Aquarium messages in a bottle
Some are funny. Some are not.
June '09
Original question: Will anyone make donations to my main account? XDD I'm not really a noob. XxHeartlessDeviancexX
Your winning response: But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. -W.B. Yeats
Original question: What is your favorite candy?
Your winning response: I like starbursts! And skittles! ^_^
Original question: mut su du los de anyos hola!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your winning response: hola, como estas?
The Flighty Zuse
Original question: Blood or Chocolate?
Your winning response: blood chocolate Why choose one when you can combine them? XD
Original question: Say whatever random thoughts you find floating around your head...
Your winning response: Naked William Shater dancing to a legendary 80's song fueled by the memories of a tired lad, me.
July '09
Original question: wats up
Your winning response: It's all good. ;D
Original question: Go look up: My Life Is Average (its like fml but normal everyday things)
Your winning response: fml? Is this some mainstream band of nastiness?
Original question: i need 2000 gold,please!!!!!!!!
Your winning response: Dude, go to the booty grab forum and start booty grabbing. You'll have 2,000 in no time at all.
Original question: y do guys cheat?
Your winning response: Because they think it makes them cool, when in fact it makes them ********. -_-
Original question: Bored?
Your winning response: Not at all. I'm quite enjoying myself right now.
August '09
Jake McClan
Original question: Has anyone in Gaia heard of Trickster? (If anyone has, I'm wondering why they're still on Gaia..?) O.o
Your winning response: Is that a person? A site? I think it's safe to say no, I haven't heard of Trickster. XD
Original question: Styx.
Your winning response: Sacred chiefs cloaked in wisdom dark, illuminators of zyx. Rest the putrifaction process, to lead the soul across the styx.
June '10
Original question: hello! *^_^* Random thoughts, are mostly cherished!
Your winning response: Unless you're a really hot woman, don't ever leave the bathroom door unlocked.
July '10
Original question: Who is your favorite actor/actress?
Your winning response: I enjoy Jude Law because he's badass.
Tyson Elric
Original question: What is the best dessert?
Your winning response: If there was one s in there I'd say Sahara.
Original question: If you could be reborn as anything, what would you choose?
Your winning response: A girl. HAHA no.
Original question: spiders are planning world domination!!!!!!! >.<
Your winning response: Better stock up on bug spray. o.o
Grey Fox20
Original question: What is your favorite word?
Your winning response: Flabbergast.
Original question: Favorite anime? Ever heard of Hetalia?
Your winning response: Afraid not, all I watch is One Piece because I'm lame. XD
Original question: Little bunny foo foo was walkin thr- _RAPE_ ^,-,^ XD, say something random and you WIN!! lava you, wendy
Your winning response: I think Madonna, Unicorns and human frailty are the cause of the evil chains known as Starbucks.
August '10
Original question: Is anyone going to Otakon this year! Tell your plans below!
Your winning response: Nope, I'm a boring loser that doesn't go anywhere.
Original question: what is you favorite sport?
Your winning response: I like playing football, sometimes. XD
Sparkle Wangdoodle
Original question: darn cryin bebbehs.
Your winning response: I thought that said cyberin for a second LMFAO.
Jose Astorga
Original question: if they gave you a limited time offer of a free toy for your aquarium about your favorite manga character!which one would it be?Explain.
Your winning response: I think it'd be a pirate ship from One Piece. XDDD
Original question: So lets say I like this person but I dont know if they like me back. I dont know if i should tell cause it might break up the friendship.Im stuck in between a hard rock(btw no not my d**k)sugestions?
Your winning response: I say take the chance and tell them, if they don't, then just carry on as friends, if they start acting awkward, either they actually DO like you or aren't avery good friend.
Original question: What is your favorite quote? If you can't think of anything then make up something funny. Please.
