Hey! It's my first time keeping a journal, but with 2010 here I plan to keep one. I'm working on a few stories, so I may post the plots here, but doubt it since I'm always scared that people will steal it. I'll more then likely post poems and rando
a little blurb cuz I'm bored...
Well...still failing my new years resolution, but I do EVERY year, so that's not surprising! I also discovered a new movie (well, new to me!) Chicago! It's great! I love it, but I also like a lot of musicals. Other then that, I got a lot done today. Got my OSAP (money for college), my IEP in (I'm half deaf), and dealed with Bell today...my advice peoples...don't go with Bell.
I also realized that I never explained who I am...Well, other then what in my profile pagey thing, I'm brown eyed, brown hair, short, and...well, common. Not much really to say. I like reading, writing, MSNing, drawing, "and all that Jazz."
I also watched Brokeback Mountain today. I don't understand the purpose of electric knives to cut turkey. To me that's just laziness. I also don't understand the purpose of this green happy face...I would never use it. mrgreen ...but anyway!