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Reiko's Log
Things about my life and my Role Playing life, nothing much here.
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: Hello Scylla!
LadyIkana: Hey Zelda, long time no see.
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: Yeah, it sure has.
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: ((brb))
Guest_KageTakuri: Hrm..
LadyIkana: Hello
Guest_KageTakuri: Greetings..
LadyIkana: ((Zelda i have to go but tell kuro I was here))
Guest_KageTakuri: One day I am gone and Kuro does not log on for this day.
Guest_KageTakuri: and poof poof
Guest_KageTakuri: Greetings
Guest_KageTakuri: (Internet was cut off yesterday)
LolitaSnow: *hello kage dear * -smiles softly-
LolitaSnow: (tis fine i died anyway XD)
LolitaSnow: (i haz a coldd T.T)
Guest_KageTakuri: (Ouch .-.)
Guest_KageTakuri: I
Guest_KageTakuri: need
Guest_KageTakuri: sushi
Guest_KageTakuri: D8
LolitaSnow: (.-.)
LolitaSnow: you always need sushi
Guest_KageTakuri: afk
Guest_KageTakuri: yep
Guest_KageTakuri: afk
LolitaSnow: alrights
Guest_KageTakuri: Of course Zel is still dead >o>
Guest_KageTakuri: Kuro's love came and went.
Guest_KageTakuri: Kuro is not on
Guest_KageTakuri: Rabid is not on
Guest_KageTakuri: No one is on
Guest_KageTakuri: x.x
LolitaSnow: so youi call me as ur last resort
LolitaSnow: lovely..
LolitaSnow: D=
Guest_KageTakuri: <o< Nu..
LolitaSnow: liar
Guest_KageTakuri: .-. Just no one is on
LolitaSnow: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: c.c
LolitaSnow: exactly .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
LolitaSnow: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: I hate wensdays
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: and Mondays
LolitaSnow: u hate mondays too .-.
LolitaSnow: damn beat me to it
Guest_KageTakuri: lol
LolitaSnow: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: <<?
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
LolitaSnow: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: c.c
LolitaSnow: lol
LolitaSnow: told you id copy you everytime you do it
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
LolitaSnow: .-.
LolitaSnow: .-.
LolitaSnow: .-.
LolitaSnow: .-.
LolitaSnow: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: c.c
Guest_KageTakuri: ._.
LolitaSnow: ._.
LolitaSnow: haha
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: .____.
LolitaSnow: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: .__.
Guest_KageTakuri: .----
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
LolitaSnow: .____.
Guest_KageTakuri: D:
Guest_KageTakuri: Damn
LolitaSnow: .__.
Guest_KageTakuri: .___________.
LolitaSnow: .-.
LolitaSnow: ._________.
Guest_KageTakuri: ha!
LolitaSnow: .___________.*
Guest_KageTakuri: Mine was longe
Guest_KageTakuri: *longer
Guest_KageTakuri: <o<
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
LolitaSnow: lol
LolitaSnow: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: ._________________________________________________________.
LolitaSnow: ._____________________________________________________.
LolitaSnow: damn
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: ((back))
Guest_KageTakuri: wbw
Guest_KageTakuri: Zel
LolitaSnow: .__________________________________________________________.*
Guest_KageTakuri: Scyla wants you to tell Kuro that she was here
LolitaSnow: wvb ^.^
Guest_KageTakuri: >o>
LolitaSnow: <<
Guest_KageTakuri: (However her name is spelled x.x )
Guest_KageTakuri: <<
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: I will.
Guest_KageTakuri: Mime mode
Guest_KageTakuri: c.c
Guest_KageTakuri: <o< Longer hair?
LolitaSnow: (chicken soup!!!!)
Guest_KageTakuri: ( .-. )
Guest_KageTakuri: ( Pudding! )
Guest_KageTakuri: ( Nu.... )
Guest_KageTakuri: ( TOAST )
LolitaSnow: (toooooooooooooaaaaast)
LolitaSnow: (TACOS =O)
Guest_KageTakuri: (NACHOS)
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: Speaking of change, I felt like changing my eye color, don't know why...
Guest_KageTakuri: I saw, you look like one of the twilight vampires'
LolitaSnow: =O eben longer hair
LolitaSnow: i hate this tho..
LolitaSnow: D=
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: Which one do I look like?
Guest_KageTakuri: How long can hair get c.c
Guest_KageTakuri: A Princess Zelda/Victoria
LolitaSnow: dunno my rl was down to my bum once >>
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: Hmm, really?
Guest_KageTakuri: <.< Holy Caholy
Guest_KageTakuri: >.> And yep
Guest_KageTakuri: <<
Guest_KageTakuri: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: Two Vampires
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
LolitaSnow: im getting my red eyes out now
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: I'm still saving up for the fangs.
LolitaSnow: fangs are over priced i will say
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: I still don't see them show up in the preview mode.
Guest_KageTakuri: brb
LolitaSnow: most are in side ur mouth
LolitaSnow: that why i got these onces
LolitaSnow: ones*
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: I'm thinking of getting some that show outside my mouth, any suggestion?
LolitaSnow: okies kage
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: suggestions*
LolitaSnow: i wanna get a short avi =D
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: Can you really get a short avi?
LolitaSnow: yes and tall ones
LolitaSnow: and huge ones!
Guest_KageTakuri: '
Guest_KageTakuri: '
Guest_KageTakuri: ''
Guest_KageTakuri: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: <<
Guest_KageTakuri: Boom
Guest_KageTakuri: wb
LolitaSnow: -kicks kage-
Guest_KageTakuri: what? D:
Guest_KageTakuri: She works for Kuro and keeps things in order.
