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Of Finding Nobody*
Rose and Xeona: Finding Nobody
((*A Collaborative Entry from The Silent Beast and blueaecids rose))

Se'rox was walking somewhat aimlessly still. She had little idea where else to look for Zuchax III, and little will to visit any of her old haunts without first finding him.

She began to hear voices... well, one voice, really. And another set of rustling and breathing that informed her that there was at least two other people here.

"I hope to Kingdom Hearts itself that you are the person I'm looking for!" called a voice from behind her.

Se'rox didn't stop to think what that might mean. She quickly made a portal and hopped out onto a small island.

"Did you hear something, Mr. Paper?" Xeona asked, only to realize that her companion had disappeared as well. "What to do... what to do?"

Xeona looked closer to where the figure she had only briefly seen disappeared to. There was an open portal there.

"Huuuh? I did see something! With Water!" She smiled as she dashed towards the portal.

Xeona tumbled out onto the island and splashed into the water, turning into her mermaid form, which turned her scorpion staff into a Scorpion tail that appeared just above her mermaid tail. "But who made a portal to here?

Back on solid ground, with water aplenty to use for mud, Se'rox stood solidly, waiting for her persuer.

Xeona, swimming around the island, paused and floated slowly in the water. "That doesn't look like Larxene, or Xangord..." she thought.

"I did." Se'rox answered. "And who are you to follow me?" she said cautiously. She realized her persuer had not gone to land as she had hoped.

Xeona paused a bit and thought on how to answer the question, letting her tail touch on the bottom of the ocean, keeping her head above the water. "That's... difficult to answer."

"Is it now? I thought all the Organization Members loved to proclaim their names to all the worlds." Se'rox said distrustfully. She was less certain now that the girl was Organization... but after the encounter with Zexion, who could really tell for sure?

Xeona let out a surprised squeak, blushing a bit before swimming on land to beach herself, transforming back to human. "That place is for people with exceptional powers. I'm not one of them. I hid when they tried to recruit me."

Se'rox frowned, but stood up straigter; letting her gaurd down. "Well, then. Your common sense was right from the beginning. Some of us weren't that lucky, and now have to hide at all costs." Se'rox said with authority. She also noted that the Nobody turned into human, and hadn't been before.

"I can understand the hiding from the Organization thing, especially if you want to keep your powers in check. I couldn't have hid as well if ZuchaX III hadn't helped me. I actually am on his order to find a Se'rox, which as you just said, is you, right?" She paused and sighed. "Is there something on my shoe? You keep looking at it."

"I... " Se'rox muttered. Her breath had caught at the mention of Zuchax III, and she couldn't concentrate on much of anything. She tried to replay the other Nobody's words and make sense of them.

"Your shoe? How would I know, I can't see. Look- you mentioned Zuchax III... you wouldn't happen to know where he is right now, would you?" she said, with a hint of uncharacteristic desperation in her voice.

Xeona blinked very slowly and tapped her foot a bit. "Makes sense then..." She paused. "I might, who the hell are you?"

Se'rox glared towards Xeona, and moved suddenly into a crouch just to lift her hands up again suddenly, fingers spread apart. The sand around Xeona suddenly erupted up into ten-foot tall sand and clay bars, two inches thick and three inches apart. "I happen to be Se'rox Ludiceabes, and Zuchax III is my only priority. Talk. Now."

Xeona would have probably made a mess of herself if she was not too focused on her mission at hand. "Then.. he called for you..." She stood up and grabbed onto a few of the bars, letting her skin ooze out some of the biological poison. "I'm looking for a Se'rox. I apologize for not trusting you with the information. We've had some Nobody troubles ourselves, but not Organization members. Those guys are dead."

"He... called for me?" Se'rox asked, confused. She dropped the clay/sand/mud bars. "What kind of trouble, then? Why did you come to find me and not him?"

"And I hate to tell you this," Se'rox added, "but the Organization is not dead. They're back."

Xeona paused and put a hand out to touch Se'rox, poking her nose. "How could I know he called for you if I wasn't sitting right next to him when he..." She paused, gulping down whatever she was going to say, only to shiver. "They're back. s**t. Then I guess Demyx didn't actually escape his fight with Sora and has been hiding out."

Se'rox was confused by the girl's change of attitude. It was like she knew about... well, the depth of Se'rox's connection to Zuchax III. And she hadn't answered Se'rox's questions. Se'rox shook her head.

