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Noble Death
Just trying to write a book. One chapter every week at least, xD Hope you like it~
Chapter 3
“ARGG, God Damn alarm clocks, no wonder these humans are so angry all the time,” Alaric muttered as he slammed his hand on the alarm clock to shut it up.
“Hey, Alaric, don’t get so angry in the morning it’s bad for your skin, haha,” Adalwulf joked. He had just walked out of the bathroom. Adalwulf was a very early riser which Alaric thought wasn’t possible for him.
“Well excuse me for being NOCTURNAL,” Alaric snapped. Adalwulf smiled and Alaric walked out of the bedroom.
Today was the first day of “school.” They both knew that they didn’t need to go to school but they had to. Alaric and Adalwulf really didn’t want the government coming in and making them go to school and plus, it was fun seeing the humans fail at education.
“Hey, let’s go wake up Lilith, Astarot, and Cenerico, they need to go to school too,” Adalwulf said.
“Okay, you go Wulf, bring them over here. I’m making breakfast,” Alaric muttered while walking into the bathroom to brush his teeth.
Adalwulf walked out of their apartment and walked next door. He slammed his fist against the wooden door.
“WAKE UP!” he yelled only to get an angry Cenerico punch him in the stomach.
“Shut up, I’m tired,” Cenerico mumbled. Surprisingly, he was very strong for a puppet master.
“Come on sleepy heads. We have to wake up and go to school, it’s the law,” Adalwulf said clutching his stomach still recovering from Cenerico’s morning greeting.
“Who cares about the stinking law,” Lilith whined.
“Well unless you want the government getting involved, you should,” Alaric warned. His head was leaning through the door and he said, “Come on, breakfast is ready.”
“Yay,” Astarot said shyly, “I’m hungry.”
“Haha, Astarot, no need to be shy around us, we’re not going to bite,” Alaric said licking his lips jokingly as he walked into the apartment. Astarot laughed happily and walked out quickly towards Alaric and Adalwulf’s apartment. He seated himself at the corner of the table were most of the food was placed.
“Yum! I’m eating ahead of you guys!” he exclaimed and picked up his fork and started eating hungrily.
“So yeah, if you guys don’t want the government involved, I suggest you be like Astarot and get changed and help yourselves to breakfast while I make lunch,” Alaric said laughing at how Lilith and Cenerico’s stomachs were “growling.”
“Humph, fine,” Lilith said as she walked into her room and started getting changed.
“I’m just going to wear this,” Cenerico stated. He had on a Rolling Stones T-shirt and a pair of grey sweats. He then walked over to his suitcase and got out a pair on Converse sunglasses to complete the “look”
“Sure it looks good on you,” Alaric said looking at what he was wearing. He himself was wearing a pair of jeans and a black flannel. Looking at Adalwulf, he saw that he was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a rocker T-Shirt and a spiked arm cuff.
“I’m done changing,” Lilith said as she walked out of her room wearing a skirt with knee-high socks, a tight flannel, and arm warmers.
“Cool, has Astarot changed?” Cenerico asked.
“Yes I have,” Astarot answered walking into the room he was wearing shorts and a black T-shirt with a baseball cap on.
“Okay, eat then we’ll go to school, Cenerico, use some of your power to get all of us in the same classes, I really don’t want to seduce the principal again,” Adalwulf said shivering at the thought.
Chuckling, Cenerico said, “Haha sure.”
They all headed to Adalwulf and Alaric’s apartment and started eating breakfast. As soon as they finished, they all grabbed their backpacks, locked their apartments, and each of them paired up and hopped into one of Adalwulf’s many sport cars.
“Okay, follow Alaric he’s in the BMW we were in last week,” Adalwulf said to Lilith, Astarot, and Cenerico.
“Yes sir,” Cenerico joked and got an annoyed face from Adalwulf as he turned around.
“Let’s go,” Alaric said as he got into the BMW and drove out of the parking lot. Adalwulf and Lilith in the Yellow Mustang followed after and Cenerico and Astarot in the blue Lamborghini followed after them. They drove to the school which was fifteen minutes away from their apartments and parked while students gave them jealous stares.
Laughing, Adalwulf said to Lilith, “Haha this is interesting I love the fact that the humans are staring at us while they’re the ones who made the cars.”They both chuckled lightly and got out of the car and walked over to Alaric who was being stared at by a bunch of guys.
“How is it having guys fall in love with you at first sight?” Adalwulf joked.
“Terrible, at least the landlady and the principal don’t have big “crushes” on me, Wulf,” Alaric said laughing.
“You two make me laugh,” Cenerico said walking up to them.
“Let’s go I think school starts in like fifteen minutes according to this paper and we need Cenerico to make us in the same class,” Astarot said walking towards the building labeled “Office.” The rest of them followed quickly after and let Cenerico lead.
“Hello ma’am can you let us five have all seven periods together?” Cenerico asked politely but strangely his hands started moving in a puppet motion which was unseen by the students and staff passing by.
“Sure,” the woman answered and she typed into her computer and printed out five copies of what seemed to be a schedule. Though she did it with no complaint, her motions looked somewhat, forced, as if someone was controlling her with marionette strings.
They looked at their schedules and saw they did have all seven periods together with the same courses, classes, and teachers.