LolitaSnow: i just felt like kicking you
Guest_KageTakuri: lol
LolitaSnow: lol
LolitaSnow: sexeh maid outfit ;D
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: ((brb))
Guest_rockerchik18: Thank you lady lolita
LolitaSnow: (Brb too)
LolitaSnow: -she laughed- no problem dear
LolitaSnow: (back)
Guest_KageTakuri: wb
LolitaSnow: thanks ;D
Guest_KageTakuri: brb
Guest_rockerchik18: wb
Guest_rockerchik18: so can i get u anything lady lolita
LolitaSnow: no im fine thank you dear and call me snow -she smiled softly-
LolitaSnow: (oki)
Guest_rockerchik18: ok
Guest_KageTakuri: It seems Savop has a hit placed on him..
LolitaSnow: oh dear for who ever he is
Guest_rockerchik18: he is the butler
LolitaSnow: who would place a hit on a butler..
LolitaSnow: woo im huge =D
Guest_KageTakuri: lol
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
LolitaSnow: haha
LolitaSnow: i dunno what to wearr
Guest_rockerchik18: ++++++++
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: Back
Guest_KageTakuri: I got a fight to do.
LolitaSnow: =O
LolitaSnow: wb
Guest_rockerchik18: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: Thanks
LolitaSnow: o.o
Guest_rockerchik18: oops
LolitaSnow: lol
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: I still can't find a decent pair of vampire fangs that will show.
Guest_rockerchik18: lol i was moving my computer to the living room
LolitaSnow: Goood luck ;D im here if ya need back up
Guest_KageTakuri: It's a T1 fight
Guest_KageTakuri: Apparently someone put a hit on poor ol' Savop
Guest_KageTakuri: and he requested my help
Guest_KageTakuri: x.x
LolitaSnow: i can T1 D= u know i can
Guest_KageTakuri: laaaaag
Guest_rockerchik18: lala
Guest_rockerchik18: if axcuse me i am needed in the kitchen
Guest_savop: kage re-invite me in there
Guest_rockerchik18: hello savop
Guest_savop: im busy and have better things to do he can kill me
Guest_savop: hi kitty
Guest_KageTakuri: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: kk
Guest_rockerchik18: u ok?
Guest_KageTakuri: x.x
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: Hello, welcome back to Shade Alexus.
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: How are you doing?
Guest_savop: im doing fine thank you miss zelda
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: That's good.
Guest_savop: brb dinner
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: ok
Guest_rockerchik18: tyt
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: Wait, what time is it where you're at Alexus?
Guest_savop: half eseven
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: So you would be about how many hours ahead?
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: It's 11:28 where I'm at.
Guest_savop: i dunno
Guest_savop: kage i gues im ok of shade's
Guest_KageTakuri: about 5 ahead of me
Guest_KageTakuri: Hm?
Guest_savop: *out
Guest_KageTakuri: Don't worry
Guest_KageTakuri: Kuro is a necromancer
Guest_KageTakuri: >w>
Guest_KageTakuri: He can revive yer butt
Guest_rockerchik18: happend?
Guest_KageTakuri: (( idk what exactly is going on ))
Guest_savop: ((its just pouintless stuff and a waste of my time))
Guest_rockerchik18: o ok
Guest_KageTakuri: (( I know, people take RP too seriously ))
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: ((Is it possible to buy the same items twice?))
Guest_savop: ((i mean im here to have fun and let my imagination fly, then some nerd stomps on it wiht a helmet and some crayons))
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: ((I meant like to get one for someone else.))
Guest_savop: ((god peole like casa annoy me))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( People take it too far >.>. So ya ))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( Oh yeah, they want to see your account disabled afterwards ))
Guest_savop: ((its best ot let them have there fun and get it out the way))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( -shakes head- Or so they say ))
Guest_savop: ((they want me to literaly log of nd never retrun?))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( That's what some DM matches want you to do >.<'' ))
Guest_savop: ((if they think some words are going ot making me delete my hard earned account wiht money put into it they can ******** of right))
Guest_savop: (atleast i whent out with a bang))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( lol ))
Guest_rockerchik18: *hugs savop*
Guest_savop: ((well that was pointless))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( Don't worry, me and Kuro will dispatch them soon ))
Guest_savop: ((i bet they take there computer to there coffin))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( XDD ))
Guest_savop: ((ill join you as a nice twist))
Guest_savop: -hugs kitty-
Guest_rockerchik18: =^.^=
Guest_KageTakuri: (( Lets see, all Kuro has to do is sew your head on and re-attach the nerves.
Guest_KageTakuri: (( RP drama x.x...))
Guest_rockerchik18: i thought u werent gonna answer my hug back savop i was gonna be sad
Guest_KageTakuri: Well, We just need Kuro back online'
Guest_KageTakuri: x.x
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: ((I'll brb))
Guest_KageTakuri: He would have turn them all into a mere carpet stain
Guest_KageTakuri: c.c
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: What's going on?
Guest_KageTakuri: A lot
Guest_KageTakuri: surprised
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: Sorry, I was afk!
Guest_KageTakuri: wb
LolitaSnow: hello again
Guest_KageTakuri: Booooooooom
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: Hello Lolita! (hugs)
LolitaSnow: -hugs- hello zelda
LolitaSnow: hello rocker ^.^
LolitaSnow: kage >>
LolitaSnow: how did the t1 fight go?