"I don't know about that. I know some of them died, but... look, if Zuchax III called for me, and sent you to find me, shouldn't we go back and talk about this with him, too?"

"That's all well and good but, I haven't made the portal yet because..." She paused and tapped her staff on the ground. "I have some pretty terrible news."

Se'rox's face remained completely still, save the lowering of one eyebrow. Her whole body was still, seeming ready to take a blow.

Thoughts raced through Se'rox's mind, ranging from Zuchax III having told this girl that he wanted to kill Se'rox (improbable) to the possibility of him being dead.

Xeona sighed and dismissed her staff, afraid to look Se'rox in the eye, even though she was blind. "ZuchaX III was recently blindsided by someone who... well we don't know who he was, but Z3 ain't doing so hot. In fact, he's probably going to..." She stopped herself and smacked her cheeks. "He'll be fine goddamnit! Positive thinking is all that.." She blushed in mid-rant, forcing herself to do so. "Um, I mean, he's needing some constant watching and medical attention. Really needs all the support he can get. Yeah."

Se'rox didn't move a muscle- just listened intently. As the girl rambled to a stop, the ground under the entire island began to shake.
"Make the portal. Now." Se'rox demanded simply.

Xeona stood stock still, waiting for Se'rox to collapse or at least react in some manner of distraught... only to falter in her stance when Se'rox was so direct. "No wonder he likes you..." She said as she turned around, creating a portal that sprawled out into a lush forest.

Se'rox, not being able to see where the portal led (as always), could at least see where it was. "I'm right behind you." she stated. She was having a hard time not running through the girl into the portal herself.

The ground continued to shake, and was starting to lose it's solid nature.

Xeona nodded and took a step into the portal, falling flat on her face into the semi-muddy ground of Kaku's land. "Riight, all Nobody Portals to his place are direct." Xeona pushed herself out of the mud and towards the house proper. "You have been to Kaku's home right?

Following Xeona so close she almost ended up on top ot the girl, she managed to step near her instead, and Se'rox used her power to pull the mud off the girl before answering.

Xeona shook her head a bit. "Um, thanks. You're pretty spritely for someone who can't see a damn thing." She shrugged her shoulders. "Although I'd guess the mud thing means that not being able to see is part of the drawback to your powers." Xeona headed towards the door.

Se'rox shook her head at the girl's logic, and continued to follow her, even though she was fairly certain she herself knew the place better than this girl who had yet to tell Se'rox her name. She silently decided not to elaborate on her powers at least until she knew the identity of the girl.

Xeona sighed and put her hand on the door. "Xeona, The Deadly Jellyfish, returning." She said in a very annoyed tone, as a robotic camera shot out of the wall and looked her over. "With guest, of course, LISA." The camera peered over at Se'rox, and sprouted a hand from it to wave.

"Hey, LISA." Se'rox said, waving back, since she knew the silly house would be waving at her (a lesson she learned once from getting accidentally smacked in the head by the waving hand).

Xeona sighed and looked over at Se'rox, before raising an eyebrow at the entire exchange. She pushed open the door quickly and sighed. "Demyx, I've succeeded my mission. I'd hide if I were you." She called inside, motioning for Se'rox to follow her.

LISA blinked from where she sat inside and smiled, before jumping up and squealing. "Hey! It's that nifty blind lady! HIII!!!" She ran over to Se'rox with open arms.

Se'rox was only halfway through the entrance when the LISa droid smacked right into her. But she had stopped halfway through at Xeona's announcement. "Demyx?" she hissed. Her eyes narrowed, and she didn't return the hug LISA was crushing her with.

LISA continued to cling, not realizing Se'rox's dislike. Demyx, who had been strumming away at his Sitar near ZuchaX III blinked up at her.

"Oh, like I really want to go along with another Organization Plan. The last one got me killed." He said bluntly, stepping away from the prone ZuchaX III.

"LISA..." Se'rox said simply. "Let. Go." There was an undertone of something between anger, hate, and panic in her voice. She could already "see" Zuchax III on the couch, with her one foot in the door. "Now."

LISA nodded and slowly backed away, hiding behind Xeona. Xeona tilted her head left and right, confused as ever. Demyx sighed and pulled his Sitar in front of him. "Look, if ya wanna rumble, fine. We can fight outside. I'd rather not have to fight, especially not around ZuchaX III here." At that moment, however, a chilly wind blew from the couch to wrap around Se'rox, before circling around ZuchaX III for a few seconds. A barely visible, to those using their eyes, twin trail of ice marked a direct path for Se'rox to come over to ZuchaX III, although it seemed as though it was only part of his own dream.

