Frozen Yogurt
Life is full of hardship and deceptions. Just the other day I bought a box of chocolate flavored cheerios from costco. They presented themselves as something new and interesting in an old pastime. Oh how excited I was to get home and try them and start a new and exciting adventure with my new found chocolate flavored cheerios. I got in my comfy chair, got my cat on my lap and put my bowl of chocolate flavored cheerios on top of her. The cat had decided not to acknowledge or react to its displacement from dresser or make note of my existence but it appears to be breathing regularly so all is well. I couldn't imagine a more perfect mental image than the one that had currently physically manifested at that moment. I take a spoonful of the little chocolate donut seeds with exuberant anticipation. Chocolate flavored cheerios are a lie. My eyes see cheerios but my mouth says cocoa puffs. Damn you general mills and your modifying of other cereals into new shapes! You'll rue the day you came into existence!! Now this is just an extreme example but, life can give you some tough moments to deal with that challenge your identity and purpose, just don't let it get you down, just know somewhere out there someone like me has had to endure way more in their life, and has surpassed it. Albeit while crying disappointment, I will eat my double bagged costco box of chocolate flavored cheerios because I am a proud, strong women and I can accomplish anything. I will eat it, in tribute to you.