Guest_rockerchik18: hello snow ^.^
Guest_KageTakuri: Yo?
Guest_KageTakuri: Savop died
Guest_KageTakuri: ;o
Guest_KageTakuri: well to them he did
LolitaSnow: oh dear
Guest_KageTakuri: RP drama
Guest_KageTakuri: On display much? hehehee
Guest_KageTakuri: <<
Guest_KageTakuri: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: <<
Guest_KageTakuri: bored
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: I'll brb
LolitaSnow: whos on display?
LolitaSnow: o.o;
Guest_KageTakuri: xD
LolitaSnow: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: you >o>
LolitaSnow: <<
LolitaSnow: >>
LolitaSnow: <<
Guest_KageTakuri: <o<
Guest_KageTakuri: >o>
Guest_KageTakuri: <<
Guest_KageTakuri: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: <<
LolitaSnow: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: Soooo bored
LolitaSnow: only for you baby ;D
LolitaSnow: haha
Guest_KageTakuri: lol
Guest_KageTakuri: Makin' some toast
Guest_KageTakuri: ;o
Guest_KageTakuri: Home made bread
Guest_KageTakuri: =w=
LolitaSnow: i wan someeeee
LolitaSnow: want*
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
Guest_KageTakuri: -hands a saucer of jelly toast- c.c -eats my own-
Guest_KageTakuri: Toast..
Guest_KageTakuri: Fish
Guest_KageTakuri: Sushi
Guest_KageTakuri: Catfish
Guest_KageTakuri: Perch
Guest_KageTakuri: Pike
Guest_KageTakuri: Blue Gill
Guest_KageTakuri: Tuna
Guest_KageTakuri: Rainbow Trout
Guest_KageTakuri: Large mouth bass
LolitaSnow: omg....
Guest_KageTakuri: Yellow perch
Guest_KageTakuri: c.c
LolitaSnow: are u obssessed with fish!?!
Guest_KageTakuri: Pink Salmon
LolitaSnow: JELLY TOAST>!?!
Guest_KageTakuri: Sometimes
Guest_KageTakuri: Grape jelly
Guest_KageTakuri: ;o
LolitaSnow: i hate jelly
LolitaSnow: XD
Guest_KageTakuri: >o>
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: Butter toast then
Guest_KageTakuri: ;o
LolitaSnow: yay!
LolitaSnow: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: ?
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
LolitaSnow: buttered toast >>
LolitaSnow: is yummy..
LolitaSnow: .-.
Guest_rockerchik18: it is yummy
LolitaSnow: -rapes kage-
LolitaSnow: >>
LolitaSnow: =D IKR
Guest_KageTakuri: .-. -been raped-
Guest_KageTakuri: c.c
Guest_KageTakuri: everytime they walk, they risk setting off a few car alarms in a parking lot
Guest_KageTakuri: Kuroooo
LolitaSnow: haha
Guest_KageTakuri: LadyIkana was here today
LolitaSnow: helloo ^.^
Undeadclockwork: I know. biggrin
Guest_KageTakuri: Savop was killed in a DM too D:
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: Hi Kuro! (hugs)
Undeadclockwork: What!?
Guest_KageTakuri: he requested my help.
Guest_KageTakuri: He had a hit placed on 'em
Undeadclockwork: No, what? Start from the beginning. What happinned?
Guest_KageTakuri: All I remember, is he requested my help
Guest_KageTakuri: and I went there
Undeadclockwork: Who... Killed him.....
Guest_KageTakuri: A few long minutes of BS RP drama and then he got beheaded
Guest_KageTakuri: Sadly, I forgot
Guest_KageTakuri: x.x
Undeadclockwork: .....
Guest_KageTakuri: He only lost his head really.
Guest_KageTakuri: Try asking him when he gets on sometime
Guest_KageTakuri: B/c idk anything
Guest_KageTakuri: I just witnessed it
Undeadclockwork: hmph. So, my buttler is dead...?
Guest_KageTakuri: Just headless
Guest_KageTakuri: c.c
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: I thought he was still alive!
Guest_KageTakuri: He is just headless. He is dead to them. Not us
Guest_KageTakuri: :p
Undeadclockwork: Hmm... Who are these people?
Guest_KageTakuri: The guy was a bounty hunter
Guest_KageTakuri: c.c
Undeadclockwork: How many souls will I be collecting?
Guest_KageTakuri: -shrugs-
Guest_KageTakuri: idk
Guest_KageTakuri: a lot though
LolitaSnow: (i need to sneeze >> wink
Undeadclockwork: ....
Undeadclockwork: Bring me there.
Guest_KageTakuri: ( Cold gettin' ya? ))
Undeadclockwork: I want their ******** hearts.
LolitaSnow: (yeah sad )
Guest_KageTakuri: I'm sorry Kuro, it was quite awhile a ago. I forgot the name of the place.
Undeadclockwork: ....
Undeadclockwork: I'm going to the Reaper's Plane.
Undeadclockwork: I'm pissed.
Guest_RabidRingmaster: Anger rarely solves anything....
Undeadclockwork: My buttler has been attacked.
Guest_RabidRingmaster: By whom..?
Undeadclockwork: I'm going there now, if you'll please join me Janabi...
Undeadclockwork: Well, to him.
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: Is there any way to revive him?
Undeadclockwork: Succubis' desires/
Undeadclockwork: Noone else is to follow me.
Undeadclockwork: Only Janabi, if he pleases.
Guest_RabidRingmaster: Of course....
