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"oh where the road of life may take us, and we shall stand together side by side, a family united, not by blood, but by the moon"
"charles...." she said and took another moment to calm herself before telling nuri what had transpired. "he is complaining about this exorcist girl we work with...i'm not privy to the information about her....all i know is the uppers keep a close eye on her and she keeps a close eye on your family....her name's iku" bell told nuri about the strange small girl. she wasn't lying about the back knowledge either, because the order pretty much kept it under wraps with the exception of charles, her partner, so to speak.

"then....how about we make some time for you two to be alone?....addie...you can't remember it right now...but you used to be able to open a portal into a 'dream world' where you two used to sneak off to be alone...one time when you were really hurt you two went there....that was right around when you and i found out about our memories if i recall....."

ada said they should make some time to be alone. she promised to help any way she could, then she let addie alone to get some rest, as she went to prepare dinner and take care of the girls.


"thank you gil....she's amazing...and i'm not an idiot...i know how lucky i am....i know she is 'slumming' by choosing me...if she chooses me.....i'm not going to force her to say yes...you know.....she is independent...and if she doesn't want to get married...she doesn't have to choose me...." he started getting a bit nervous now that his secret was out. he didn't know what addie would choose to do.


iku woke a bit later and saw the bathroom door was open. "damn it....he snuck out?! what the hell?...we still have to observe them today...they're ******** living pattern has changed!" she shouted then grabbed her cloak and headed out to observe the family on her own

"Iku!?..." Nuri sat up from his lazy position beside Bell, and stared off at the distance. "...Iku used to be one of us..she was a Noah, but she betrayed us...and killed alot of our family....You should stay away from her...if she'll betray us...she'll betray the order as well...." He warned her.

"...She's dangerous..."


Charles, who had already snuck out a while back, wandered through the streets, far away from the order, and into the cemetery, where a memorial had been placed for Michiyo.

Sitting in front of the stone, her name written over it, he traced over it with his fingers, and he closed his eyes sadly, wishing he could speak to her again....

"....I'm sorry I haven't been around here for so long..you must hate me for not visiting..." Giving a small chuckle, he rested his head on the large rock. He came here every so often he needed to get away from Iku. It was his job to watch over her, and to make sure she didn't stray, but after so many years of being around her, he'd developed the habit of hiding away in this place. "....my new partner...no...this girl I've been forced to work with..is a real handful.." He laughed.


Although Ada had left Addie to rest, and she was indeed tired, she'd gotten her interested in what she'd said. When she used to have all her memories. 'Enough is enough...' she mumbled and, without being seen by even Jacob or the Earl, she too snuck out, leaving only a note on the table beside her bed.

Wandering the streets, she ran across the old mansion. Of course, the exorcists that were patrolling wouldn't recognize her as a noah, they'd only know her as 'Dilia the exorcist girl'. Walking inside the old ruined building, she covered her face with her shirt, already thinking ahead, knowing that even small bits of debris were bad for her and the baby.

She walked over to the old room she had, she wasn't in there for long but she knew where it was, and sat on an old dusty chair, taking a look around, trying to remember anything at all.


Once Ada was in the kitchen (where a good woman belongs) the girls soon followed, and sat on the kitchen stools watching, while she prepared dinner. Gil watched the three before turning back to Jacob, and giving him another pat on the back. " She loves you Jacob....don't be scared...you two are already tied together by something special...."

He hated to admit it, but he knew it was true. He knew that Jacob and Addie were supposed to be together, and if Addie knew and Jacob knew, there would be nothing keeping them from getting married and having as happy ever after as they could manage. "....You let your heart lead you...and you two will stay strong"

He encouraged him, and put the ring back into the shoe box that it had been hidden in, so that the girls wouldn't get to it and play with it.

ada and the girls made dinner, and once everything was prepared they called everyone in to eat. "i texted nuri but he hasn't answered..." gil said, a bit annoyed at his 'brother''s absence. "his loss i suppose" he said with a smile as he thought he'd get an extra serving.

"addie's gone!" jacob said as he ran out of her room with the note in his hand. he grabbed a cloak as he tossed the letter to gil. "i've got to go find her...she could be hurt or in danger"

gil grabbed him before he could leave "jacob wait!" he pulled the cloak away from him. "calm down, i'm sure she is fine...she is disguised as an exorcist remember?"

