A New Life Style

"Throw 'em in the friggin dumpster man! A'int you ever handled a body before? Sheesh man, hurry it up. Hog's 'll be here soon. Robbin' deli's is a crime 'round here, ya know?" A man in a black tee shirt and some old Levi's said as he puffed his cigarrette. He walked up to the "newbie" as he liked to call them, and grabbed the bag the body was contained in, and heaved it into the dumpster. "That's how ya do it, Tony."
Yeah, that's him. Tony was the new guy. Ever heard of the Mafia? Like... The Godfather! Ya know, that s**t. Well, he just joined. That a*****e you just met is his superior, Danny. He's his guide as he learns the basis of all this gangster business. He's a good guy on the inside, just a rough, brown haired badass on the outside. Well, that’s what you get in the Mafia. he didn’t even have a weapon yet. Just have to do all the crap Danny doesn't feel like doing. Oh well, life isn't fair. Someone's gotta do this.
"Yeah Danny, I understand." he said, feeling like an idiot. "Yeah, you bet you ********' understand." He said as he puffed his cigarrette again. he dusted myself off and leaned to the wall. "Get ready, we gotta bounce." Tony heared the sirens already." Yeah, sirens. You get used to them here in New York. 'Specially with all the crimes the Mafia causes. But it's a great living. Fun, E"xciting, Kickass. All that. And money. "s**t, get up that fire escape, Ton'!" Tony hurried to do as he was told. They'd found them, easy enough. Danny loved a good chase. He followed tony shortly after he climbed up, and they made their way to the roof, cops in pursuit. "What now, Danny?" He looked at the fire escape for a moment. "This." He said as he lit a Molotov he'd had on the back of his belt. He chucked it onto the fire escape. "Who knew it'd be unsafe during a fire?" He laughed. "Now c'mon Tony." Tony glanced at him. "How are we supposed to get down?" Obviously like that. Danny had already leaped off the front of the deli and landed on a canopy. Tony followed. "Like that, rookie."
They walked back to the warehouse. Tony loved the place. It was a major meeting place for the Mafia. Tonight he was to be 'truly initiated' and he was anticipating the moment. Danny and he came in through the back and were greeted by a fellow gangster, Sam. He of course went on about if we had brought him a sandwich. He was a pig. A fat pig. he would never say it to his face of course, but he wanted to. He, Danny, and he walked through the warehouse and took the stairs up to the office where our 'Godfather' sat at his desk. John Wilmer. Long silver hair, gray eyes, shaven, wearing his traditional black suit. "Let's get this over with." John said in his baratone voice. "Alright then kid, go on." Danny said as he slapped Tony’s back, sending him forward. He was a skinny guy. Orangish-red hair, green eyes, wearing a red button up dress shirt and some blue jeans. John handed him a 9mm Beretta-92 and two 17 round clips. He was now a true Mafia member. "And now, Tony, you will have ya first official job…” John said as he folded his hands together leaning his weight on the desk before him. “There’s a young women around your age, a daughter of an old friend of mine… I want you get her here whatever means necessary.” he said as he still staring at Tony as he gave a file of the female.
Toney gulped as he took the file as he opened it to reveal the daughter of the other mob. “She’s here somewhere on business… though just for a few days so I suggest you get working on it right away.” John said as he slowly came to a stand. “Yes sir.” Tony said as he gave a bow to his Godfather and turned. He had to track down this female before it was to late.