Guest_RabidRingmaster: ((invite meh >.> wink )
Undeadclockwork: I'de suggest Reaper outfit...
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: Ok, good luck Kuro.
Undeadclockwork: Thank you.
Guest_RabidRingmaster: ((meh ghost look, the one im wearing now,,,IS meh reaper outfit :3))
LolitaSnow: (>> wink
Guest_KageTakuri: ( >.> )
Guest_rockerchik18: hello my lord kuro *curtseys*
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: ((brb!))
Guest_KageTakuri: ( Don't worry about it snow c.c )
Undeadclockwork: Apparently noones there =.=
Undeadclockwork: Hello dear.
Undeadclockwork: The tower looks great.
Guest_KageTakuri: Savop[
Guest_KageTakuri: ;o
Undeadclockwork: Alexus!
Guest_rockerchik18: ^.^ i do my best my lord
Guest_RabidRingmaster: Well we cannot allow attacks against our own to go unreconciled....
Undeadclockwork: No we cannot.
Guest_KageTakuri: I'm sorry, I did nothing to stop it x.x
Guest_savop: let me guess.....i got to leave shade
Undeadclockwork: But, we need to Hear Alexus' part of the story.
Undeadclockwork: No way.
Undeadclockwork: I need to know why someone would attack my Friend and loyal servant.
Guest_savop: my lord the story is pointless and wierd
Guest_RabidRingmaster: From what you can recall.....recount everything as it happened...
Undeadclockwork: I want to know.
Guest_KageTakuri: ( So...uh Snow, how is your cold doing? .-. )
Guest_KageTakuri: x.x
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: I g2g! bbl tonight!
Undeadclockwork: Badass Reaper pose surprised
Guest_RabidRingmaster: ((wow...we look really badass standing next to each other :O))
Undeadclockwork: bye Zeldaw
Guest_PrincessZelda64x: BYE!
Undeadclockwork: (( Reapers eh? ))
Guest_savop: basically i used to gaurd this one place and i was owned by a princess there then i left and wel one of there enemies asked me for information i rejected to give them it, so the enemie whent to the kingdom saying i have told them everything so everyone was angry and wanted to kill me i cleared my name and pissed of the enemie so she sent a hit on me
Guest_KageTakuri: lol
Undeadclockwork: sc2
Undeadclockwork: sc3
Undeadclockwork: sc4
Guest_RabidRingmaster: ((like....videogame cover art badass o.o))
Undeadclockwork: sc5
Undeadclockwork: sc6
Guest_RabidRingmaster: Ahh....
Undeadclockwork: (( Damn right ))
Undeadclockwork: (( Found my new Pic ))
Undeadclockwork: sc6
Guest_KageTakuri: (( Kuro >o> ))
Undeadclockwork: aim
Undeadclockwork: *stand1
Guest_RabidRingmaster: (()meh too....watch what imma do with it >:3)
Undeadclockwork: *stand1
Guest_KageTakuri: Got it
Guest_KageTakuri: -uploads-
Guest_rockerchik18: *goes in the kitchen and cleans*
Guest_KageTakuri: sp
Guest_KageTakuri: >o>
Undeadclockwork: Now... Alexus.
LolitaSnow: lagging like a b***h
LolitaSnow: >>
Undeadclockwork: What Happined?
Guest_RabidRingmaster: ((he just told us....scroll up))
Guest_KageTakuri: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: <<
Guest_KageTakuri: Yall are too freaken tall
Guest_KageTakuri: XD
Undeadclockwork: (( Sorry ))
Guest_RabidRingmaster: It would seem that an angered enemy of his former associates wants him dead
Guest_RabidRingmaster: Question is, who actually attempted the hit..?
Undeadclockwork: Was it Miss dark who put the hit out?
Guest_Revanchism: [ Kuro =3 ]
Guest_KageTakuri: The hit was already done
Guest_KageTakuri: v.v
Guest_KageTakuri: <o<
Guest_savop: -packs up ready to leave-
Guest_KageTakuri: Alexus
Guest_KageTakuri: Your not going anywhere b/c of a character death ;o
Undeadclockwork: Where are you going?
Guest_KageTakuri: -pokes Snow- <o<
LolitaSnow: aw bless him hes so cute >>
Undeadclockwork: I havn't collected your soul yet. :: kuro grins. ::
Guest_savop: no mis dark wouldnt do it
Guest_savop: i know the name but i dont wish to say for its delt with im dead i cant be bothered to keep up with finatics im just a king and a butler
LolitaSnow: pokes me with what ;D
Guest_KageTakuri: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: <<
Guest_KageTakuri: lol
Guest_savop: -closes suitcase and gets ready for my leave-
LolitaSnow: haha
Undeadclockwork: ...
Undeadclockwork: Your leaving them?
LolitaSnow: -jabs kage- you ccant let ur sexy butler leave >>
Guest_savop: you calling me a prostitue kuro?
Undeadclockwork: No, I a Grimm now.
Undeadclockwork: I collect Souls of all kinds, no longer judge.
Guest_Revanchism: [ -Poked Kuro- ]
Guest_Revanchism: [ How is everyone? XP ]
Guest_KageTakuri: ( Gooooood )
Guest_Revanchism: [ =3 Good ]
Guest_savop: well the dude has my head so i cant get my body back
Guest_RabidRingmaster: ((a new head can be.....built...))
Undeadclockwork: I want it back.
Undeadclockwork: Your my property, persea.
Undeadclockwork: Per-sea
Guest_savop: -loks at lolita-.....sexy?....kages butler?.......you?...wait scratch you thats not interesting what you said
Undeadclockwork: I will not have my property stolen....
