My name is Anastasia.
I'm a female.
I am a [[don't know yet!]]
I am 16 years old.
Born in Paris, Italy.
My parents died mysteriously when I was 10, and I was left all alone. I attended public schools in San Francisco, California in America for 5 years. Everyone called me a freak, and made me an outcast. They only partially knew what I was capable of. In school I only had one friend named Penny. One friend, out of the near 20,000 kids of all the schools combined. Penny wanted to know more about my powers. She had only heard briefly about them through a rumor.
One day, a girl named Vanessa asked Penny to do all her week's worth of homework for her. Penny refused, and Vanessa started hitting Penny. This enraged me. Vanessa didn't come close to even raising her hand at me before she felt a hand tighten on her neck. I had frozen Vanessa's veins, stopping bloodflow. Before anyone noticed what had happened, I was long gone and Penny was no where to be seen.
I found an abandoned building just past the outskirts of the town. Penny visited when time permitted, mostly for when her parents were out on vacation. Vanessa's best friend got wind of my location, and gathered up some friends to avenge Vanessa. I fought them all off without a scratch, but I didn't notice that Penny had been trying to help, or her many wounds. One of the henchmen in the group stabbed Penny, and she was just barely holding on with only minutes left.
That day, Penny died in my arms. It is one of my most painful memories. I had to get out of that town.
A boat was leaving to begin a random journey and I hopped on, unseen. My guardian, Castiel, and I wandered around in search of a home. We finally came across the Tsukimori Manor and hoped to be taken in with open arms.
People say I am...
Overall -- sweet. All the painful memories of my past are locked up in the depths of my mind.
Only certain things or conversations can resurface them. If I'm set off, it won't be pretty.
More to come.
[In the RP and here!]
I can't wait to take
Astrology, Magic, and my core classes.
Bow and arrow skilled marks[wo]man.
I carry darts in a small case.
They are dipped in poison which I use on enemies for either killing them or stunning them to get vital information.
I can heal anyone and anything/works with nature.
Works with ice/water.
*Can create flowers and such out of thin air.*
Flower Meanings
Red - Love
Blue - New Beginning
White - Peace
-- xXI Anastasia IXx controls me. --
-- I am straight! --
-- I live in dorm number 7. --
-- People think I sound like an angel. --
-- This song always wants me want to cry: Once Apon A December --
-- My best little friend is Castiel. We grew up together. --
He is very protective of me and will do anything to keep me safe and out of harm's way.
*Ignore the raven*

I am a small girl with small features. I am *MUCH* stronger then I look!
My eyes are a brilliant green and my skin is tanned.