
full name: nishida yuu (西田ユー)
ethnicity: japanese/korean
sexuality: straight
birthday: 21st April
likes: Fae, Tsuki♥, Kaoru, Dark Chocolate, Fae’s cakes, make up, visual kei, loud music, modelling, fashion, his appearance.
dislikes: Annoying girls, white chocolate, grapes, people who talk to fast and too much, cooking (cannot cook to save his life).
appearance: Quite Tall, Skinny, a little toned. He has a sharp jaw line, long legs, bright platinum blonde hair as styled in the picture.
PLEASE DO NOT FORGET THIS: He has hole stretcher piercings in each ear.
HIS left lip piercing has a round little ball bearing on it, his left lip piercing his just a regular ring.
His labret piercing looks like this
attire: When dressing up, Yuu likes to dress in a modern Visual Kei fashion, he likes to wear waistcoats, shirts and a lot of jewellery. Long necklaces, painted nails and smokey black eye make up. When he keeps it casual he normally wears printed t shirts, blazers, cardigans and skinny jeans. He also likes to wear doc martens and boots similar.
personality: Tends to keep conversation to a minimum with people he doesn't talk to. He prefers to be by himself, or with his close friends. When around his friends he’s very outgoing and fun, but he can be quite serious and even arrogant sometimes. He’s wealthy, but he doesn’t boast about it. He drinks for fun and attends regularly to concerts. He knows hes good looking, and aspires to be a model. He often takes picture of himself and puts them on social networking sites.
extra: Always wears a silver chain with a padlock on it, which goes down below his collar bones. Symbol of love with his girlfriend Tsuki who wears the same chain with a key instead of a padlock.
links to other profiles: fae kaoru tsuki
all profile drawings are drawn by me, please don't steal