A high pitched keening sounds from a pocket of air the corner as a dark horizontal line appears thin at first, but slowly growing thicker as a distict sound of ripping rings through the air. The noise doesn't grow louder but instead more distorted as a hole opens up in mid-air like a dark soul-less eye blinking into existence. The hole ceases it growing and stand ovular 5'6" by 5'. A pair of pink-ish orange lamplights shine in the dark void as a figure appears and exits, ducking to get his head out.
The boy stands at 5' 7" if not an inch more and his white a ghost's. His ivory hair covering his left eye and gently brushes it aside.
"Where have you sent me Old man..."
He speaks in a calm and cool voice as his eyes scan the grounds before him.
In his left hand he clutches a silver briefcase almost as tall as him.
"Strange...just strange..."
He speaks to himself as he walks silently among the eager masses, his mind scouring those around him like a silent probe. He wasn't looking, only sampling, skimming the topmost thoughts and not going deeper.