It's harder than you think!! Here is what you are supposed to do...and please don't spoil the fun...copy and paste into your own note, type in your answers and tag a bunch of people - including me.
Where is your cell phone......................nonexsistent
Your hair........................................ up
Your father.....................................annoying
Your favorite thing............................anime
Your dream last night.........................weird
Your favorite drink............................Dr.Pepper
Your dream/goal...............................Author
The room you are in...........................Livingroom
Your fear.......................................silence
Where do you want to be in 6 years.......Collage
One of your wish list items....................Laptop
Where you grew up............................Everywhere
The last thing you did..........................write
What are you wearing.........................tanktop
Your pets........................................Cat
Your life.........................................boring
Your mood......................................depressed
Missing someone...............................Often
Your car.........................................None
Favorite store..................................HotTopic
Your summer...................................nonexsistent
Your favorite
When is the last time you laughed..........Longlongago
Last time you cried...........................march
Three people who email me.................Janna, Jerry, Megan
Three of my favorite foods...................Stirfry, pocky, Chocolate
Three places I would rather be right now..Japan,Nowhere, Belle
Three people I think will respond............Janna, Jerry, Megan
gaia_nitemareleft Sam Connor gaia_nitemareright
Strife hatred sorrow pain what is that brings these things to final end. Tis ultimately love, that wins the day. For love indeed doth old wounds warmly tend.
Romeo X Juliet
yum_tea emotion_bigvein
Strife hatred sorrow pain what is that brings these things to final end. Tis ultimately love, that wins the day. For love indeed doth old wounds warmly tend.
Romeo X Juliet
yum_tea emotion_bigvein