▪Sorcam Karlek▪
のPersonal Dataの
xxxxxxRPC Full Name|| Sorcam Karlek xxxxxxNicknames|| -N/A- xxxxxxAge|| 25 xxxxxxBirth Date|| December 21 xxxxxxHeight|| 5', 9'' xxxxxxWeight|| 187lbs xxxxxxPersonality|| Confident and quiet, Sorcam knows when to insert himself into a conversation and when to stay out of one. He generally stays to himself around people but has no qualms working with them. xxxxxxBehaviour|| Although Sorcam tends to avoid battles, he likes to keep a healthy mix between defense and attack. As a medic, he generally stays out of people's business until they need him. He's quiet, although he can pull out an aura of authority if need be. xxxxxxEthinicy|| Caucasian
xxxxxxPersonal Skill|| Sorcam excels in herbal mixing and often makes his own teas and spices out of plants that he finds in the wild himself. xxxxxxFavorite Food|| -N/A- xxxxxxFavorite Drink|| Hot Teas xxxxxxLeast Favorite Food|| -N/A-
xxxxxxLikes - Intelligent Conversation - Human Anatomy - Plants and Herbs - Swimming xxxxxxDislikes|| - Having to teach children - Talking about personal things - His parents - Loud Crowds xxxxxxHates|| - Ignorant People - People who don't give a damn - The Neutrality stance - People who don't try to understand thigns
xxxxxx Strengths|| xxxxxxxxxxxx• Observant xxxxxxxxxxxx• Healing Techniques xxxxxxWeaknesses|| xxxxxxxxxxxx• Often quick to form an opinion xxxxxxxxxxxx• Long Range fighting xxxxxx Fears|| xxxxxxxxxxxx• Having his patients die xxxxxxxxxxxx• Not being good enough(he'd never admit to this)
xxxxxx Relationships|| xxxxxx Family|| Lenon Karlek: Brother Crystal Karlek: Sister Has 'Disowned' parents
のShinobi Dataの
xxxxxx Village|| -N/A- xxxxxx Rank|| Jounin
xxxxxx Ninja Class|| Medic xxxxxx Nindo|| -N/A-
xxxxxx Bloodline|| Body Sacrifice Sensor xxxxxx Bloodline Stage|| Stage One xxxxxx Clan|| -N/A- xxxxxx Clan Stage|| -N/A-
xxxxxx Implants|| -N/A- xxxxxx Curse Mark|| -N/A- xxxxxx Angel/Demon|| -N/A-
xxxxxx Summoning Type|| -N/A- xxxxxx Summon Sage?|| -N/A-
のShinobi Technique Dataの
xxxxxx Chakra Color|| Blue xxxxxx Chakra Element|| xxxxxxxxxxxx1. Medical xxxxxxxxxxxx2. Water (Suiton) xxxxxxxxxxxx3. -N/A-
xxxxxx Ninjutsu xxxxxx Non-Elemental xxxxxxxxxxxx • All Up to Jounin, Excluding Rasengan and Chidori
xxxxxx Medical xxxxxxxxxxxx • All except 'Circle of Enlightenment' xxxxxx Suiton xxxxxxxxxxxx • All Suiton
xxxxxx -N/A- xxxxxxxxxxxx •
xxxxxx Puppetry xxxxxxxxxxxx • All Up to Jounin
xxxxxx -N/A- xxxxxxxxxxxx •
xxxxxx Bloodline/clan techinques xxxxxxxxxxxx • All of Stage One
xxxxxx Taijutsu xxxxxx Shuurai Tekken Do ) xxxxxx Mastery Level|| Jounin Level Mastery xxxxxx Techniques Learned: xxxxxxxxxxxx • xxxxxx Custom Taijutsu Techniques Learned: xxxxxxxxxxxx •
のEquipment Dataの
xxxxxx Headband Location|| Forehead xxxxxx Headband Style|| Straight On xxxxxx Headband Color|| Dark Blue xxxxxx Flak Jacket Style|| Cloud Village Style xxxxxx Flak Jacket Color|| Black xxxxxx Kunai Holster Location|| Right Leg xxxxxx Kunai Holster Color|| Dark Blue xxxxxx Shuriken and Bomb Holster Location || Belt Pouch xxxxxx Shuriken and Bomb Holster Color|| Black xxxxxx Backpack Color|| Dark Green/Brown xxxxxx Backpack Style|| One Strap
xxxxxx -N/A- xxxxxx Weapon Type|| xxxxxx Weapon Length/Range|| xxxxxx Weapon Weight|| xxxxxx Weapon Location|| xxxxxx Weapon Properties||
のShinobi Combat Statisticsの
xxxxxx Missions Completed xxxxxx S Rank|| 1 xxxxxx A Rank|| 1 xxxxxx B Rank|| 0 xxxxxx C Rank|| 3 xxxxxx D Rank|| 3 xxxxxx E Rank|| 5
xxxxxx Battles Fought xxxxxx Fights Won|| 5 xxxxxx Fights Lost|| 1 xxxxxx Fights Tied|| 1 xxxxxx Opponents Killed|| 0
のOther Data の
xxxxxx Background History|| Sorcam was born into a wealthy family of Merchants who lived in the prosperous Kumogakure Village. After the first death of his brother, Lenon, Sorcam entered into the Academy at Kumogakure and made the choice to study medical ninjutsu, as to try preventing the pain of other people by keeping their loved ones alive. Sorcam quickly ran up the ranks until he reached Jounin, where he has stayed for some time. Most recently, he has left his village on a trip of self-discovery...and enjoyment, traveling in lands generally left alone by humans with his brother Lenon. After some time, the two of them split up, and now Sorcam will return to the villages again. xxxxxx Theme Song|| -N/A- xxxxxx Extra Stuff on Character||
lenon01 · Sat Feb 12, 2011 @ 05:41pm · 0 Comments |