For today, I was watching a show and all the sudden the narrator said, "But Why?"
and I cracked up.
I was looking at stuff on the TiVo and 28 Days Later was on! And as if it couldn't get any better, one of the guys used the word "tart."
My dad kept on joking around yelling "HAIL SATAN!!"
The other day, people kept singing "Come Sail Away" and were talking about Styx!
I have also come up with another one of my infamous YGOTAS/Pop culture inferences/comparisons, but this one takes another twist. Well, I don't know about you people, but I love Queen, you know the band. I listen to it a lot, and I know pretty much all the songs. Sooooooooo, I've come up with the songs that best describe the YGOTAS characters. If you don't know Queen, you can probably just skip this journal write, but if you do, I think you'll find some of these pretty true. You can Wiki some of the songs if you want to see the comparison, but I'll put a little caption next to each just for you!
Yugi= We Are the Champions~
If this song played every time Yugi won a children's card game, and I had a nickel for every time this song played, I'd be wealthier than Seto Kaiba...and that's a lot of dough!
OR- God Save the Queen~
"God save the Queen and all that palava!"
Yami= Who Wants To Live Forever?~
Yami does....apparently.
Tristan= Bicycle Race~
This song makes about as much sense as the words that come out of Tristan's mouth. Plus Tristan has a motorbike, making this even more fitting!
Marik= Another One Bites the Dust~
This song is all about killing people, and the first line pretty much sums it all up...
"Steve walks warily down the street, brim pulled way down low. Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet! Machine guns ready to go!"
OR- Radio Ga Ga~
OR- I Want To Break Free~
In the music video for this song, they dress up as trannies... Sound familiar?
"I'll have you know that I like women!"
"I see, that's why you have dressed yourself as one."
Bakura= Bohemian Rhapsody~
This song is about as bipolar, and skitzophrenic as Bakura.
"Let me go! Will not let him go! Let me go! Will not let him go!"
Here is a bipolar visual of the song's sound waves if you care to.... LOOK IT UP!

OR- I Want It All~
Bakura want's all that bloody screen time to himself!
OR- White Man~
I don't think this one really needs a description...
Mokuba= Save Me~
How many times does Mokuba have to be saved from his latest kidnapping? TOO MANY!
Kaiba= Somebody To Love~
"That Kaiba kid really needs to get laid."
OR- We Will Rock You~
OMG A GIANT ROCK!!!! Plus this song is pretty much all insults....just like Seto!
OR- The Millionaire Waltz~
"Screw the Rules, I have money!"
OR- Loser In the End~
"Hey loser, how's it going?"
OR- Dragon Attack~
Does Kaiba even have any other cards?
Duke= Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy~
Worship him won't you? That just fits perfectly with Duke.
Tea= You're My Best Friend~
"Friendship is the best thing ever!"
Mai= Under Pressure~
Her breasts are!
Weevil= Put Out the Fire~
Mako= Seven Seas of Rhye~
"She allows me to date other large bodies of water!"
Shadi= The Prophet's Song/Now I'm Here~
It's a little late, but it's the thought that counts right? And the thought is VERY NICE!
Zorc= All Dead, All Dead
They will be after Zorc destroys them.
Serenity= Blurred Vision~
"Tristan, I can't see."
Pegasus= Killer Queen~
This song is just about as girly as Pegasus.
YGOTAS Theme song= Play the Game~
The card game that is.... HAHA you just lost the game.
The Bakura Show/Zorc and Pals= Don't Stop Me Now~
or else their evil plans will be ruined!!!
Joey doesn't get a theme song...sorry Joey!