[ a ] b o u t Y o u darlin'
1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. How many friends do you have?
4. What kind of music do you listen to?
5. Are you normal?
6. Are you popular at school?
7. Are you smart?
8. How many brothers or sisters do you have?
9. Do you live with you mommy or your daddy?
10. Are you special?
[ j ] u s t A L i t t l e deeper
11. Do you have a boyfriend?
12. Are you in love?
13. Do you hate anyone?
14. List five ( 5 ) things that disgust you.
15. What color are your eyes?
16. What color is your hair?
17. What is you religion?
18. Why are you that religion?
19. Are your parents the same religion are you are?
20. How are your grades in school?
[ m ] o r e P e r s o n a l
21. Do you sleep with the lights on or off?
22. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
23. Can you sleep with the doors closed?
24. What scares you at night?
25. Have you ever woken with a person watching you at night?
26. Do you have dreams about the ones you love?
27. Ever have fantasies while dreaming?
28. Do you have dreams at night?
29. Are you afraid to be alone at night?
30. Would you die for the person you loved?
[ C ] a n Y o u B e l i v e T h i s ?
31. How often are you scared?
32. How hard is it to admit that your ever scared?
33. Have you ever felt like your falling into a dark abis?
34. Has you world ever came crashing down around you?
35. Have you ever tried drugs?
36. Have you ever lost a best friend over something riduculous?
37. Have you ever cheated on a love one?
38. Have you ever threatened anyone you care about?
39. Have you ever watched someone collapse to the ground?
40. Does your life ever feel like a nightmare you cant wake up from?
[ i ] h a v e n ' t Y e t W o k e n U p !
41. Have you screamed " I hate you! "
42. Do you have anything you regret?
43. What do you regret?
44. have you ever said " I love you." and didnt mean it?
45. Can you ever forgive yourself with certain things?
46. Do you belive in " Love at First Sight" ?
47. Are you scared of clowns?
48. Do you belive in vampires?
49. Are Scary things always scary?
50. Have you ever looked at something in complete utter disgust?
[ d ] o Y o u E v e n C a r e A n y m o r e ? !
51. Have you ever watched some thing being born?
52. Have you ever watch something die?
53. Have you Screamed at the top of your lungs?
54. Have you ever paniced?
55. Do you relize everything around you?
56. Do you ever wish you were older?
57.Try to scream, tell me what happens.
58. What do you want to do when your older?
59. Do you have a bucket list?
60. Tell me your dream.
[ S ] t o p A n d P a n i c !
61.How often do you shave?
62.When was the last time you brushed your teeth?
63.How ofter do you shower?
64.Does you lover ever tell you that you smell raunchy?
65. Do you drink coffee?
66. Are you short?
67. How tall are you?
68. Are you a boy or a girl?
69. To you wear alot of pink?
70. Do you know who I am?
[ J ] u s t L i s t e n !
71. Do you know how many days are in a year?
72. What's the square root of 12?
73. What is 6 divided by 2?
74. What is an interger?
75. What is a prime number?
76. What is an composite number?
77. How many bottle of beer have you had today?
78. Are you hungover?
79.How many times have you snuck out of your house this year?
80. Do you know what skeet skeet is?
[ Y ] o u r J u s t L i k e A P i l l
81.What is Salivia?
82. Are you emo?
83.Are you sure?
84.Are you positive?
85.Do you have a cellphone?
86.Name one porn site. x3
87.Name 5 chinese resturants in same post.
88. Do you belive in magic?
89.Are you wierd?
90.Are you sure?
[ R ] u n A s F a s t A s Y o u C a n ! ?
91.Is this easy enough?
92.Since your this far already, are you happy your almost done?
93.Do you want your name to be posted for finishing this quiz?
94.I belive Robots are awsome, Do you?
95.Is this boring?
96.Are you having fun?
97.Are you tired yet?
98.Are you sure?
99.How much gold do you have now?
100.Are you happy your done?
HaHa, JustKidding You, There's Alot More((:
[ D ] o Y o u L i k e Any ? ? ?
( say yes or No )
101. Tarzan?
102. Pizza?
103. Cheese?
104. Ice Cream?
105. Harry Potter?
106. Lord of the Rings?
107. A Series of Unfortunate Events?
108. Dogs?
109. Fish?
110. 50 Cent?
110. Gaia?
111. Chatter box forum
112. Rap?
113. Country?
114. Hip Hop?
[ W ] o u l d Y o u , [ C ] o u l d Y o u ?
( Yes or No )
115. Fly?
116. Breathe Under Water?
117. Stop these Questions?
118. Be a super hero?
119. be invisible
120. run at the speed of light?