Ignoring Demyx anyways, Se'rox was about to bolt across the room when a chill wind caught her by surprise. He wasn't dead, then, at least. The chill created an icy frost on the ground leading from Se'rox to Zuchax III, as if she hadn't known exactly where to head next. She darted across the room, avoiding obstacles deftly and even using the arm of the couch to flip over the thing and gently land in a crouch right in front of Zuchax III. She carefully put her hand on his cheek, still ignoring everyone else.

ZuchaX III's face twinged into a smile, and his arm reached up to grab her hand. Demyx, Xeona and LISA watched on in partial shock. "He's... Did he just move?" Xeona said with a twinge of shock, running up to Se'rox. However, she was stopped as a wall of icy wind knocked her into Demyx, a dome of wind secluding the two Nobodies from the rest of the house.

Se'rox sighed, and closed her eyes, taking his hand in her other hand. "What have you done to yourself now, snowman?" she said, trying to keep her tone light, even though she could see the physical damage to his body.

ZuchaX III coughed a bit and muttered. "Tiss merely... a flesh wound..." although blood came forth from the cough.

Se'rox was not impressed by the humor. Instead, it was as if the rest of the room suddenly existed again. "How did this happen to him?! Why is he not being Healed?" she paused and then threw a nasty look in Demyx's direction. "Who did this to him?"

Demyx held up his hands and shook his head. "Don't look at me. I'm just doing a favor for.. my 'friends.'"

Xeona blinked slowly. "Well, that's the thing. We don't have a healer since Kaku... ran away." She said calmly. "Did he just talk?" ZuchaX III let out a soft groan.

"Which friends?" Se'rox said, and then winced as Xeona seemed surprised he could speak. How bad had he been until this moment?

"Look, if Kaku has other things to do, there are other people who can help. One specifically owes me a favor. Demyx? You're coming with me." She said, and backed up a pace. Without turning around- still staring down Demyx- she created a portal behind her. The view was of the middle of a large clearing deep in a forest so green that green light actually shone into Kaku's house.

Demyx yelped, looking over to see ZuchaX III pointing towards Se'rox with his hand. Demyx dismissed his Sitar and followed after Se'rox, his head drooping. "What about me?" Xeona asked.

"You can come too." Se'rox said. "Just don't bother the locals." she added. She wasn't sure why Demyx seemed to not argue it; she doubted he feared Zuchax III in the state he was in, but he seemed willing to do as the unconscious Zuchax III ordered. "I will be back soon, snowman." she said, before stepping through the portal into Green Shade.

ZuchaX III gave a weak thumbs up, to the amazement of a watching LISA, and Xeona followed behind Demyx, giving him a deathglare from behind.

User Comments: [6] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Aug 04, 2010 @ 05:22pm
Seems to be a few lines missing, but otherwise it translated well. ^.^

commentCommented on: Thu Aug 05, 2010 @ 12:35am
I missed something?!
oooooopsies... any idea what? I'll go fix it!

blueaecids rose
Community Member
Dragon student
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Aug 05, 2010 @ 02:14am
I think there's something missing between these two paragraphs--

Se'rox frowned, but stood up straigter; letting her gaurd down. "Well, then. Your common sense was right from the beginning. Some of us weren't that lucky, and now have to hide at all costs." Se'rox said with authority. She also noted that the Nobody turned into human, and hadn't been before.

"I... " Se'rox muttered. Her breath had caught at the mention of Zuchax III, and she couldn't concentrate on much of anything. She tried to replay the other Nobody's words and make sense of them.

--it just seemed like an awkward cut.

*sees the snowman comment* D'AAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW! heart heart

commentCommented on: Thu Aug 05, 2010 @ 02:53am
If you think that's "D'aww" worthy, wait till you see what ZuchaX III has to say when he gets up....

Also, Dragon nailed it on the head. Two paragraphs are missing between those.

Community Member
blueaecids rose
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Aug 05, 2010 @ 03:33am
I think Chazu found the missing bit. At least, it's really close.
Sorry about all that.

commentCommented on: Thu Aug 05, 2010 @ 04:37am

Dragon student
Community Member
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