Bishop Drakenhartt Aluzander

Gender: Male
Age: 48
♦ Darkness
♦ Self Mutilation
♦ Corruption of the Flesh
♦ Potion/spell Craft
♦ Betrayal
♦ Alchemy
♦ Twisting Appearances
♦ Defiance
♦ Opposition
♦ Modern Technology
♦ Overbearing Light
♦ Purity
♦ Religion
♦ Love
Personality: Scornful, and hurt. This man is a shell of the human he used to be. He let the loss of his love, and the practice of black magic painfully reshape him into something un-lovable. He's quick to anger, and slow to calm. He strikes away at attempts at friendship, and hates the gods for apparently damning him to never feel the loving emotion of another. He only wishes for happiness, not realizing that he is the sole being preventing it.
Bio: Born a human, into Durelma Town. Abandoned by his father, for reasons unknown to him. His mother, a shop keeper, harp player, and potion crafter, tried her damnedest to raise her pride and joy to be a pure man. When his mother fell ill, and Bishop was left helpless at her death bed, she spoke to him her final words;
"Come my little one, and give me your hand." Bishop did as told, and grasped his mothers warm fingers in his small palms. "I want you to find your father, find love, find your peace in this world. I'm so sorry, Bishop, that I never told you about him. I'm sorry I never took you to see the library this week, and most of all, I'm sorry I wont see you grow up to be the most wonderful of all the Alchemists." She smiled softly, but Bishop could not restrain his tears, despite her attempt to comfort him. She spoke her last words before taking Bishop in embrace; "Oh, do not cry - be a good boy and we will meet in heaven... Turn up the lights, sweet heart. I do not wish to go home in the dark..." Bishop stayed in her arms well after she sighed a final breath, leaving him alone, and so cold. As he left her room that night, he turned the lamplight up, and opened her music box. It played a sweet melody, one he will never forget...
The Song of Love.
Once his mother was buried in the cemetery, and his world went quiet, the empty darkness of the shop he lived in broke him, and rebuilt him. Quickly using what he learned to begin the shop anew, and find a name for himself. After seventeen long, lonely years selling his wares, he met the person to change his life. A young woman named Josephine, shy, and dressed in downy tatters, requested apprenticeship. He accepted with much hesitation, but soon realized her true skill. She excelled in spell crafting, and she taught Bishop the basics that he never learned as a child. They bonded, and soon, fell into mad love. Peddling wares together, a couple, and bishop finally had his happiness. He knew his mother would be proud.
One cold evening, on the sixth anniversary of their love, Bishop waited Josephine's return from an errand.
He waited for an hour, or more, before understanding that something was very wrong.
Josephine never returned that night.
He searched for her, for years.
Bishop never gave up.
Desperation, and hatred of this world grew inside him like a disease.
Twisting him into a monster.
He feels anger, so much anger...
He must find her, and his father.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship: I'm in love with the darkness... Go away, I seek only one!
Rank: Violent Rogue Alchemist, and keeper of the Waystation Potion's shop in durelma.
Shadow Manipulation: The ability to bend the darkness to his will, if he can cover his enemy in darkness, he can use Spirit Mutation. Summoning monsters is easier when this ability is used.
Scorn: Prevents him from feeling the effect of Poisons.
Fomor Monster Summoning: Summons a lesser monster from the shadows. This ability is best used at night, when the strength of the monsters is doubled.
Summon Moorwen: Summons a massive vile dragon-like creature. Using it's gnashing stiletto teeth, it reeves flesh with ease. Requires Shadow Manipulation to be active.
Josephine's Memory: Bishop can use his will to find his lost love to be fearless in the face of death, and danger to give him a bit more strength. Bishop must be near defeat to use this.
Flight:As the title reads, Bishop is winged, and therefore can fly. This is Bishop's only means of escape in a pinch.
Spirit Mutation: If an enemy is entrapped in the shadows, then this exhausting ability can be used to render a persons soul disfigured, stealing away the longevity of ones life and give it to the user. Though it will not cause death, it is a painful experience, for both the user, and the afflicted.
Weapons: Alchemical weapons, including a pair of porcelain daggers that can be reshaped through alchemy on-the-fly. His claws, providing him with a basic means of defense.
Body Guards:

Myral Kanji:
A young kitsune, fully sapient, and sentient.
His familiar, a small arctic fox, always resting atop his shoulder or head.
He's more of a servant boy, but he can fight with fox magic.
Bishop found him in a cold cave, alone.
He gave him food, in return for information.
The boy told bishop everything he knew about white magic. But even after Bishop gave him the food, the boy never left.
He seems to tag along with Bishop, for no reason.
Pestering him with frivolous things like hugs, and goofy tricks.
He is Bishop's only light.

