18th August 2010 - 02.34pm
Had an amazing day on GaiaOnline!
I sold alot of stuff in the market place. I spent all my money what I had yesterday, but the items that got sold in the market place reached up to over one million gaia gold! Since I had that avatar of my dreams i decided to buy a UFO and all the items i needed for it. Then thinking what to do next, I downloaded Adobe Shockwave Player so i could go into my house. I bought all the items i needed, upgraded the house and I placed all my items in there. Then I moved onto my aquarium and bought items and fish. I bought some Piranhas and they swarmed around the tank and the water went red and a bone floated up to the top.... I THOUGHT THEY KILLED MY FISH...lol, but it turns out that it is just an animation they do. I read an "Aquarium Momo The Monkey" description and it said
"After being rejected by the space program due to his crippling scoliosis, adorable Momo the Monkey set his sights on exploring the world below."
I found it pretty funny because I've got Scoliosis, but then i realized ... I suffer bad from this scoliosis, and how could I laugh at it, but then I laughed some more xp
I bought an aquarium squid for 50,000g in the marketplace because there was only one and its not available in stores. Then I put it back on the marketplace to sell it for 900,000g ... people fall for it lmao
Gifted Superior Form to SeigoSempai
Got bored and made a Guild about Alien/Predator and charge the buggers 1,000g to enter lmao
and I now have to main target items i want:
Dark Halo,
Lost Internet Connection While Typing This .... CRAP!
....now i'm waiting for my internet connection....
....its taking a while
....oh, it says my BTHomeHub turned off....