When I do sleep deepily
I tend to have some pretty odd dreams.......that are repeative ones were I can`t speficly explain were I am........this time I was in some type of odd school like building or some type of parking lot as it coutined I found myself in a very gloomy sorta`ve place...that was off limits to everyone else and I was being awfully bold going into what looked like a old broken down house that I swore I`ve see before there were like two rooms..or something.....and I went into one to find someone waiting for me..... she kept getting mad that I was in the house but told me I was bold for doing it before she suddenly went outside..once she was outside she told me to be careful and I was standing by some weird mail box......she suddenly splinted into her house and closed the door with a slam......which infact was more like a big metal door that came down. I was suddenly scared.......then I remembered the best place to hide so I hid in there as a toy like donolid duck...intill someone found me still thinking I was the toy....he looked like someone from a weird cartoon....Greedy guts or something.......then it ended.....x.x\\
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