Mia (on the left) & Tia (on the right) Winters
We look 16 but we are much older...
We are often called Sirens but we prefer the term "Charmers"
They are both heterosexual but they can be very open with themselves.
Mia & Tia were born into a very wealthy and powerful family in Europe. Their parents were a powerful couple that ruled their kingdom with an iron fist, and any who opposed them were never to be found again. When the twins were born, their mother taught them how to use their magical abilities to charm and seduce anyone. After the twins successfully gained control of their power, they were able to charm their entire kingdom. Their parents couldn't have been prouder of the twins. After word got out about the two, everyone wanted to marry them and use them for evil intentions which led to a war between kingdoms, including their own. Mia & Tia had to step up to the plate and once they began to sing, all the soldiers ceased to a halt and became loyal to them. That day, other rulers started to fear the twins and knew that something had to be done if they wanted to keep their thrones. All then kingdoms then formed an alliance and decided what must be done.
They sent assassins to kill the twins, but they were only able to kill their parents . Struck with anger and grief, the twins rushed into battle to kill the attackers but were knocked out. While the two slept, the assassins realized that the two were to pretty and rare to be killed off, so they did the next best thing to earn a pretty penny. Yup, you guessed it. The twins were sold into Slavery! When Mia awoke, she found herself bound and chained. When Mia started looking around for Tia, the girl saw that her sister was being sold off and taken away by some man. Mia blacked out and lost control and what proved in history to be the most violent beating in a life time. After Mia woke up from her rage, she found herself next to her sister. Though the two were being sent to another shop, they were glad that they were together instead of being sold off separately.