Guest_RabidRingmaster: So, what? YOu plan on charging him with murder, or shoplifting?
Guest_savop: sir i might aswell leave if i stay wahst to stop more coming?
Undeadclockwork: I don't want you to leave....
Guest_RabidRingmaster: RUnning certainly wont improve the situation....
Undeadclockwork: :: Kuro looks down, his eyes turn red. ::
Guest_KageTakuri: Kuro
Guest_Revanchism: Hmm... I ended up back here, hm...?
LolitaSnow: -winks towards savop- well kuro's butler and yes ur sexy ;D
Guest_KageTakuri: She likes Demon blood Alexus
Guest_KageTakuri: Kuro
LolitaSnow: haha
Guest_RabidRingmaster: If you flee, they will believe that they have th at much more power over you
LolitaSnow: XD
Guest_savop: i see
Guest_KageTakuri: Let me know if you need help
Guest_savop: kuro i wont leave then
Guest_KageTakuri: <o<
Guest_KageTakuri: -Looks at the computer screen-
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: -Looks away-
Undeadclockwork: and, I'm getting your head back.
LolitaSnow: just cos hes a demon doesnt mean thats all i want he could still be sexy if he wasnt >>
Guest_KageTakuri: >o>
LolitaSnow: .-.
Guest_savop: loli if you would like a glass of my electricaly charged demon blood just ask
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_rockerchik18: savop dont leave plz
LolitaSnow: =O
Guest_savop: kitty im not leaving
Undeadclockwork: LL his voice became more distorded, and began to sound allot more intimidating that the usuall calm and collected one. ::
Guest_savop: -pats lap for her to come and sit-
LolitaSnow: i was told i can not touch you X3
Guest_savop: drinking my blood isnt touching me
Guest_savop: its drinking me
Guest_rockerchik18: *sits on savop's lap*
LolitaSnow: haha
LolitaSnow: hmm true say
Guest_savop: -smiles at kitty and holds her onto my lap stroking her ears-
Guest_rockerchik18: *purr*
Guest_savop: -kisses kitty's cheek- could you join me in the kitchen kitty?
Undeadclockwork: Savop, I'm getting your head back.
LolitaSnow: (they've got soemthin going onn ;D)
Guest_KageTakuri: Kuro
Guest_KageTakuri: May I help? ;o
Undeadclockwork: Please, spare me the effort.
Guest_KageTakuri: ( <o< )
Guest_savop: lolita she is my pet
Undeadclockwork: I need to know who has your head.
LolitaSnow: (close ur mouth u'll catch flies)
LolitaSnow: oh sorry savop ^.^;
Guest_rockerchik18: ok i'll meet u in the kitchen
LolitaSnow: please call me snow ^^; i dislike being called lolita.
Guest_savop: -puts a glass under my bare wrist and gives kitty the knife- could you please?
Guest_rockerchik18: ok but wont it hurt u?
Guest_KageTakuri: Kurooooooo
Guest_KageTakuri: >o>
Guest_savop: of course not
LolitaSnow: haha ur geting ignored kage
Undeadclockwork: Oh, sorry.
Undeadclockwork: yes?
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_rockerchik18: ok *takes the knife and cuts his wrist*
Guest_KageTakuri: Need help?
LolitaSnow: (<3 u really)
Undeadclockwork: Yes, I need to find out the name of the assassin who claimed his head.
Guest_KageTakuri: I failed earlier. x.x
Guest_KageTakuri: Hrm. k
Guest_savop: -smiles as the glass fills then when gets to a good level my owund heals and i smile at kitty- please give this to snow
Guest_KageTakuri: ( I believe Alexus called him Carnie. )
LolitaSnow: omgosh D= whata u doing savop =O
Guest_rockerchik18: ok *walks out and hands the glass 2 snow*here u go snow ^.^
Guest_RabidRingmaster: ((Kuro....check out meh new profile pic >:3))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( Holy s**t ))
Undeadclockwork: (( Thats frikken awesome! ))
Undeadclockwork: (( can I has link? ))
Guest_RabidRingmaster: ((jus copy/paste it from meh profile if ya wan :3))
LolitaSnow: -takes the glass smeeeling the fresh blood and smiling at kitty while her fangs seem push out of my mouth- thank you -her voice shakey-
LolitaSnow: (dayum i love rp)
Undeadclockwork: (( Too lazy Xp ))
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
Guest_savop: -walks back to my spot-
LolitaSnow: -brings the sweet demon blood to my lips taking a mouthful and slowly swollowing- damn your tastey =O
Guest_savop: my lord can i show you a new angel form i haves?
Guest_RabidRingmaster: "So.....if we are to re-claim a head....how are we to go about it without knowing who currently has said head..?"
Guest_savop: kage knows the name i told him
Guest_KageTakuri: casanovabird
Undeadclockwork: " It wouldn't matter. As long as I have it. "
Undeadclockwork: Hmm... I'm going to the Plane.
Guest_RabidRingmaster: "Hmm.....well any plan has to have a point of origin.....permit me, if you will, to look into this individual before we advance..."
LolitaSnow: (kage u smell D=)
Guest_KageTakuri: <o<
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_savop: snow do you request a refil?
LolitaSnow: no i am fine thank you ^.^ i drink it slow to savour the taste
Guest_KageTakuri: <o<
LolitaSnow: (.-. what did i say about ur mouth kage?)
Guest_KageTakuri: (?)