“Hey, we’ll be seeing each other all day right?” Lilith asked.
“Yep,” it’s easier this way so that we won’t get lost and we won’t be discovered if we hang out in our own little ‘clan.’ Anyway, the humans will be too amazed at us since we’re monsters and we’re designed to have them be amazed at our beauty,” Adalwulf said laughing. They all chuckled lightly and started walking out of the office.
“Let’s go to first period,” Alaric said looking at his schedule, “what does it say Cenerico?”
“It says, ‘Period One Algebra 2 F-3,’ is that our first class?” Cenerico read.
“Yup let’s go,” Alaric said, and the four others followed him toward the building labeled “F.” On their way there, stares and look of admiration were directed towards them. They really did stand out, being beautiful and foreign-looking and all.
When they got into the room labeled “F-3” they found seats next to each other and all sat down. The teacher took role and when he got to the bottom of the page, their names came up.
“Excuse me, Alaric, Cenerico, Lilith, Astarot, Adalwulf, is it? What are your last names?” he asked obviously confused.
“Umm--,” Lilith started but was interrupted by Alaric.
“We’re all adopted siblings and our last name is Engel.”
“Ah okay, so Alaric Engel, Cenerico Engel, Lilith Engel, Astarot Engel, and Adalwulf Engel, am I correct?” the teacher asked uncomfortably.
“Yes sir,” Cenerico answered sarcastically making the class chuckle lightly. The teacher ignored it and pointed out were they would sit.
“Hey, don’t give them such a bad impression on the first day, we have to wait until later in the year,” Adalwulf whispered when they got into their seats and started chuckling.
“Okay,” Cenerico said laughing lightly.
The loud bell sounded for passing period and they all got up and started walking towards their next class which was cooking.
“Hey, Alaric, isn’t Engel your last name from five hundred years ago?” Adalwulf asked as they were walking to the next building.
“Yup, I just wanted to use it because I haven’t heard it in so long and doesn’t it fit? Adalwulf Engel and Alaric Engel. Haha, anyway, our next class is cooking isn’t it?” he said in a monotone.
“Yeah, I think you’re going to be bored during this class Alaric, your cooking is awesome,” Astarot said looking at him.
“I will, for some reason, they think I can’t cook and they fail me in the class, maybe it’s because I overachieve and my cooking is better than the teacher’s cooking haha,” Alaric.
“Yep, that always happens, last year it got so bad that he was almost punched by the teacher because of his narcissistic attitude,” Adalwulf said to Lilith and Cenerico. They both chuckled as they walked into their cooking class.
They sat down as the bell rang and their teacher walked in. Like Algebra, the teacher read the roll aloud and found out that Alaric, Astarot, Adalwulf, Cenerico and Lilith didn’t have last names.
“Engel,” they said in unison when she asked while trying to hold in their laughter.
Most of the classes ended up like that since the lady in the office seemed to forget to enter their last name and when it was time for lunch, they all looked at Alaric.
“Hey, man, did you bring lunch?” Adalwulf asked drooling.
“Yes I did so put your tongue back in your mouth,” Alaric joked. They were all tired and hungry from the tiring day of teachers mispronouncing their names and not knowing their last name. Reaching into his backpack, he brought out a giant bag.
“I like packing it family style because I’m too lazy to pack a bag for each of you,” Alaric griped and he lifted out layers of boxes each containing a part of the meal and Astarot looked at everything and drooled.
“Will it taste as good as breakfast?” he asked Alaric. Alaric laughed and continued setting up the lunch.
“Look, Alaric is nocturnal, he’s lazy in the morning and really doesn’t try to make breakfast so he tried hard to make lunch, it’s delicious,” Adalwulf answered laughing and grabbing a fork.
Each of them followed his example and started eating quickly wondering what Alaric lunch meal would tastes like.
“Oh my god, this is delicious,” Cenerico said with his mouth full of food.
“Hey don’t talk with your mouth full,” Lilith said whacking him with her spoon.
The five “siblings” laughed and they continued eating ignoring the stares of admiration and the fact that everyone in the room was falling in love with them at first sight.
Soon after, lunch ended and they had to move onto their next period.
When the day finished, they all walked back into the parking lot and found a bunch of delinquents in front of each of their cars.
Sighing, Alaric said, “s**t, not again, I hate it when they do this.”
Walking up to his BMW, he said, “Get the hell away from my car.”
“Haha look here this girly boy is telling us to get away right guys?” the oldest and largest guy said and his groupies started laughing loudly.
“Yes actually I am,” Alaric said and he went up to the guy and punched him in the stomach. The guy fell and his buddies started to attack and Alaric knocked them all down causing them all to run away.
“Jesus Christ, its annoying having to do that every year.” Alaric complained.
“Haha it’s my turn,” Adalwulf joked and he went up to the delinquents near his car and kicked them away which signaled Cenerico and Astarot to do the same to their Lamborghini.
“Well today was eventful!” Alaric exclaimed sarcastically after the delinquents had left and they each got into their cars.
“Who’s leading?” Lilith asked.
“Follow Adalwulf, he’s leading!” Alaric shouted and said.
“Finally the first day of the hell hole called school is over,” said Cenerico sighing.
Chuckling Adalwulf and Lilith drove off towards the apartment building with Alaric and Astarot and Cenerico following closely behind.

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