Nuri's phone did ring, and he looked to it with a groan. He loved his brother, but he didn't want to interrupt the alone time he had with Bell, so he stayed put, deciding to answer it later.

As Charles left the grave site, he found himself in the same mansion that Addie was in, out of sheer coincidence, or because the universe had something against the white haired man named Jacob. Making his way around, he was surprised to see that the exorcist girl Dilia was there as well, and he heard her mumbling to herself.

"....I have to find out how to get my memories back...how to control the powers that used to belong to Road..."

Stepping back, he paused for a moment, not sure of what he had heard, after a while though, he found out enough, enough to ruin the plans, or to make some for himself. Leaving the mansion before he could get caught, the ideas of ways to use the info he had gotten spun through his head over and over again.

when charles returned to the order iku was there, waiting, scowling. she stomped over to him and dragged him up to the common room, where they would be alone, ironically. no one in the order used the common room for relaxation anymore...it was more a place of escape and very few members of the order had time for escaping reality as of the past decade or so.

she slammed the door shut as they entered the room. "WHAT THE HELL!? WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME HERE!??? WHERE DID YOU GO?! YOU KNOW WE HAD RECON TO DO TODAY....THEY CHANGED THEIR PATTERN AND BECAUSE OF YOU WE ARE A DAY BEHIND!" she ranted and shouted until she was too tired and hoarse to continue. she glared at charles as she waited for his explanation.

the whole night passed by. jacob was too worried to eat. he went and sat in addie's room, up all night, awaiting her return. gil and ada put the girls to bed after dinner and then went to have another 'honeymoon' in their own room, not as worried as jacob was because they assumed she just needed some air and time to understand everything.


early the next morning bell showered and dressed as nuri slept on the bed. after a while she walked over to him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "wake up nuri....its morning...your family is going to worry...and if they come looking for you i would rather they know about us before hand....so i don't get killed on the spot...." she teased as she waited for the sleepy man to wake up

Charles stared at her for a long while without saying a word. Time passed, and he continued to stare at her, wondering if he should tell her the information that he'd learned earlier that night. Maybe not.

He turned away from her, and at on a couch seat opposite her, casually just watching her get pissed at him not saying anything. He only wondered how he should take action against the noahs planning in the very order. He watched as she came over, and started yelling at him, he blocked her out completely.

'Hm.....so Dilia is the Noah girl...Addie...I think was her name......there's a ton of possibilities....'

"Hey Iku....tell me more about the Noahs you used to work with....please." He twitched acting politely to her, but knowing what he got from her would be important.


Addie was in the mansion until late..or preferably, early morning, and she came back home, tip-toe-ing through the house, so that she wouldn't be caught. The cat caught her, and gave her a lazy, and long meow. She nudged the animal away, who ran through her room's open door. She gave a small curse, and went in after it.

Finding Jacob asleep on her bed, sitting up against the wall on her bed, and hugging her pillow, she gave a small laugh, and went over to him, giving him a kiss on the forehead, and helping him lean back onto the bed. "...Jack honey...lay down please...?"

Pulling the blanket over him, she pet his hair, and left the room, deciding to go over to his room, since hers was covered in cat fur. Then she lay on the bed, and curled into a deep sleep, tired from all the previous day's goings on. The cat followed her, to lazy to go back to it's kittens at the moment, and layed on the bed at her feet.

Nuri woke up after a bit, and was surprised that it was morning, getting up quickly. Giving Bell a long kiss, he tripped over his feet clumsily as he was running around getting his clothes, which were strewn around the room in every which direction possible, the boxer shorts on the ceiling fan were the hardest to get.

"Bell, ...you mention wanting to get introduced....you want to meet them..?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"w-what?....are...you...serious?" bellisari looked at Nuri like he was crazy. she had one more secret, which could save her life with if need be. she worked with the exorcists but she was in fact supposed to be a neutral party in the war, seeing as she was a member of the bookman family. It was believed that michiru had been the last, but the truth was michiru was only the last of the public family, the family bell belongs to is much more secretive about what they do, which is why she doesn't agree with the exorcists and their actions.

