Purple,Yellow,Blue,Red,Green.My room is a rainbow.My clothes are a rainbow.My heart is a rainbow.My life is a rainbow.
*Chorus*Red,White,Brown,Green,Pink,and Peach. Rainbows are as bright as light. Gray,Black,Purple,Red,Brown. Rainbows are as dark as dawns.
I believe the rainbow has a pot at the end. follow the rainbow and youll find gold,a pot of gold. Rainbows have gold,pots of go-oh-old.
Trace the rainbow, Taste the rainbow, Waste the rainbow, Put lace on the rainbow. A rainbow of M&Ms, A rainbow of SKITTLES, A rainbow of STARBURSTS.
When you see a rainbow it means the stars have bursts to make a smile upon your heart.
The rainbow makes me think of the weeks that we were in love,you know, my darling...He and I...