Your winning response: But, I being poor, have only my dreams, and I have spread those dreams under your feet. Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - W.B. Yeats
Original question: Complete this sentence,
Your winning response: And then the world will be at ease because Starbucks will no longer have more than one store per city. Even that's too much.
Original question: hi im ur stalker biggrin I LUV YOU xDDDDD
Your winning response: HELLO. You have been added to my fan club/ stalkers.
Original question: What is your favorite word?
Your winning response: Flabbergast has a very nice ring to it.
Original question: I'm finding it difficult to write something meaningful in these bottled messages these days. How dull.
Your winning response: The problem with writing messages with actual meaning is it's hard to get people to reply seriously. You usually get clucks who don't care.
Original question: what is ur fav thing to do?
Your winning response: Harass people in a fun way =D
Original question: What song do you have stuck in your head right now?
Your winning response: It's not stuck in my head, but I'm listening to Been Through This by Lisa Miskovsky.
Anuri VanHade
Original question: What is your favorite word?
Your winning response: Doppleganger.
Original question: What is the worst movie you ever saw?
Your winning response: Moms on Strike.
Stalker of the nite
Original question: hey
Your winning response: That's a uhhh.. very dark avatar. XD
Original question: i like chocolate
Your winning response: OMG SO DO I. I like bacon too.
Original question: What animal do you want as a pet?
Your winning response: Well, besides a cat, which we have, I kinda want a bunny =]
September '10
Original question: who has ever seen a beavcoon? (combo of a beaver and a raccoon)
Original question: What is the funniest thing you have ever heard anyone say?
Your winning response: Stop peeing on my dinosaur.
Original question: Do you like zOMG/ Gaia?
Your winning response: Never played zOMG. Gaia is cool though, it's fun.
Original question: RANDOMNESS :3 !!!
Your winning response: Nice hair. I love that shade of orange. XD
Original question: What is your favorite word?
Your winning response: Doppleganger. =D
Original question: Haiii how r yall lol!!!!! sweetness or kewlness choose!!! if sweeness u win 250gg and a gift only ne person ho but kewlness u win 120gg!!! so choose wisely!!!!
Your winning response: sweeness? O.o
Original question: What's your favorite store?
Your winning response: For some reason I like department stores. I'm a strange guy. Too bad Mervyn's went out of business.
Original question: hey how would you react if you had to confront your crush and tell them that you love them?i need sum help!
Your winning response: Not be awkward about it. be confident. The worst thing that could happen is they don't like you in which case there are better people out there that you deserve more.
Original question: What is your power animal?
Your winning response: I thnk lions are pretty powerful.
Robotic Dizzy
Original question: I HAVE NO GOLD lmao
Your winning response: Duuuude. I know how that is. Just quote W.B. Yeats and say "But I, being poor, have only my dreams..."
Oriental Wolf
Original question: What is your favorite animal? Mine is the wolf and his beauty, and the cute fox. =3
Your winning response: Cats... and behind that, bunnies, because of my gf.
Original question: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could CHUCK NORRIS?
Your winning response: None, because Chuck Norris doesn't have to, they chuck themselves.
Trust the Doctor
Original question: Who believes in faeries?! O_O
Your winning response: Faeries like Navi? Well, s**t I hope not.
puppy che love
Original question: hi ho little hey hello and good bye
Your winning response: Buna, ni hao, howdy, konnichiwa, hola, welcome to earth.
Original question: could you plz dontate ill get you a hug if you do ^.^
Your winning response: Where's the "tip" button.
-Yamie Usagi-
Original question: The Word Noob Doesn't exist, so why use it?
Your winning response: Technically, it's a stupid spelling of newb which is short for newbie, it's supposed to be a condescending way to say they don't know what they're talking about. There are many fools. In short: Agreed
whimsical cadence
Original question: Do you have a favorite movie?
Your winning response: Oscar, Princess Bride, Equilibrium, Newsies...
Original question: Is love tangible? Why?
Your winning response: Depends on who you love.
obviously o_o
Original question: plz donate gold so i can get trendyy skinny jeans
Your winning response: Where is the tip button, haha. XD
October '10
Rozan Cage
Original question: What is the worst song (todays) you hate listening to?
Your winning response: Pretty much anything by Lady Gaga, she sickens me.
Original question: What's your favorite brand of clothes?
Your winning response: Vans. Mostly the shoes.
Original question: Do you play zOMG!? If you do, what's your favorite place and if you don't, why not?
Your winning response: When zOMG first came out I was fortunate enough to be chosen as a Beat tester BUT for some reason all the servers on gaia wouldn't work, at all. They workedagainin the pastyear but I never got into it
disney Iand
Original question: WHATS YOUR FAVORITE SONG C:
Your winning response: Nightquest by Nightwish. I almost always answer this question with that and nobody ever chooses me, haha. Nightwish is a good banc, look them up if you enjoy symphonic metal.
Lvl1 Hero
Original question: What's your favorite song?
Your winning response: Hmmm. Nightquest by Nightwish. I'd say check it out, but I dunno if you like symphonic metal.
XX Shadows of Death XX
Original question: What kind of a gamer are you?
Your winning response: Semi-hardcore.
j girl_angel of love
Original question: If you love something let it go, if it comes back to you, it was meant to be <3
Your winning response: But I don't want to chance looking like a boorish butt. I'll keep my girlfriend, thank you.
I_ate Byakuya
Original question: What is ur faviote breed and what kind of animal is it
Your winning response: The sexual breed, it's called a human.
Original question: parting is such sweet sorrow
Your winning response: I thought that said "Partying" for a second LMFAO.
Original question: favorite song?
Your winning response: Nightquest by Nightwish. Good song, if you like symphonic metal look it up.
Original question: favorite kind of gun?
Your winning response: The one that kills people. LMFAO. But seriously, I like the P90. I don't know why, it's just cool. Also, because the RCP90 was the best gun in Goldeneye. XD
Dragoness Arleeana
Original question: What's your favorite drink?
Your winning response: Sangria. Not really.
Original question: How much wood could a wood chuck, chuck, if a wood chuck, could chuck norris? O.o?
Your winning response: None, because when Chuckie is around the wood chucks themselves.
Original question: do you live in the mitten~?
Your winning response: Maybe if I was a kitten. ;D
Walter Cumm Dornez
Original question: biggrin ?
Your winning response: 8DDDDD
Stanley Nero
Original question: Where do you get your news, if you have any worldly curiosity...
Your winning response: Yahoo news and the smosh pit. XDD
Original question: Do you care at all?
Your winning response: "Now go on, go ahead, ask me if I care." "Do you care?" XDDD LMFAOOOO No, I can't say that I do.
Original question: hello
Your winning response: Hey. Is for horses. And cows like your mom.
Xx panda_luver_407 Xx
Original question: hi!!!!! ever1 who wunna b3 da winner!!!!????
Your winning response: I WUNNA B3 DA WINNER!
Original question: Who is your favorite band? Mine is System of a Down biggrin
Your winning response: System of a Down is pretty awesome. Do you also listen to Serj Tankian and Scars on Broadway?
Original question: Anyonw siked for Haloween?!
Your winning response: Sorta. I'm not completely sure what I should be. And I'm probably gonna be working. =/
xo chocolate_cupcakes xo
Original question: What's your favorite animal?
Your winning response: Besides the obvious: cat? Bunnies. XD
Sara Alexandria
Original question: who is your favorite character from a comic?
Your winning response: I like Bucky from Get Fuzzy because's he's blatantly a republican and nobody likes an arrogant liberal.
Original question: Semen.
Your winning response: You have a lot of that in you right now, huh?
Azure Elessar
Original question: On a scale of 1 to 10, how crazy are you, and why?
Your winning response: If you have the ability to say you're crazy, then chances are, you aren't. So I give myself a 4.
Original question: y the hell do ppl do this???????? this is just a waste of tiime u guys should knoow that -______-
Your winning response: Are you referring to people on the internet as a whole? Because I agree.
Original question: Who here is ready for a zombie invasion? Anyone with a zombie survival guide and enough weopons to kill them, including enough food stacked up to stay where you are for whatever time may be required?
Your winning response: You must disparage all family bonds! Cardio, limber up, be a hero, enjoy the little things, seatbelt, double tap! BE WARY!
Original question: Cats or dogs?
Your winning response: Cats, all the way, and them some, even back in the day when that meant sabre toothed tigers.
Original question: hello....
Your winning response: Whatthe firetruck, my mom is listening to a song on a record (I know, ancient) and it sounds like the battle theme from FFVII. wtf.
Original question: If you could have one wish.. what would you wish for?
Your winning response: Faster metabolism.
Original question: Zeeky Boogy Doog!
Your winning response: Yeah, I have absolutely no reply to that. SNOOGY BOOGUMS?
Original question: What is your favorite movie?
Your winning response: Oscar. Princess Brides. Among others.
Damion Yocomaru
Original question: What is your favorite song?
Your winning response: Nightquest by Nightwish. Not a bad song, look it up if you like Symphonic Metal.
Original question: Donate to me PLEASE? I hate to beg, but im totally broke.
Your winning response: *tips*
Original question: What was the worst movie you ever saw?
Your winning response: Slumdog Millionaire. Moms on Strike.
Wolfish Beauty
Original question: Any other Wiccan's out there?
Your winning response: No, you're the only one. You should burn yourself out of depression. o.o just kidding. XD
Original question: Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year? If you are is it your first time? If not have you won before? if you have no idea what I am talking about make your best guess.
Your winning response: No, I'm not. I'm too lazy to write. I mean, geez. Some people are crazy, I knew this guy who wrote 50,000 words (1,666 per day) for his I believe it was two years ago, but I'm no good at scheduling.
Ms Takenfor
Original question: Cumm
Your winning response: *cumms over to you* What? o_o
Original question: Eevee... Jolteon... Umbreon... Flareon... Glaceon... Espeon... Vaporeon... Leafeon...
Your winning response: Girafarig. Eevee and Girafarig are the only two palindromes. XD
Himemiya Neko
Original question: What's your favourite Video game and why? ^_^
Your winning response: I like Legend of Zelda. I just like adventures and puzzles.
Original question: What is your favorite word?
Your winning response: Doppleganger ftw!
Original question: hi everyone =)
Your winning response: HELLO HELLO PEOPLE OF PLANET E.
Original question: hello! how are you?
Your winning response: Greetings, I am fantastic, how about you?
Limbo The Lost
Original question: What is your favorite food?
Your winning response: I enjoy Italian and Mexican food.
Original question: What is your favorite word?
Your winning response: Doppleganger.
Original question: What is your favorite movie?
Your winning response: There's a lot. Oscar, hackers, Newsies, Princess Bride, October Sky, Sandlot, and more...
Original question: jdhyj
Your winning response: fgjsfjsfj bshs jsfdghs sfj sfhks uwysftjw qrjguoiplmm dbqae rt8udyoigu d sdfg hiiiiiii
November '10
Cylestia Rose
Original question: What really scares you?
Your winning response: Fear itself. And spiders.
ASH the babe 1989
Original question: What is or dream guy?
Your winning response: I'm my dream guy. [/conceited]
Original question: whats your favorite type of cake?
Your winning response: Ice cream cake, haha.
Original question: Find an answer to this one and win GOLD: Find a 4 letter word that can be read when upside down or not. ~Ailias~
Your winning response: doop. But to be honest I can read almost anything upside down (except sometimes numbers, stupid 6 and 9)
Original question: i love pie
Your winning response: WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH, so do I! O_O
Original question: Would you like to see an alien/UFO? Why? o:
Your winning response: I've read enough into the alien conspiracies, they're pretty weird. I'd say no. Everyone would think I'm crazy.
Original question: blondes, brunettes, or..............?
Your winning response: Fyrecrotchezz!
Original question: What is your favorite movie?
Your winning response: Oscar, Princess Bride, Sandlot, Newsies, Hackers, Equilibrium, et al.
Joe the Awesome One have both won a 250 Gold prize. Congratulations!
Original question: happy halloween hommies! wat r u/ were u?
Your winning response: Obby! I was a zombie, if you wanna see it look up "Halloween at the Yogurt Mill"
daedra child
Original question: Who is your favorite actor?
Your winning response: Jude Law, Johnny Depp.. yep.
Original question: Would you rather drink out of glass or plastic?
Your winning response: Glass. o.o... Why do you ask. XD
mighty neji lover
Original question: what was the scarriest movie you ever saw?
Your winning response: I can't remember but it had a clown. It's not like I'm scared of clowns but that movie was really scary, made me cover my feet when I slept for weeks. XD
Original question: What is the worst movie you ever saw?
Your winning response: Moms On Strike, holy crap.
Original question: I love him <3
Your winning response: And he loves you!
Original question: Do you have a favorite book?
Your winning response: The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series: Hilarious.
Original question: Sheep or Goat?
Your winning response: Maa or Baa? I'll go with the Bah, thank you. Now where's the pecker?
Original question: What's your favourite band?
Your winning response: I have too many to choose from. I have a pretty good list of the ones I like though on my youtube. XD
snakey loves only kitty
Original question: How was October 31st this year for you?
Your winning response: If you can't tell, I was the zombie near the iddle of the video. If for some reason you can't copy it over, search "Halloween at the Yogurt Mill"
Hyades Moon
Original question: OMG NO WAY *faints*
Your winning response: OMG NO WAY. *revives you*
Original question: Death is the cousin of sleep, Just close your eyes count sheep and breathe deep.
Your winning response: Drink somy poppy juice, that's a sleep you'll never wake up from.
Shuzui Firestar
Original question: >.< why is life so confusing!!!!!!!!!???
Your winning response: Because if it wasn't confusing that would take all the fun and adventure out of it.
Original question: bnm
Your winning response: zxc =]
Original question: hi every 1 haha if u get this message this means u sux haha jj lol cya
Your winning response: Looks like I sux.
Original question: Do mine what?
Your winning response: Wow, that's pretty stupid of you to say, lillypad person.
(Reader's note: I was probably referring to someone else who replied to this bottle)
Shizuko Aasimar
Your winning response: I'll never understand bees.
Original question: What is your favorite color?
Your winning response: Blu- NO WAIT *goesflying off to my death*
Original question: If you had 24 hours left to live, what 3 things would you do with the time you have left?
Your winning response: Upload a video to youtube detailing my legacy, whom I despise, and who is awesome. Then write a letter to my girlfriend and tell her not to miss me. Then go to church.
Original question: What is your favorite movie?
Your winning response: I have a few... Princess Bride, Newsies, Oscar, Hackers, Equilibirum... among others.
Original question: How do I look?
Your winning response: You look like you're ready for a fun night on the town ;D
Original question: What is the thing you regret the most?
Your winning response: Not telling her I love her enough. Even though she said I say it too much..
Original question: IF you wernt you... who would you want to be? why?
Your winning response: I'd wanna be the guy.
December '10
Arch Angel Neko
Original question: Have any turkey's to share?
Your winning response: The house turkey? Yes. XDXDXD
II-M a n a-II
Original question: Whats the craziest thing you have ever done?
Your winning response: It was so crazy that I can't remember because a man in black showed me a funny looking pen and I forgot everything...
Colonel fox_boy_5
Original question: bioshock is awesome don't you agree?
Your winning response: Never played, I'm sorry Big Daddy.
Original question: what makes a good bf?
Your winning response: Loyalty and honesty.
Original question: tatatataaaaaaaaaaa!
Your winning response: Holy shiznips you look like Mario.
Keebler Elf Man
Original question: what is your favorit anime / manga and why? try to guess my favorit and why/ :]
Your winning response: You seem like a Hellsing person... I try not to play favorites but I like One Piece.
Cherry Kuro
Original question: There's someone at your door that you don't like. What do you do?
Your winning response: Hide. XDD
Night Witch the Third
Original question: Who do you find more annoying, Justin Bieber or Miley Cirus?
Your winning response: Miley Cyrus. Justin Bieber's music just sucks. But Miley Cyrus is just a little piece of crap.
tobi lover911
Original question: Hell is wrising,can we stop it?Odd creatures are being seen,more peaple are disopearing,more goghst and spirits are cought on tape,Can the humen race stop it?or will we be killed by unknown creatures?
Your winning response: When all hell breaks loose, the bagger 288 will save us.
Original question: what's your favourite sport an y? mine would be dodge ball because it get you active, using you reflexis and it a good way to get anger out and it fun ^_^
Your winning response: Football, I like tackling people. [=
G I Joe Ninja Snake Eyes
Original question: What is your new years resolution?
Your winning response: N/A XDD
Original question: Who is your favorite band?
Your winning response: I like Nightwish. And Falconer. And Within Temptation. And lots of other stuff.
Original question: What is your favorite book?
Your winning response: Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. ;D
CooLish_GirL Hsuan
Original question: swimming drawing singing
Your winning response: Stinging licking flying rocking playing breaking marketing merchandising.
Original question: And how do you say "I forgive you"? And how do you know when to choose to? And when to move along?
Your winning response: I can forgive, but I won't forget. Forgetting something happened is ignorance, and ignorance is bad. You should forgive someone when you think you can move on. Move on when you know you can cope.
lexiheart 15
Original question: who wants to ******** with me? biggrin
Your winning response: Who wants to star with you? That sounds fun!
Original question: What is the name of your favorite fish?
Your winning response: Uh. Monkfish.
Black Mutoh
Original question: Other than the leaders of The Transformers, which ONE is your favorite from season one?
Your winning response: That one that turns into a motherfrucking tank.
Original question: Deal or no deal?
Your winning response: No deal. The risk is too great, I don't want the coins if it means Bowser is involved. D=
Spiny NikkiN
Original question: What are you going to be doing for Christmas this year?
Your winning response: Make children cry when I tell them the true story of Saint Nicholas.
Original question: Favorite Pokemon? smile
Your winning response: Gyarados is a motherfu**ing beast.
Original question: whats your fav NFL team?
Your winning response: Chargers, albeit they suck.
Original question: if you were to join nthe military what branch would you be in? The marines,army , speacial ops , air force, oe the navy
Your winning response: Marines because everything else is p***y.
Original question: Ninjas, Pirates, Vampires, Werewolves, or Zombies?
Your winning response: The answer is, of course, pirates. I mean, who else shares music for you to download online?
l Thage l
Original question: what ipod do you have?
Your winning response: Uh, video. 30 GB. It's oldish, but it does what I need it to.
Original question: What is your favorite game?
Your winning response: I hate to play favorites, it's so unfair. But I love the FPS Perfect Dark. XD
Original question: Ayeee.! I just relize that I didnt send out the other message in the bottle xD so I was wait a WHOLE week for a reply... xD This is a really DUMB message in a bottle.. Anyone want to agree!?
Your winning response: I've seen dumber. Seriously. I'm sure you have to. They look something like "Describe your first kiss" and "What is the thing you regret the most" and "hi"
Original question: what are you forward to this year at new years
Your winning response: Looking forward to? a kiss, maybe. XD
Original question: Möyh
Your winning response: tosk.
[b]End of 2010
I'll probably do 2011 in another journal entry, this one is far too long as is.
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