121. Do something you've never done?
122. Have a magic ability?
123. Be a superheroes sidekick?
124. Walk in someone elses shoes?
125. Make world peace?
126. End world hunger?
127. Make the hungry not hungry?
128. Find a cure for an incurable disease?
129. Hire a maid to clean your room?
[ B ] a c k T o B a s i c s
130. Can you do back flips?
131. Have you ever seen a fairy?
132. Would you walk 100miles to see someone you love for 20 minutes
133. Are you going to keep going?
134. Describe your perfect date.
135. Have you ever smoked pot?
136. If you had a chance to go on a trip where would it be to?
137. Do you believe in love at first sight?
138. What's your lest favorite chore?
139. Do you even have chores?
140. How much gold do you think you would have if you never bought anything?
141. What's your Gaian Username?
142. How much gold do you have?
143. What does your dream avi have on it?
144. Do you drink alcohol?
145. What is your Mom's middle name?
146. What is your Dad's first name?
147. What month where you born in?
148. Name the 7th month.
149. What do your parents call your Grandma?
150. Do you wear diapers?
151. Do you like KiKi Kitty's?
152. Have you ever slept with a blankie?
153. What age where you when you stopped wetting the bed?
154. How did you find out Gaia was a site?
155. Are you active?
156. How much gold do you have?
157. How much more gold do you have now? (do the math!)
158. Are you doing these in separate posts? ((you better))
159. What is your favorite kind of dog?
160. What is your favorite website?
161. Type a random word.
162. Do you think the end is coming up?
163. Do you have a mule?
164. Have you ever kissed a big spider?
165. Do you donate to your friends?
166. What is your favorite letter?
167. Where is your computer located?
168. Have you ever choked on a gumball?
169. Have you ever got stung by a bee?
170. Have you ever had warts?
171. Have you ever had zits?
172. Do you use face cleanser?
173. If you do is it clean and clear?
174. Have you ever had a accident in your bed after the age of 10?
175. Have you ever sneaked into a movie without buying a ticket?
176. Have you ever hacked someones account?
177. Have you ever talked to yourself out loud in school?
178. Have you ever got coal for Christmas?
179. Have you ever accidently flushed your favorite thing in a toilet?
180. After Christmas or Easter, have you ever seen Santa's or the Easter Bunny's footprints around the house?
181. Have you ever slept with a blankie?
182. Have you ever punched your mom or dad?
183. Have you ever seen a UFO?
184. Would you rather freeze to death or burn to death?
185. How long are your showers?
186. Do you like getting mail?
187. Do you like cheese?
188. how many posts do you post a day?
189. Bump once
190. Can you dive?
191. Whats your worst fear?
192. Do you like someone?
193. Whats their name?
194. Are you in love?
195. Do you believe in love?
196. What do you like most about Gaia?
197. Whats the scariest thing you've done?
198. Are you listening to music right now?
199. If so, what kind?
200. Do you know how many pints are in a gallon?
201. Do you hate me for typing so many questions yet?
203.Have you ever seen a squirrel?
204 How much gold do you have now?
205.Doyou believe in Faires?
206. How much more do you think youll get?
207.Why did you choose that user name?
208. So, are you gonna stick around to get in the Hall of fame?
209. Take the poll if you havent already.
210. Are you observant?
211. Positive or negative?
212. Do you have more gaia friends then real life friends?
213. Do you remember what question 12 was?
214. Do you like the movie Napoleon Dynamite?
215. What is your favorite website?
216. Is this quiz stupid?
217. Is it getting boring?
218. What is your favorite cereal?
219. Can you force yourself to burp?
220. Where would you like to go in the world?
221. What are you going to do when you finish this quiz?
222. What time is it now?
223. What time did you start this quiz?
224. What time do you think you'll finish?
225. Did you know that it is not even half over yet?
226. Have you done things you wish you could take back?
227. Do you wish some people could just go away?
228. Do you ever wish time could stop?
229. Do you wish I would just go away?
230. How much gold do you have now?
231. Do you like family guy?
232. Have you seen corpse bride yet?
233. If not, Do you want to?
234. Do you like turtles/?
235. Do you hate babies?
236. Name one thing you can't stand about people?
237. Name one thing you can't stand about media?
238. Are you drinking anything right now?
239. If so what
240. Have you ever eatenA worm?
241. I like ladybugs
View User's Journal
My Pensieve
Warning: Journal may contain funny things that may bring you to tears, or sad things that may just as well bring you to tears, and perhaps some truth that may also bring you to your knees. Viewer discretion is advised, if you are boring, ignorant, or
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