Name: Hikari and Misami
Age: both 17
Gender: females
Sepices: vampires
power(S): Hikari: shape shifter, good fighter Misami: control objects with her hands ,good healer
Past: Hikari was abandoned by her parents when she was six. They never came back or thought about her ever again.
Misami found Hikari in her house, crying and took Hikari home to her own family, adopted her as her sister.
Hikari became Misami's best friend.
Once Misami's family saw something was wrong with Hikari, because she started shape shifting, Misami's family tried to abandon Hikari too but Misami wouldn't leave her best friend. Misami blocked the house with many items and furniture and kept everyone out. It was then that Misami discovered her power to control objects.
Hikari (left) and Misami (right)