Guest_KageTakuri: ( .-. )
LolitaSnow: (ur catch flies >> wink
LolitaSnow: (.-.)
Guest_KageTakuri: <o<
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: <.<
LolitaSnow: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: <.<
Guest_KageTakuri: Bored
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: Sooo bored
LolitaSnow: -rapes-
LolitaSnow: shh
LolitaSnow: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: o-o
Guest_KageTakuri: <.<
Guest_KageTakuri: If you keep raping me, I'll be tired
Guest_KageTakuri: D:
LolitaSnow: haha
LolitaSnow: you love it ;D
Guest_rockerchik18: *giggles*
Guest_savop: are you watching maid? -smirkls- isnt that bad of you
Guest_KageTakuri: brb
Guest_rockerchik18: no lol
Guest_rockerchik18: y would u say that?
LolitaSnow: lol
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
Guest_savop: because you are
LolitaSnow: its oka kage gets more excited when some one watches ;D
LolitaSnow: haha!
LolitaSnow: i feel bad seeing as he cant defend himself
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: <.<
LolitaSnow: haha
LolitaSnow: <3
LolitaSnow: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: c.c
LolitaSnow: not even denying it
LolitaSnow: haha
Guest_KageTakuri: <.<
Guest_KageTakuri: Why would I hate it?
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
LolitaSnow: haha
LolitaSnow: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: xD
Guest_KageTakuri: It's not rape if it's willing ;p
Guest_KageTakuri: XDD
Guest_KageTakuri: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: <<
LolitaSnow: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
LolitaSnow: reeeaalleeeehh
LolitaSnow: ;D
Guest_savop: kitty we should go to the kitchen were its safe
Guest_savop: let them two have fun
LolitaSnow: haha
Guest_rockerchik18: ok
Guest_KageTakuri: lol
LolitaSnow: no....
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_rockerchik18: lol i did not know this was here
LolitaSnow: we're not ganna do anything
LolitaSnow: D-
Guest_savop: same
Guest_savop: errm....
Guest_savop: -movesw-
LolitaSnow: kage thinks im ugly
LolitaSnow: X3
LolitaSnow: boo
Guest_KageTakuri: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: <<
LolitaSnow: >>
LolitaSnow: <<
Guest_rockerchik18: *walks up behind savop and hugs him then moves back 2 the spot i was in*
LolitaSnow: dont make me come back over there kage...
Guest_KageTakuri: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: brb
LolitaSnow: okies
LolitaSnow: brb sexeh people D=
Guest_rockerchik18: tyt
cybergoth23: hi
Guest_KageTakuri: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: <<
Guest_KageTakuri: afk
LolitaSnow: back
LolitaSnow: >>
LolitaSnow: MM
Guest_KageTakuri: >o>
LolitaSnow: damn..
cybergoth23: 0.0
Guest_KageTakuri: it's funny how your avi is leaning forward and mine is staring
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_savop: greeting and wecome to the clock tower my lord is curently away allow me to introduce myself, im alexus the unknown demon butler -smirks- i like that title
Guest_savop: becasue its true
LolitaSnow: hush kage >>
LolitaSnow: jus cos you want my avi
LolitaSnow: >>
LolitaSnow: its a kool title
LolitaSnow: i want a title
LolitaSnow: T.T
Guest_savop: the midget?
LolitaSnow: D=
LolitaSnow: ewaaaaah
LolitaSnow: im not a midget
Guest_savop: -keeps silent-
LolitaSnow: i bet im taller then u
LolitaSnow: D<
Guest_savop: sure
LolitaSnow: how tall are you?
Guest_savop: i dunno
LolitaSnow: im 5 "9 >>
Guest_savop: i know im 6 something
Guest_KageTakuri: lol
LolitaSnow: >>;
LolitaSnow: shh
LolitaSnow: im still not a midget
Guest_rockerchik18: *giggles
Guest_KageTakuri: >.>
Guest_KageTakuri: xD
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: -Taller then her also- lol
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
LolitaSnow: -punches kage-
LolitaSnow: hush
Guest_rockerchik18: ur taller then me
LolitaSnow: yay!
Guest_rockerchik18: im 5'4"
LolitaSnow: aww
LolitaSnow: ur a midget
LolitaSnow: XD
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
Guest_rockerchik18: >.<
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
Guest_KageTakuri: ow
Guest_KageTakuri: :O
Guest_KageTakuri: >.>
LolitaSnow: guys liek short girls..
Guest_rockerchik18: would u like anything?
LolitaSnow: T.T
LolitaSnow: so ur luck
LolitaSnow: lucky*
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
Guest_KageTakuri: >.>;;?
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
Guest_rockerchik18: most guys where i am only like the girls with big asses and big chests
LolitaSnow: .-.
Guest_rockerchik18: im so glad im not in that catagory
LolitaSnow: nice....
LolitaSnow: XD
LolitaSnow: big bums scare me.
Guest_rockerchik18: but the guys i know look 4 a good personality and a scence ofd hummor
Guest_rockerchik18: of*
Guest_rockerchik18: im in thoughs catagorys lol
LolitaSnow: yay
LolitaSnow: funny people rock
LolitaSnow: my mah didnt buy me any chocolate milk
LolitaSnow: >>
Guest_rockerchik18: aw
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
Guest_KageTakuri: Goble de gook!
Guest_KageTakuri: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: <<
Guest_KageTakuri: (Rooster drowning )
LolitaSnow: o.o
Guest_rockerchik18: lol i see u guys but u cant see me
LolitaSnow: boo
Guest_rockerchik18: damn lol
LolitaSnow: ahaha
LolitaSnow: im nomiong ur face
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
LolitaSnow: i think alexus is dead
Guest_rockerchik18: snow was noming on the maids face
Guest_rockerchik18: savop?
