
Ashes crumbled at the end of the paper stick, filled with tobacco and nothing less. Hell, there wasn't even a filter to save the user, for he had no need. Goggles showed no sign that the man even had eyes behind them, but simply black as night glass shields that prevented eye contact. Behind these goggles was the man named Craig. With a small smirk on the end of his lips, a simple breath in and out created a small puff in the air ahead of his stick of drug. Cool eyes hid behind the dark glass as Craig pushed himself off the boulder he was laying on with one swift motion. Standing on his feet, he now placed his hands at the end of his hips, looking out to the lit town ahead. Raising his hand, the thought of what to do crossed his mind as he took the tobacco stick from his mouth and threw it to the ground with one disowning toss. "Such a huge town... nothing to do... A shame, honestly," He muttered to himself, giving a slight shrug as he almost laughed at his sarcasm. Honestly he could not care less if there was something to do or not. All that he could have his mind focused on now was the lovely ladies down below him, most likely swooning over his name. His eyes closing behind the dark glass, he gave a smirk along with one slight chuckle as he placed his hands at the back of his neck. The moment was awkwardly peacefull, and what was even stranger was that he was enjoying it. Inside the man there seemed to be a quiet person, and a very restless one. Though for George's sake, Craig could never control which one was out. The thought of that made Craig question if he had some mental illness, though that thought quickly was erased from his mind. Now more questions of where George was off to was used as a filler for his thoughts. "Where is that man, anyways...?" Arose the voice, slightly irritated that his friend was not by his side as usual.
Behind the dark glass covering his eyes, Craig closed his eyes to slits, looking down to his feet as he kicked a small rock a few feet flying ahead. His arms still were up in the air, hands warpped around the back of his neck. With almost a glare at the rock ahead, the feeling of someone watching him had entered his instincts. Deciding to not turn around, he looked up at ahead of him first, to decide if the person, or thing, was ahead. Though soon he rolled his eyes, noticing that there was no one there. Not wanting to look suspicious to the eyes that were peering him down, he simply kicked another rock, counting down in his mind. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... Then with that, his hands were down at his side, unhooking the holsters for his weapons, and his body turned. As if to show how well he was in sync with himself, the moment he faced the back of him, his hands held out two handguns ahead, aiming in the two dirrections he thought there were eyes watching. To his surprise, there was a woman there, standing, not five feet from him. Furrowing his brows in confusion, he tilted his head to the side, staring at the young beauty. Craig's eyes scrutinized this girl, taking in the frightened expression on her face, as well as the beautiful colors of the blond hair that reached far down her back.
"I-I'm sorry I snuck up on you, I just wanted to introduce myself..." Said the young beauty. Noticing the fear in her eyes, Craig nodded, looking down to his guns that were still pointed at her. With a small laugh at himself, he placed them back at his side, then inside the holsters.
"Then go on. What is your name, Beautiful?" Craig asked, his hands slightly weaving in the belts that strapped across his thigh. Eyes focused on the young woman, she would not be able to see exactly where he focused on her, which he did not mind at all. The dark blue eyes behind the dark glass had continued to search her body without any sign of doing so. The girl slightly shifted her weight as she stood a little ways away from him, obviously getting a little intimidated by the large goggles that shielded Craig's eyes from others'.
"My name is... it's Jennifer..." Explained the young girl. Trying not to smirk, Craig watched carefully as she began to come closer, beginning to question what exactly this girl's motives were. "I just got to town..." Jennifer began nervously, "And I've heard... many rumors of you..."
This led to a smirk on Craig's lips as he could not hold it in any longer. The look in the girl's eyes had informed him she knew how well known he was around the town. Finding it somewhat amusing that she had already gotten word and that she was now in front of him, he gave a slight nod to the girl. "Good, I hope," Said the man, now finding the girl within arm's distance.