Rin ______________∫●X●X●X●X●
The faint sound of girlsh giggles could be hear escaping a rather large room in the northwest side of the mansion. If you listend closely you could hear the madness that filled every laugh. When each "haha" became even more high pitched the giggles sounded twisted. In a room fillied too the roof with dolls sat a white haired teen. The short little sweet was the sorce of the twisted laughter. With her skin rivaled the snowy pale color of her hair. A large grin spread across her cheaks, a playful gllint in her sparkling, wide eyes. A needle in her hand, and a torn rag doll laid next to her. It would seem strange that fixing something like a rag doll would send someone into a laughing fit. But that isn't the reason. The reason for her laughter was easy too see, yet not easy to see. Take a look if you please.
Rin began to hum as she brought the string to her lips, and weting it. Spining it with her fingers, before she looped the golden strand of string though the needle. Tieing the knot, a life line created, and she was ready to create a new rag doll. Another set of her giggles escaped her pale lips, as she sowed the chest of the ragdoll closed. As the golden string went in, and out of the limp dolls chest. Suddenly blood curling screams began to come from what seemed the string she used. The grin of the pale girls lips grew larger, as she continued to sow the dolls chest. In a matter of moments the doll was finished, and the screams stoped. The short female placed the doll infront of her, and cut the string. As soon as the golden thread was cut it turned as black as night.
In a matter of moments the doll began to move. Very slowly at first. It was only jerks, and twitches as the spirt inside of it became used to it's new body. Before the poor raggity doll could get used to it's body. Rin became annoyed with the time it was taking. Pushing herself off of the ground, grabing the doll by it's neck while she did so. Bringing the creature up to her eye level. A deep frown on her pretty face as she threw the rag doll into a pile of materials for rag dolls. When the poor little thing began crawling out, did it's master start it's abuse. "You stupid thing! Dollies! Come get this pathetic creature! Hmp!" Sending a glare towards the ragdolls that quickly ran into her doll room, and grabed the new additon to the crew.
Almost as soon as the new adition to her dolls was gone. Rin's mood seemed to lift almost instantly. Giving the room a smile, as she placed her hand on her hips for a few seconds. Droping her hands to her sides, before walking over to the table in the corner. Grabing a strawberry from a bowl, and bringing it to her mouth. "Hopefully big brother will have a soul that will be usefull for me. " With that thought the smile on Rin's face grew, before taking a biite of the small fruit in her hand.
Rin began to hum as she brought the string to her lips, and weting it. Spining it with her fingers, before she looped the golden strand of string though the needle. Tieing the knot, a life line created, and she was ready to create a new rag doll. Another set of her giggles escaped her pale lips, as she sowed the chest of the ragdoll closed. As the golden string went in, and out of the limp dolls chest. Suddenly blood curling screams began to come from what seemed the string she used. The grin of the pale girls lips grew larger, as she continued to sow the dolls chest. In a matter of moments the doll was finished, and the screams stoped. The short female placed the doll infront of her, and cut the string. As soon as the golden thread was cut it turned as black as night.
In a matter of moments the doll began to move. Very slowly at first. It was only jerks, and twitches as the spirt inside of it became used to it's new body. Before the poor raggity doll could get used to it's body. Rin became annoyed with the time it was taking. Pushing herself off of the ground, grabing the doll by it's neck while she did so. Bringing the creature up to her eye level. A deep frown on her pretty face as she threw the rag doll into a pile of materials for rag dolls. When the poor little thing began crawling out, did it's master start it's abuse. "You stupid thing! Dollies! Come get this pathetic creature! Hmp!" Sending a glare towards the ragdolls that quickly ran into her doll room, and grabed the new additon to the crew.
Almost as soon as the new adition to her dolls was gone. Rin's mood seemed to lift almost instantly. Giving the room a smile, as she placed her hand on her hips for a few seconds. Droping her hands to her sides, before walking over to the table in the corner. Grabing a strawberry from a bowl, and bringing it to her mouth. "Hopefully big brother will have a soul that will be usefull for me. " With that thought the smile on Rin's face grew, before taking a biite of the small fruit in her hand.
Out of Cake: I'm not sure when I'll be able to post next. Sorry!