Name: Danica Joy Bride
Age: 24
Nationality: Caucasian - Indian American
Hobbies/Skills: Danica is a good scavenger, and is skilled in brawling. No, not martial arts like you see in the movies. Gettin’ down and dirty, throwing dirt into your opponents eyes and then kicking where it counts, brawling. People who fight fair usually get their asses kicked.
Relationship skills: At first, Danica doesn’t really like anyone. She’s built a shell around herself to protect against unwanted dead weight and losers. However, once she finds someone she’s interested in, she can prove to be a very loyal and capable partner.
Height: 5’6’’
Weight: 112 lbs
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Sandy Brown
Glasses or contact lenses?: Neither, but after a nasty fist fight, Danica’s left eye is brighter than the other.
Mannerisms: Sneers and glares a lot, pops her knuckles an unhealthy amount
Speech patterns: Straight to the point, curse words common
Best quality: Capability to care for herself without help from others
Greatest flaw: Inability to deal with other people for too long. Her claustrophobia.
Educational Background: High School - high marks
Intelligence Level: Average
Character's short-term goals in life: To not die
Character's long-term goals in life: She doesn’t really have any long term goals in life. Live every day as it comes, and you’re lucky if you get to see the next sun rise.
How does Character see himself/herself?: Danica sees herself as a lone wolf who doesn’t need other people.
How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others?: She doesn’t really put much thought into it, and tells herself she doesn’t care. (When really, she makes herself care because she believes she wouldn’t like what other people see in her.)
How self-confident is the character?: Extremely so, almost too much
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof?: Emotion, entirely
What would most embarrass this character?: Weakness, lovey-dovey stuff.
Weaknesses and Strengths: Danica’s greatest strength is also her greatest weakness. She’s very indepenedant and refuses to accept help from other people. Because of this, it’s not often she’s weighed down by weaker people and is always able to keep her eyes on her current goal. Unfortunately, this also means that when the rare occation does come along that she requires some sort of assistance, it’s not there (not that she’d ask for it if it was). Should Danni ever get over-powered or in over her head, she’d have to deal with it by herself.
How does the character deal with anger?: Danica swears and hits things when she’s extremely angry, and just sulks when she’s at a normal level of anger.
With sadness?: If Danica ever caught herself feeling something as useless as sadness, she’d probably just turn it into anger.
With conflict?: She thrives in conflict. It’s easy to feel awesome when everyone is confused or angry, and she’s able to take down an opponent easily (while they stare dumb-struck, because they wouldn’t expect someone so small to be able to fight so well). It gives her an odd sense of power.
With change?: Change is something that happens every day, and Danica usually welcomes it. Life would be boring if it stayed the same all the time.
With loss?: Danica doesn’t deal with loss. She just pushes anything like that to the side and ignores it.
What does the character want out of life?: Danni just wants to survive. It’s all she feels she can do now.
What motivates this character?: Survival instincts
What frightens this character?: The thought that she might not be as thought as she tells herself she is. Tight spaces…Danica is extremely claustrophobic. She also doesn’t like cats.
What makes this character happy?: The odd day or two a month where she gets to sleep a few extra hours longer than usual. Easy, care free days with no trouble.
Is the character judgmental of others?: Extremely so.
Is the character generous or stingy?: Stingy. Get your own stuff, loser.
Is the character generally polite or rude?: It’s not really like Danica is rude on purpose. She just doesn’t bull s**t, and likes to get straight to the point. If that means telling someone that they should screw off and get out of her way, then so be it.