I had a dream where,at first it was just a regular day,Then all of a sudden people were disappearing.And they were killed by these things called wraiths..not the ones from lord of the rings >_>.Then the outside started changing..From wonderlad,to dark forests.I even had some friends in it.So this one strange cloaked demon,looking,dude that looked like:


And for some reason..i was dressed like:

HA!Even then i dont wear shoes that match dresses >w>.So we had to travel to diffrent realms and stuff,we also did stuff i don't want to say cuz...its...awkward..kinda..But we had to,or else the wraiths would know im human.........................And i remember this one part where i was half asleep and i kept saying his name and he appeared next to me and i asked if this was real,cuz in my dream i thought i was dreaming..and he responded with a whisper..Yes..and i was like oh ok..hm............i remember some of my friends...tenten was in it((imatentenfan))But..she wasnt eny help >_> i was lost...i saw her...she ditched me.or sumtin..and i was like...UGH..But evan helped meh....GAWD..lol..Sorrry for crapy drawings and bad explanations..i can remember it well...its just....FEH I CANT EXPLAIN IT!!!