"...d-do you think its......a good idea?....do you think....do you really want me to meet them?" she asked nuri as she looked deep into his eyes.


jacob woke the next morning in the bed with no recollection of how he got there. he walked out into the hall and saw sir callen walking out of his room and down the hall to the kittens. he looked in his room and smiled in relief as he saw addie sleeping in his bed. he stood in the doorway, smiling as he watched her sleeping peacefully.


arisa woke up when sir callen snuck back into the room. she rubbed her sleepy eyes and sat up. she was in her own room and she got out of bed to follow the cat back to play with the kittens. she walked in her parents room, they were both asleep in bed, under the covers ((naked but under sheets)) and she walked over to the kittens who woke and started mewing annoyingly.

At the sound of the mewing, Gil shot up, the blanket almost falling off completely, though not enough to show anything. "THE MONSTERS WERE REAL!?!?!?!?" He yelled, loud enough to wake up anyone in the home,and fell off the side of the bed, of course, on the opposite side where Arisa was at the closet.

When he saw Arisa in the room, his face was crimson, something that hadn' happened in a long time, and his eyes bulged out of his face. He shook Ada awake as he spoke to Arisa.

"..Ah..honey....Arisa...sweetie...my little sweetie pie-sugar plum covered in nothing but sweetness and adorableness....w-what are you doing here....?"

Addie, and the rest of the family, who had woken up, thanks to Gilbert's manly screaming, had a cranky shadow over her eyes, as she caught sight of Jacob standing at the doorway, she wasn't angry at him of course, but waking up while not having a whole night's sleep, didn't do anyone any good. Especially Jacob.

"..." She glared at him, and threw whatever was closest to where she lay at him.

There was clashing in the hallway because of the rude awakenings, and Gilbert's screaming, the noah family once again, started a new day.


Meanwhile, Nuri, who was still with Bell, sat on the bed, she beside him, and he thought about what they were talking about seriously. "...Only if you want....you're important to me...but I don't want you to be in danger....of course....I'd hate for them to attack during a battle....something could happen.....so it's your decision...I'd love for you to meet my family under normal circumstances... now it's harder obviously...but if you want to...I'll protect you"

arisa blinked at her father's screams of fear. "really dad.....come on........." she rolled her eyes and picked one of the kitten up, petting it gently "i'm playing with the kittens...duh" she said and giggled as the kitten yawned cutely at gil. ada kept herself covered up and laughed a bit at her daughter's cocky and cheeky reply/jab at her father. "sweet heart...why don't you go see what the ruckus in the hallway is about..." ada offered arisa something to do, though she knew it was about gil's screaming. "okay mommy...but...can i take cabbage with me?" she asked as she pet the kitten. "w-who is cabbage?" gil asked and ada gave him a small laugh. "yes sweet heart you may take the kitten, cabbage with you" she watched her daughter leave and she and gil quickly dressed, ada laughing at gil all the while.


"h-hey!" jacob said as he caught what addie threw. arisa came skipping down the hall, the kitten safely bundled in her arms. "cabbage woke up....i think cause daddy screamed...and mommy said to see why everyone is making a ruf...rufus?" she said cutely not knowing the word she sought.

"hi arisa...crabby pants kitten over there is just waking up is all" he said, teasing addie a bit and running away quickly to avoid more object missiles coming from his room.


"i-.....i'd..love to meet your family...and if everything goes well....i have something i want to tell you...maybe it'll make your family like me better" she offered as she passed him one of his socks and giggled a bit

Gil got dressed quickly, and pouted at Ada and her laughter. He decided to take a peek as well, but was almost hit in the face with a book, which was from Jacob's room, meaning it was probably dirty.

Addie came out of the room, wobbling, drunk off no sleep, and clung to jacob, "Ah...Jack...Jackers..my little sweet jack rabbit~ " A complete turn of emotions.

Merri, who had also woken up because of the racket, found everyone running around crazily, Addie clinging to Jacob after 3 or so hours of sleep, and Arisa, her older sister, trying to give the kitten a bath in a bowl of milk(because milk is good for the skin mind you). Then there was Ada, trying to calm Gil down, every time a new mew came the mother cat and her babies.

