The Greatest Outlaw of the Stair.
I have many years of experience:Nine hundred twelve
Who I shall love, it has its boundaries:Bisexual
What I am:With his careless attitude, most Celestials say he would be the easiest criminal to catch. They are all dead wrong. When it comes down to business, Tengu doesn't play around. It doesn't matter if he's cornered on the mortality edge or if thousands of highly trained warriors are coming at him with ancient swords of Celestial; he gets what he wants when he wants it.
But underneath this kick-but attitude, Tengu is actually a very romantic person. During his spare time, he listens, from afar, to the singing choirs. And that romantic sweetness shows to people he is close to.
To have a future, you must have a past:Before we talk about Tengu, you must know the past of his parents. His father was a human pauper, a mere mortal man. All he did was live in the grime of lower Athens, Greece. He was a thief, and a good one at that.
His mother, बतख, was completely different, well, partially. She also was of a very low rank, but she was thousands of time, no millions, trillions of times better than Tengu's father, Nathan. She was an Angel who lived high in the stars. For some reason, she fell from her home. It is impossible for an Angel, even one so low of a rank as she was, to become mortal, or even Celestial if they fell. Their wings are so powerful that it's impossible, even if they fall all the way to Earth, for them to take longer than a day to get back up.
When बतख fell, only Nathan saw her plummet out of the sky, her glorious wings furled out behind her. Miraculously, he caught her before she smashed against the cold ground. What a gorgeous woman he had found. Any normal man would've raped such a heavenly creature, but Nathan was a normal man. He waited for बतख to wake, and when she did, she was amazed that this man had waited for her. It is said that if you help an Angel, you shall get whatever your heart desires in return; Nathan asked that he and बतख should be together forever.
So she became a Fallen, an angel who doesn't return to the stars. They came together in Holy Matrimony, and together, they bore a son, Tengu. But if you pour the great power of an Fallen into a mortal body, the child shall suffer.
Once little Tengu, knew as Lucas at the time, opened his mortal eyes, he saw life in the stars. It was too glorious for a human to endure. His body was contorted into many different shapes, rearranging his bones, his organs, even his atomic structure. No longer was he a human, nor was he an Angel. The median, a Celestial, was now what he was, and now his life was dedicated to living in the stars.
He tore himself from his mother's arms, and jumped high into the sky. And the angelic power inside of him carried him up to the lowest step. बतख, being a Fallen, could no longer fly, so all the two could do was watch their only son disappear into the sky. With no wings and no clan, Tengu was the only Celestial in the entire universe on the first step in a novemdecillion years. The closest clan was more than a nonillion steps above him, and without a clan, young Tengu was sure to die. But a Celestial cannot die. Then can only become mortal, then join the world of death. An Angel cannot become a mortal to die, only a Fallen, but they must start from the stars to become a Fallen. So over again and again, he suffered a fate worse than death: a life writhing in pain, a mortal changing from an Angel and back to a human again for his entire life. Not until his wing grew in did this pain end. Forever more, he was a Celestial.
Still, he had no clan. All he could do, was to follow his father, and become a thief. He stole swords, clothing, and the tools Celestials used to keep their wings clean. Tengu was his own clan by himself, one that fought other clans in entirety and defeated other clans and went up the steps.
Against all odds, Tengu had a very sucessful clan. The young children kept up; the elders didn't fly slowly. Progress up the stairs was perfectly to his standards, but only because he was his clan. Every once in a while, a Celestial is in dire need of his services, such as kidnapping or clearing a step.
The song I sing in my heart:
天体交響楽団 - Celestial Symphony
Everyday, I look into a mirror, and this is what I see:

I have many years of experience:Nine hundred twelve
Who I shall love, it has its boundaries:Bisexual
What I am:With his careless attitude, most Celestials say he would be the easiest criminal to catch. They are all dead wrong. When it comes down to business, Tengu doesn't play around. It doesn't matter if he's cornered on the mortality edge or if thousands of highly trained warriors are coming at him with ancient swords of Celestial; he gets what he wants when he wants it.
But underneath this kick-but attitude, Tengu is actually a very romantic person. During his spare time, he listens, from afar, to the singing choirs. And that romantic sweetness shows to people he is close to.
To have a future, you must have a past:Before we talk about Tengu, you must know the past of his parents. His father was a human pauper, a mere mortal man. All he did was live in the grime of lower Athens, Greece. He was a thief, and a good one at that.
His mother, बतख, was completely different, well, partially. She also was of a very low rank, but she was thousands of time, no millions, trillions of times better than Tengu's father, Nathan. She was an Angel who lived high in the stars. For some reason, she fell from her home. It is impossible for an Angel, even one so low of a rank as she was, to become mortal, or even Celestial if they fell. Their wings are so powerful that it's impossible, even if they fall all the way to Earth, for them to take longer than a day to get back up.
When बतख fell, only Nathan saw her plummet out of the sky, her glorious wings furled out behind her. Miraculously, he caught her before she smashed against the cold ground. What a gorgeous woman he had found. Any normal man would've raped such a heavenly creature, but Nathan was a normal man. He waited for बतख to wake, and when she did, she was amazed that this man had waited for her. It is said that if you help an Angel, you shall get whatever your heart desires in return; Nathan asked that he and बतख should be together forever.
So she became a Fallen, an angel who doesn't return to the stars. They came together in Holy Matrimony, and together, they bore a son, Tengu. But if you pour the great power of an Fallen into a mortal body, the child shall suffer.
Once little Tengu, knew as Lucas at the time, opened his mortal eyes, he saw life in the stars. It was too glorious for a human to endure. His body was contorted into many different shapes, rearranging his bones, his organs, even his atomic structure. No longer was he a human, nor was he an Angel. The median, a Celestial, was now what he was, and now his life was dedicated to living in the stars.
He tore himself from his mother's arms, and jumped high into the sky. And the angelic power inside of him carried him up to the lowest step. बतख, being a Fallen, could no longer fly, so all the two could do was watch their only son disappear into the sky. With no wings and no clan, Tengu was the only Celestial in the entire universe on the first step in a novemdecillion years. The closest clan was more than a nonillion steps above him, and without a clan, young Tengu was sure to die. But a Celestial cannot die. Then can only become mortal, then join the world of death. An Angel cannot become a mortal to die, only a Fallen, but they must start from the stars to become a Fallen. So over again and again, he suffered a fate worse than death: a life writhing in pain, a mortal changing from an Angel and back to a human again for his entire life. Not until his wing grew in did this pain end. Forever more, he was a Celestial.
Still, he had no clan. All he could do, was to follow his father, and become a thief. He stole swords, clothing, and the tools Celestials used to keep their wings clean. Tengu was his own clan by himself, one that fought other clans in entirety and defeated other clans and went up the steps.
Against all odds, Tengu had a very sucessful clan. The young children kept up; the elders didn't fly slowly. Progress up the stairs was perfectly to his standards, but only because he was his clan. Every once in a while, a Celestial is in dire need of his services, such as kidnapping or clearing a step.
The song I sing in my heart:
天体交響楽団 - Celestial Symphony
Everyday, I look into a mirror, and this is what I see: