Name: Shelby Marx
Age: Twenty
Gender: Female
Race: Demigoddess
Sexuality: Straight
Collars: Crimson, Medium Purple, Green, Goldenrod, Dark Blue, Pink ((Dampener)) Charms: Tear, Heart, Wand, ♦, !!, Plant
Floor: Fourth
Personality Shelby is usually quiet and when faced with someone she doesn’t know or isn’t comfortable with, she doesn’t talk unless spoken to. She is very intelligent and has a fair amount of common sense; she has a bad habit of blurting out and correcting people. Shelby is also very kind and gentle, despite her past which would lead most to be distant. She is very curious and asks a lot of questions, and when they aren’t answered, she might end up snooping around to find the answer. Shelby-- though not really open to relationships due to her past-- is interested in guys; however, she isn't shy when it comes to girls. Shelby loves music and singing, however she gets embarrassed and won’t usually sing if she is conscious of others around her. Another thing Shelby loves is nature; she finds it calming and likes sitting outside on a nice day. Overall, Shelby is quiet, kind, and obedient.
Biography: You would think living life as a demigoddess would be anyone’s dream; untold beauty, a voice like angels, and harboring magical powers-- yeah, sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? Well, not as much as you’d think. When your beauty matches that of even Aphrodite, there are always people wanting to take that for themselves-- yeah, being sold as a sex slave really isn’t anyone’s cup of tea-- unlucky for me, that’s what I went through for my past ten years of living. Anyway, let me start from the beginning; I was born from my goddess mother and human father making me, obviously, a demigoddess. For the first eight years of life I was treated normally, like any other child would be, but then things went downhill fast when my father died. My mother, devastated by her love’s death, gave up her godly powers to try and save him, however, the gods didn’t take too well to her loving a mortal, and instead stripped her of her goddess status-- making her human-- and leaving her to die without her dearest. Heartbroken, my mother had fallen ill and died shortly after, leaving me by myself. Now, the next thing that had happened was where my entire life turned for the worst. Upon hearing the death of my parents,, my uncle took me in. (I had a feeling he wasn’t going to take me originally, but when he had seen me, that thought went down the drain). Well, my uncle treated me nicely at first, but then he began bringing ‘friends’ over. Soon the amount of people increased and one thing led to another until I then had to ‘work’ to eat. This went on for ten years until my uncle had died from a tumor bursting in his brain; lovely, isn’t it? But now, lucky me gets to sit in a cage just to be sold off as a plaything… nothing has changed.
Other: Shelby, though half goddess, is also part human and ages normally like them for reasons unknown as most demigods age slower than mortals. She also is able to use her inherited godly powers; such as control over the four elements and a slight defensive barrier. However, her human side still doesn't agree with the immense amount of energy and power using her skills takes up, so she tries to lay off the magic; whenever she uses her powers, she gets dizzy from excessive energy use and she also ends up winded.
Master: N/A
ll Fallen Light ll · Tue Mar 08, 2011 @ 11:10pm · 0 Comments |