Merri looked down, and picked up the book that Addie had thrown, and looked through it tiredly. "...Mommy...What's a.....blow...job...?"

Everyone paused, to stare at the little girl, then Addie ran off to be sick, morning sickness getting to her finally.

jacob went to follow addie but gil quickly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him into his and ada's room, slamming and locking the door. he twitched in anger and annoyance "...jacob" he said through gritted teeth

ada's face turned bright red, seeing as she'd given gil one last night..... and she took the book quickly out of her daughter's hand. "ummm merri....sweeetie...why don't you help arisa bathe cabbage...because if he isn't clean you won't be able to keep him...." she said hoping to distract the small girl.


bell and nuri headed out to find meet the family together finally


iku looked at charles firmly, then sighed, sat down, and began to tell him about the family when last she'd been in contact with them

Gilbert glared at Jacob. "... WHY DO YOU HAVE THAT THING IN THIS HOUSE!?" He was flushed in the face, and shook jacob desperately. "YOU TAINT ONE DAUGHTER AND TRY TO SOIL THE REST OF THEM!?!?!?...and isn't MY LITTLE ADDIE GOOD ENOUGH!?"

He had tears in his eyes, the morning getting to him, for some reason or another, even Addie taking the morning rush better than he was at the moment.

Merri was, luckily, distracted enough to run over to her sister, and help clean the kitten up, the poor thing meowing loudly for it's mother to take it out of the bowl.

It didn't take too long for Nuri and Bell to get to the house where the ruckus was, being able to tell from a block away which one was theirs.

Through the arguing and screaming, he looked to Bell, "...Ah...well they're..awake...atleast...." He said looking to the door, as if yelling to it through his mind, would make them stop yelling.

Merri and Arisa heard the talking outside the door, somehow amazingly through the sounds of arguing, and complaining about the room spinning.

"HEY! IT'S UNCLE NURI!!" Merri yelled out, waving to him, covered in milk, and splashing a bit around. "Who's the pretty lady~?" She asked curiously.

"Ah..Merri! Arisa!...Why do we come inside...?" He said with a laugh, leading them in, and guiding Bell in as well, his arm around her waist.

Gil, who had looked out the door to see why Merri was yelling about Nuri, and Ada, who had a mop in her arms, trying to clean up the milk, and Jacob, on the floor after Gil had opened the door, but dumbly forgot that he was holding Jacob onto it, all looked up at the new girl, another silence spreading over the home, except for Addie who was still in the bathroom and had nothing to to with the current situation because she was still feeling sickin the bathroom.

jacob looked at the new girl for a moment, taking in any information he thought addie might like to know then snuck away from gil who was still staring at her. he snuck in the bathroom and locked the door so when gil remembered himself he wouldn't be able to get him. "hey kitten..." he said calmly as he sat beside her, his hand on her back to support her a bit. "nuri brought a girl home..." he said teasingly

arisa put the kitten down and sir callen dashed out, picked him up, and ran back to her other kittens, trying to save him from the torture of the little girls. "uncle nuri....she has long hair!...merri we can play with her hair!!!" she said excitedly and ran off to their mothers room with her little sister to get hair supplies.

"u-um..." bell blushed a bit and started pulling her hair straight out of habit. people often commented on her long hair. "....."

"h-hello..." ada said after gathering herself again. "i'm...ada, nuri's..sister in law" she said stepping forward and offering her hand. "i'm bell....nuri's...um...." she didn't really know what they were since they never officially gave what they were a title before. she looked up at nuri for support.

"......Girlfriend." He said to her with a smile, squeezing her hand in his own. "..I thought it would be about time to introduce her to you guys..."

Gil was a bit surprised to say the least, but smiled, happy that Nuri had finally found someone to be with. Taking his hand out as well, he offered it to her, shaking her hand. ""I'm Gil...Nuri's brother...and those two little girls are Merri and Arisa....Ada's and my daughters..our other daughter is a little busy at the moment."

Gil looked to the girls that had come back, and were carrying a large amount of hair supplies for Bell's hair. "Ah..Girls! Please...don't you think you have to ask Ms. Bell first..?"