Guest_rockerchik18: *pokes with a stick*
Guest_KageTakuri: -Pokes snow with a fork- >o>
LolitaSnow: haha
Guest_KageTakuri: <.<
Guest_KageTakuri: >.>
LolitaSnow: XD
LolitaSnow: oww!
Guest_KageTakuri: <,<
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
Guest_savop: meh got poked
LolitaSnow: -pulls knife from her heel- wanna start with meh!?
Guest_rockerchik18: by me lol
Guest_savop: draw
Guest_savop: snow no weapons
LolitaSnow: he stabbed me with a forrrrrrrk
Guest_savop: i dont care he didnt hurt you
Guest_savop: weapon away
LolitaSnow: yuh he did >> -puts knife back into her heel-
Guest_rockerchik18: he poked u with a fork not stab u
Guest_savop: retract
LolitaSnow: kage u b***h >>
Guest_KageTakuri: .-.
LolitaSnow: .-.
Guest_KageTakuri: -Prepares to die- c.c
Guest_KageTakuri: >.>
Guest_KageTakuri: c.c
LolitaSnow: i cant kill you
LolitaSnow: not with a weapon!
LolitaSnow: -pins kage-
Guest_savop: -picks up snow and carrys her away-
Guest_KageTakuri: o-o
Guest_KageTakuri: Nuuu!
LolitaSnow: -squirms-
LolitaSnow: ahhh!
LolitaSnow: put me dowwnn
Guest_savop: ok -throws you in the sofa- stay
LolitaSnow: fine! -sulks-
Guest_savop: -hands her a glass of my blood and goes to my spot-
LolitaSnow: -puts the glass on the table and turns away from all-
Guest_savop: snow behave
LolitaSnow: T.T
Guest_rockerchik18: meeew
Guest_KageTakuri: >o>
Guest_savop: kage hows my head going on?
LolitaSnow: i can heal it back on >>
Guest_savop: its ok nsow
Guest_rockerchik18: *backs away and stays quiet*
LolitaSnow: -stays silent-
Guest_rockerchik18: *goes 2 the bar and pulls out my bottle of wat looks like dark red fruit punch*
Guest_KageTakuri: We got info coming
Guest_KageTakuri: :p
Guest_savop: im completely dead?
LolitaSnow: -sips the blood from the glass-
Guest_savop: snow go play with the maid she sems down
Guest_rockerchik18: *poors the red liquid into a shot glass*
LolitaSnow: -walks up to her- are u okies ?
Guest_rockerchik18: *drinks it and cleans it and puts the bottle away befor snow comes over to me*
Guest_rockerchik18: im fine
LolitaSnow: o.O
LolitaSnow: you sure it smells funneh over here
Guest_rockerchik18: ...
Guest_rockerchik18: im fine
LolitaSnow: okies :] 'lll leave u bee
LolitaSnow: -walks back to her seat and sitss-
Guest_rockerchik18: *thinks 2 self*(pheew that was close)
LolitaSnow: >.>
LolitaSnow: oi big heads!
LolitaSnow: speak
LolitaSnow: lol
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
Guest_rockerchik18: snow come here i will show u y it smelt funny
LolitaSnow: okies
Guest_rockerchik18: *takes out my bottle and opens it and pours it in2 2 shot glasses*
Guest_rockerchik18: *gives one to snow*
LolitaSnow: -stares at the liquid-
Guest_rockerchik18: just taste it lol
LolitaSnow: -takes the strange stuff-
LolitaSnow: what is it?
LolitaSnow: D=
Guest_rockerchik18: vodka/blood
Guest_rockerchik18: really good
Guest_rockerchik18: try it
LolitaSnow: okies
LolitaSnow: -knocks the shot back her eyes widen-
LolitaSnow: oh!
LolitaSnow: thats nice >>
Guest_rockerchik18: ^.^
Guest_rockerchik18: good huh
Guest_rockerchik18: want another shot?
Guest_savop: kitty that better not be my blood
Guest_RabidRingmaster: is Kage dead? -__-
Guest_savop: i think
Guest_rockerchik18: its not lol
LolitaSnow: i drank all ur blood XD
LolitaSnow: besides the stuf in ur boddyy ... XD
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
LolitaSnow: woo im superr tiny
Guest_savop: midget
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
LolitaSnow: >>
LolitaSnow: a**
LolitaSnow: hah
LolitaSnow: XD
Guest_rockerchik18: *drinks another shot of my blood/vodka*
LolitaSnow: if u tempt me i will rape u alexus >>
Guest_fr33credits143: ******** YEAHHH !!! YOU GET A 100,000 CREDITS FREEEE !!! @www.ImvuCreditSource.com
Guest_fr33credits143: ******** YEAHHH !!! YOU GET A 100,000 CREDITS FREEEE !!! @www.ImvuCreditSource.com
Guest_fr33credits143: ******** YEAHHH !!! YOU GET A 100,000 CREDITS FREEEE !!! @www.ImvuCreditSource.com
Guest_fr33credits143: ******** YEAHHH !!! YOU GET A 100,000 CREDITS FREEEE !!! @www.ImvuCreditSource.com
Guest_fr33credits143: ******** YEAHHH !!! YOU GET A 100,000 CREDITS FREEEE !!! @www.ImvuCreditSource.com
Guest_fr33credits143: ******** YEAHHH !!! YOU GET A 100,000 CREDITS FREEEE !!! @www.ImvuCreditSource.com
LolitaSnow: ahah
LolitaSnow: ******** yeh
Guest_rockerchik18: ....
