First rule listed in Art Arena Terms:
1. Flaming and trolling. Not everyone who submits content to the arenas will be creating a masterpiece; there are acceptable ways of pointing this out, such as by politely suggesting improvements. Insulting people for the quality of their work, and other acts of flaming or trolling, cannot be tolerated
Gaia's Rules & Guidelines #3, #4, and #7:
#3: Be Courteous: Please be civil and courteous towards your fellow Gaians. We have a very liberal policy regarding language, but overly abusive language is not permitted. If your post is excessively vulgar, insulting, explicit, or hateful, it may be removed and disciplinary actions may be taken on your account(s).
#4 No Trolling: Posting material that is inflammatory or intended solely to offend or provoke other members is called 'trolling', and is not permitted.
#7:Be Constructive: When commenting on artwork or reviewing web links, please try to be constructive in your criticism or balance criticism with praise. If your comments are excessively insulting or vulgar, action may be taken against your account.
Avatar Talk Forum Rules and Guidelines:
* Flaming & trolling. Posts directed at another member which are hateful, abusive, or intentionally inflammatory are considered flaming. Making intentionally inflammatory or provocative posts to incite responses from other members is considered trolling. Please be considerate when rating avatars. It is okay to give a negative opinion or low rate, but inflammatory remarks and personal attacks will not be tolerated.
The Questions and Assistance:
Abuse and Flaming. Calling other users "stupid", "slow", "retarded", "moronic" or any other kind of abusive behavior does not help in any situation. Other people annoying or offending you does not give you the right to be abusive in return. Having the opinion that not knowing something is "stupid" does not give you permission to abuse the person asking. It only makes you look "stupid." Engaging in abusive behavior can and probably will earn you a warning.