"WE'LL PLAY WITH YOUR HAIR....PLEASE!?" They said in unison, their eyes large and sparkling.

Addie gave a 'hmph' and looked to the man beside her, and had completely forgotten that he'd seen Bell with Nuri just the day before. "Ah...AH!!" She got up quickly and jumped into the bathtub to hide. "..I can't be seen...."

"w-what?" jacob said and laughed a bit at the girl hiding in the bath tub despite the fact they were locked in the bathroom already. "kitten...don't be ridiculous...she doesn't bite...or...well maybe she does...but i'm sure she won't bite you or anything.

"um...o-okay..." bell said to the girls, still nervous because no one had said anything yet, meaning they didn't know she was an exorcist

Gil did know, but he obviously didn't want to attack or fight anyone in front of his girls. He sat down warily, watching his little girls play with the exorcist's hair, a smile on his face. "So...what is it that brings you here...? Not to say I'm not excited to see Nuri bring home someone so...important to him, but I'm curious to know as to what would bring you to our little knook in the whole of our city....Ms. Bellisari."

Nuri looked to Bell, a nervous look on his face, and looked to Gil, wondering if they should lie or not. The girls had pulled the two of them down to sit, well more specifically, Bell, but Nuri was attached to her at the moment, so he came along as well.

Addie, who had pulled the shower curtain almost all the way, she just taking a small peek through a sliver of gap, pouted at Jacob, at his temporary intelligence. Of course, she blamed it all on lack of sleep, but she climbed out of the bathtub, and went to brush her teeth to get the taste of morning and sickness...and morning sickness, out of her mouth. However, she found it still comforting to sit in the tub, so she did so again, pulling Jacob with her to sit beside her.

She noticed how much bigger than her he was, even when sitting down, and she gave a small smile, realizing they had that time alone she had desired. Knowing Bell wasn't the type of exorcist to attack rashly, Addie knew that everything would be able to be held down at the moment, and she took Jacob's hand, holding it tightly, and smiling even more brightly, like a girl who had just gotten her first kiss from her first boyfriend. Of course, obviously, they were far beyond that now, even if it was in such a large amount of progress, in such a short amount of time.

Still admiring him, a small blush crept onto her cheeks, and a childish grin slid onto her face. She stared at his eyes for a long while, then brought her other hand, the one that wasn't holding his, and creeped it up his arm, and played with his hair. It was soft and messy, but in a good way. "...You're mighty handsome...just felt I needed to say it, you still make me blush like a little girl....."

She wanted to try to ease into the conversation her mother had told her to have with him. What better way, than to tell him how she felt little by little. She wanted to try to make him smile, before going into the serious part of their conversation...


Charles, who had found out all he needed to know, got up, thanking Iku, and wandered around the order, until he made it to Dilia's room and sat on the floor in front of it, thinking long and hard, until he came up with what he needed to. He then promptly stood up,stretched out, a smile on his face, and left the order once again to find the things he needed to accomplish his plan.

A flower shop, just nearby the Order's headquarters, sold flowers, just as he needed them and he bought as many as he could, being well off still from before he was an exorcist, he also ordered for them to be delivered, and with a special note.

'My Dearest Dilia,

Or Addie if you will, won't you please come meet me at the city park by the end of the day, I believe we have something very important to talk about~'

He signed it, and left the store promptly, to gather the other bits he needed to complete the plan.

jacob smiled and kissed addie's hand gingerly. "kitten you are more sleep deprived than you think" he said and gave a happy chuckle at her expense, just enjoying being with her, lucid or not. "....kitten...your beautiful...." he said seriously but with a smile on his face as he looked deep into her eyes.

jacob reached into his pocket and fiddled with the ring he'd grabbed on his way to the bathroom. he didn't pull it out just yet, still nervous she might say no, and sensing she had more to say.
((thats jackers....gonna propose in the bathroom....what a romantic *sarcasm sarcasm*))

bell caught her breath and held a bit tighter to nuri. she hadn't introduced herself by her full name and she knew Gil knew who she was...well to an extent anyway. she wasn't sure if nuri had noticed it too or not. the girls continued playing with her hair. "w-well..." she closed her eyes and took a steadying breath. she figured if she was going to face this family she'd better not be a weak studdering fool in front of them. "actually...things have progressed a lot for nuri and i...we've talked about a lot of things...from your family to my work" she looked gil in the eye as she spoke, trying to be as confident as she could manage. "there are still things we have to learn about one another...but we decided we should make our relationship public...and that would start with me meeting your beautiful family" bell said and smiled at arisa who was braiding the front of her hair. arisa smiled back shyly.