LolitaSnow: i hate spammers
Guest_savop: tempd you snow?
Guest_rockerchik18: *stands in front of savop*
LolitaSnow: but i loved that he was liek ******** yeah
LolitaSnow: XD
LolitaSnow: lool
LolitaSnow: kuro will kiill me dw
Guest_savop: -loks at kitty- yes kitty?
Guest_rockerchik18: if u wanna rape him u'll have 2 go through me first
LolitaSnow: ;D
LolitaSnow: oh really kitty
LolitaSnow: thats even more tempting
Guest_rockerchik18: yes really
LolitaSnow: ^.^
LolitaSnow: i wonttt
Guest_savop: snow i suggest you dont even try
Guest_savop: ill stomp on you
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
LolitaSnow: ahh
LolitaSnow: you ganna stomp on meh nao!?
LolitaSnow: oh yeh
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
LolitaSnow: thats what i thought sexy!
Guest_savop: draw
LolitaSnow: D=
Guest_savop: p3
Guest_savop: -points at snow-
Guest_savop: p2
Guest_rockerchik18: alexus no put it away
LolitaSnow: bringg eittt
Guest_savop: retract
LolitaSnow: X3
Guest_savop: summon
LolitaSnow: lol
Guest_savop: now behave
LolitaSnow: pshh! >>
Guest_rockerchik18: snow plz
Guest_rockerchik18: behave
LolitaSnow: im not ganna klill him >>;
Guest_rockerchik18: i will give u more of my blend
Guest_rockerchik18: of vodka/blood
LolitaSnow: im coool
Guest_rockerchik18: :O
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
LolitaSnow: -flash steps- i'll behave
Guest_rockerchik18: i wanna change
Guest_rockerchik18: i dont wanna be in my maid outfit no more
Guest_savop: you must
Guest_rockerchik18: but i got 2
Guest_KageTakuri: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: <<
Guest_savop: kage?
Guest_savop: is my lord ok?
LolitaSnow: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: hm?
Guest_KageTakuri: Kuro?
Guest_KageTakuri: He is fine.
Guest_KageTakuri: afk
Guest_savop: yes
Guest_rockerchik18: so
Guest_rockerchik18: pplz talk
Guest_savop: -burp-
Guest_savop: sorry
Guest_savop: myt bad
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
LolitaSnow: >>;
Guest_rockerchik18: *hugs savop*
Guest_savop: -hugs kitty back and smiles-
Guest_rockerchik18: *smiles*
Guest_savop: welcome mistress D
Guest_rockerchik18: welcome *curtseys*
DarkGoddess86: Hello.
DarkGoddess86: I need to speak to a Kuro, how may I find him?
Guest_KageTakuri: he is gone
Guest_KageTakuri: atm
Guest_KageTakuri: afk
Guest_savop: he isnt online at thi very moment D
DarkGoddess86: Why do you call me that? That is 2nd time you have called me that.
Guest_KageTakuri: why do you need him..?
DarkGoddess86: Bc I do.
DarkGoddess86: It is a personal matter.
Guest_KageTakuri: Well I am a close friend and I am one of the ones in charge
Guest_KageTakuri: What do you need?
DarkGoddess86: I dont need someone who is in charge, I need Kuro.
Guest_KageTakuri: I can relay a message to him
DarkGoddess86: I will wait for him...
Guest_KageTakuri: He won't be on for a day
DarkGoddess86: I am Lily, tis nice to meet you all.
Guest_savop: im the second
DarkGoddess86: Then I shall find him then.
Guest_KageTakuri: Shall I leave him a message for him?
Guest_KageTakuri: *for you
DarkGoddess86: ~smiles at Kage..~ No thank you.
Guest_KageTakuri: Mn..
Guest_KageTakuri: Alright then.
Guest_rockerchik18: hello lily im rocker im the maid ^.^
DarkGoddess86: Savop, I asked you something earlier.
Guest_savop: what was that?
DarkGoddess86: You called me D twice....why?
LolitaSnow: ..
Guest_KageTakuri: >.>
Guest_KageTakuri: What is it?
Guest_savop: i dot know
DarkGoddess86: Ok..
DarkGoddess86: I will be gone then. Thank you for your hospitality.
Guest_KageTakuri: Bonour
Guest_savop: your welcome
Guest_KageTakuri: *Ciao
Guest_KageTakuri: afk
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
Guest_rockerchik18: that was fun was it not
Guest_KageTakuri: >>
LolitaSnow: >>
Guest_KageTakuri: Ok
Guest_KageTakuri: I am back
Guest_KageTakuri: Took awhile
Guest_KageTakuri: But I am back
Guest_rockerchik18: wb
Guest_savop: wb
Guest_KageTakuri: Chibi snow
Guest_KageTakuri: <o<
Guest_KageTakuri: Savop
Guest_savop: yes kage?
Guest_KageTakuri: We'll get your head back
Guest_KageTakuri: lol
Guest_savop: u havnt got it yet?
Guest_KageTakuri: Kuro is serious about it XD
Guest_KageTakuri: Na, x.x I was afk
Guest_rockerchik18: u lost ur head
Guest_savop: s**t
Guest_KageTakuri: ?
Guest_rockerchik18: lol
Guest_KageTakuri: Give me a bit
Guest_KageTakuri: I'ma read through this chat log

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