I know what i am about to say is some what werid to wirte about, and people may all ready know. In the last week i've come to find out that friends are willing to help you, people still march to whats right in this world, and the smallest things are to stupid to get upset about. Let me go back to the start of last week.
My birthday was two days ago and so about a week ago i asked a few friends to help me prep, i was honestily exsicted but at the same time scared that this party was going to fail. You see my xbox 360 went and broke (thanks to my brother trying to fix HIS xbox 360 himself). So now all i have is my xbox 360 which is great, but it seems like no one ever likes the classics any more. Anyway, My friends which i had also invited were still mabyes. The friend which i asked if he could bring his xbox 360 if he could, got grounded and the whole chain seemed to be weakening. Butthen a glimer of hope happened, my friend coral invited this friend who i wanted to ask to join us but i couldn't ask her without the boy friend (HOLD ON KEEP READING) Because the party was limited to only 12 people, and the guys a jack a** >.> atleast whe pulls being that off. Anyway my friend got her to come, every invite i sent out came back exsept for two people who i knew wern't going to show, but thats ok because im glad i can still have them as my friends anyway. My other friend also almost didnt make it but he came withhis extra guitar and xbox 360 and my friend aurstin also brought his xbox 360, so now im up to 3 xbox, 8 out of 10 controllers that i needed and have every thing thats a multiplayer and doubles of so we can system link. Id also like to thank my older brother, even if i don't always get along with him. He did bring a 3rd copy of halo 3 from a friend who lives miles away. Mybrother may seem like a a** but i know he does mean good at times. It turned out we had all thegames, food, and soda that we needed and by the end of yesterday around 8:00 a.m. everyone was finally asleep yes i do mean A.M. the next day. also by 5:00 p.m. every one was home and said they all had a good time. SO i also had a good time and had fun, im judt do glad everyone else did.
Also will i have your attention i do want to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday, and if you forgot to dont worry it's ok i know you did ^-^, and im glad everyone understood how busy i was.
For a while back i was wondering if anyone every talks about the right thigns in life or stands up for what they belive in. But thanks to my friends and wonderful girlfriend, who I love both, they showed me that the world still does good. My girlfriend showed me that world can still be a better place if just alittle more in life. SHe has grown up each day and taught me lessons that i am and still will be learning about. She is a strong woman and a great leader and i hope that she becomes the best that she can be, shes onto a great start. My other friend who has been on and off a rough start is starting to move up and get better in her own life, i Know shes sometimes shes scared that shecant do things (atleast she was before) but i know shes just trying to live and i will be there for her when and where she needs me. She has marched on to her own beat and she is fighting for the right cause. I will be behind both of these women and all of my friends that need me to help them.
I like to say to anyone who reads this that yes thigns may get ahrd but we are all can stand toghter and we can help each other work for better lives togther.
These are both the women im talking about...
my girlfriend: Whitney - vice prident of Fannin, Northwest Georgia Regional Youth Council (N.G.R.Y.C.) and also prolife movement.
My closest friend: Kaitlyn - March for equal rights and the fight against the anti-gay laws in Uganda.
These are just a few of their achievements.
Both are strong women and bless them both, We all have our own belifes and goals in life, so work togther to fight for them.
Also i like to say sorry to everyone who ive attacked in the last couple of weeks, ive just been exsited and wanted the best of the day but god bless them for what theyhave done... i know thats short but i will type more adventually... thank you all for your time reading this.
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