"..." ada could sense there was a hidden meaning in what bell said, and she too had caught gil's use of another name for the girl, making her suspicious. "...gilbert, let's leave these two to the girls while we clean up a bit...if that's alright?" she asked and waited for nuri to nod in approval of the idea. she lead gil to the kitchen and made her way out of hearing range. "what is going on gil....do you know this girl....is she going to hurt nuri?" she asked in hushed tones. though she never said much to nuri she always liked him. he had a way of relaxing situations and ada admired it about him, seeing him like a brother and all.

"nuri...." bell said quietly, questioning without words if he knew that gil knew.

((AHAHAHAHAHA I didn't even notice I used Bellisari.....nice job covering that up even if you didn't notice it yourself~))

Addie rested her head on his shoulder, and continued fiddling with his hand playfully. "...I uhm...I wanna keep going...with what we were talking about yesterday..."

"There's..alot going on and I just wanted to make sure that...you're sure about what you want to do....The baby....and me...you're important to me...and I just don't know...if I'm holding you back....I'm scared...I don't know if I'm ready to be a mother..I don't know if I can take care of another...living being...but I want to know how you feel about this...I don't want to force you into anything you're not ready for... and ..and I don't want to make you feel like you have to stay beside me...You're your own person after all."


"...I don't know.." Gil said suspiciously. "....She's an exorcist, that much I do know...but Nuri obviously seems to know as well..." He continued trying to peek, making sure the girls were alright.

Meanwhile, Nuri only responded to Bell, by nodding to her quietly. He let the little girls continue playing with Bell's hair, all sorts of pretty barrettes and hair clips going into her long and beautiful hair, though the style itself wasn't very organized.

He stood up, and making sure the girls weren't completely torturing Bell, he walked over to where Ada and Gil were talking.

"....I know you know Gil....It's alright! I swear..she knows we're noah..and...it's fine." He said, defending her to the two people he considered close siblings to himself. "She's no danger to any of us I promise. She's fine with me being a Noah, and I'm fine with her being an exorcist..."

ada looked at nuri and then over to bell and the girls who seemed to be enjoying themselves. bell was really good with kids apparently, and they were giggling wildly at something bell had said to them. Bell was smiling too, though she was secretly terrified at the moment nuri had left her side.

"what i'm worried about is why.....nuri why an exorcist?.....and why is she fine with you being a noah and still wanting this relationship" ada asked, suspicious of the new comer. "and why did you bring her here...you must know the danger you've just brought to our family...and what if master earl-...." she shut up at seeing nuri getting a bit upset. "i'm just concerned for the well being of this family nuri...and i'm not sure this is it..." she said quietly and waited for his reaction.


jacob sat and listened next tot he tub where addie had dragged him to sit. at first he wasn't sure what addie planned to do if he said he wasn't okay with everything, because in all honesty he was scared, but that didn't change how he felt about addie or their child. he continued to fiddle with the ring in his pocket.

".....kitten." he took his hand out of his pocket, the ring hidden in his fist, and he turned so he was kneeling, inconspicuously on one knee, facing addie. "....kitten i am scared...in fact, i'm terrified....because of what has happened in the past....i am always worrying about the future...about those i love and care about...and those i will love and care about" he placed his hand that wasn't holding the ring over addie's abdomen even though she didn't have a pregnancy belly yet. "i've lost one child already.....my first child that was supposed to be....and it destroyed me....kitten i don't know how i'll fare losing this one...or losing you......i don't know how i could make it again.....i know its unfair of me to tell you that i don't know how we're going to make it...i've promised you everything will be fine...yet i have no idea how i'm going to make good on that promise...but i am...i am going to make everything right somehow.....but kitten....one thing you should never...never worry about...is if you are holding me back....because before you came into my life i wasn't going anywhere....i wasn't able to move forward...but you pushed me...and because of you i started moving again...progressing....and i know i've come a long way from the whiny little kid i was when we met...even if you don't remember...if you never remember...you need to know i am only who i am because of you....and kitten...you could never hold me back....you....you are my everything....and even if you don't feel the same way...even if you try and turn me away...i'll always be there to offer my hand....to offer my everything for you...." he pulled her hand to his own and lifted it slightly then opened his fist, revealing the ring. he slowly placed it at the tip of her finger "and kitten.....if you would take me....i'll be the one to stand beside you always....or behind you...staring at that cute little tush of yours" he smirked a bit, trying to hide his wild blush.

Nuri frowned at Ada, "It's not like I knew of any of it...I didn't decide to go out with her JUST BECAUSE she was an exorcist...it happened...and I'm kind of..glad it did." He turned away from the two of them, to go back into the kitchen, "...I'm a grown man..and I don't need...approval...I wanted you to meet her...to know what was going on in my life..and to know that I had found someone important to me....just like you and Gil found eachother..and Jacob found Addie...you all fought to get to where you were...and I think Bell and I are strong enough to fight for what we want...."

Shaking his head, he walked back outside to the living room where the girls were, and sat across from Bell, watching the girls enjoying their time playing with the new visitor.


Addie just stared at Jacob for a long while, awe struck, no words coming out of her mouth. Though technically impossible, it was probably about ten minutes before Addie managed to stutter the beginning of Jacob's name, let alone any thing else. "J-J-J-J...."

Her eyes were wide, and she barely even heard the joke he said at the very end, she couldn't even look down at the ring that he had put at the tips of her fingers. Her eyes watered up as she was finally able to move once again, "...Y-Y...You want to..marry...marry me...? I-I...."

In her mind, all the thoughts kept wandering about, and it tried to talk her out of saying yes, but her heart wanted her to say yes. "....Yeah..yes! Jacob I want to marry you"

She gave a girlish laugh, his blush rubbing off on her as well, as she let him slip the ring onto her finger, both their hands shaking noticeably. And giving a small squeal, she wrapped her arms around his neck, and gave him a long kiss on the lips, falling out of the tub, and onto the bathroom floor, a loud crash of things falling down, being heard all around the house.

jacob was nervous as he awaited addie's response and when she said yes and they kissed butterflies jumped about in his stomach. he didn't even notcie as gil, nuri, ada, and the new girl, bell, came to the door and gil kicked it in (thinking jacob was being inappropriate again). he was grinning wildly, even when gil ripped him away from addie (who was on top at the moment) and separated them until he saw the ring on addie's finger and he smiled and pulled jacob into a hug. the entire world seemed muffled as addie's voice replayed again and again in his head. he was lost to his joy until he heard bell and addie scream at the same moment and point at one another

"AH!!!!!!" they shouted in unision.

"dilia?! she's....you're...." bell turned pale white as she pieced together what was happening. she suddenly collapsed, nuri catching her gingerly. ((cause no one has passed out in a while~))

Everyone followed Nuri back into the living room, and watched closely as he rested Bell on the couch gently. There was a small amount of silence, before Addie looked to Nuri, "...Don't tell me she's knocked up too?"

All their sights moved to Nuri, who only blushed and shook his head. "..Shock..just shock."

"I take it 'Dilia' knew Bell at the order...this isn't good...."

"Well...I'm gonna be gone for a while obviously...I'm going to get fat and and..."

"No you're not honey calm down.."

"Why is everyone around Miss Bell?" One of the little girls asked.

"I am too going to get fat! huge!" Addie said, moving over to Jacob happily, and holding his hand tightly with a smile. "We have to get married before any pictures end up with me as a balloon!"

"You're getting MARRIED!?"

And after all the mumbling continued, the Earl walked in and watched with a slight amusement at the going ons. Nuri was on the couch, beside Bell, not noticing the Earl. Addie and Jacob were standing together, looking blissful and happy, Gil and Ada were trying to answer the questions from the little girls, like "What's knocked up?" and "Why didnt' anyone answer my question about Miss Bell?".

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