A vicious, twisted creature, borne of Bishop's Malice, and Alchemy.
He is Bishop's one, and true protector, discovered knocking on Bishops doorstep in his darkest hour.
Using his b*****d Sword, and his skill with it, as his only means of murder.
He lives only to aid his master.

Gender: Male
Age: 48
♦ Darkness
♦ Self Mutilation
♦ Corruption of the Flesh
♦ Potion/spell Craft
♦ Betrayal
♦ Alchemy
♦ Twisting Appearances
♦ Defiance
♦ Opposition
♦ Modern Technology
♦ Overbearing Light
♦ Purity
♦ Religion
♦ Love
Personality: Scornful, and hurt. This man is a shell of the human he used to be. He let the loss of his love, and the practice of black magic painfully reshape him into something un-lovable. He's quick to anger, and slow to calm. He strikes away at attempts at friendship, and hates the gods for apparently damning him to never feel the loving emotion of another. He only wishes for happiness, not realizing that he is the sole being preventing it.
Bio: Born a human, into Durelma Town. Abandoned by his father, for reasons unknown to him. His mother, a shop keeper, harp player, and potion crafter, tried her damnedest to raise her pride and joy to be a pure man. When his mother fell ill, and Bishop was left helpless at her death bed, she spoke to him her final words;
"Come my little one, and give me your hand." Bishop did as told, and grasped his mothers warm fingers in his small palms. "I want you to find your father, find love, find your peace in this world. I'm so sorry, Bishop, that I never told you about him. I'm sorry I never took you to see the library this week, and most of all, I'm sorry I wont see you grow up to be the most wonderful of all the Alchemists." She smiled softly, but Bishop could not restrain his tears, despite her attempt to comfort him. She spoke her last words before taking Bishop in embrace; "Oh, do not cry - be a good boy and we will meet in heaven... Turn up the lights, sweet heart. I do not wish to go home in the dark..." Bishop stayed in her arms well after she sighed a final breath, leaving him alone, and so cold. As he left her room that night, he turned the lamplight up, and opened her music box. It played a sweet melody, one he will never forget...
The Song of Love.
Once his mother was buried in the cemetery, and his world went quiet, the empty darkness of the shop he lived in broke him, and rebuilt him. Quickly using what he learned to begin the shop anew, and find a name for himself. After seventeen long, lonely years selling his wares, he met the person to change his life. A young woman named Josephine, shy, and dressed in downy tatters, requested apprenticeship. He accepted with much hesitation, but soon realized her true skill. She excelled in spell crafting, and she taught Bishop the basics that he never learned as a child. They bonded, and soon, fell into mad love. Peddling wares together, a couple, and bishop finally had his happiness. He knew his mother would be proud.
One cold evening, on the sixth anniversary of their love, Bishop waited Josephine's return from an errand.
He waited for an hour, or more, before understanding that something was very wrong.
Josephine never returned that night.
He searched for her, for years.
Bishop never gave up.
Desperation, and hatred of this world grew inside him like a disease.
Twisting him into a monster.
He feels anger, so much anger...
He must find her, and his father.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship: I'm in love with the darkness... Go away, I seek only one!
Rank: Violent Rogue Alchemist, and keeper of the Waystation Potion's shop in durelma.
Shadow Manipulation: The ability to bend the darkness to his will, if he can cover his enemy in darkness, he can use Spirit Mutation. Summoning monsters is easier when this ability is used.
Scorn: Prevents him from feeling the effect of Poisons.
Fomor Monster Summoning: Summons a lesser monster from the shadows. This ability is best used at night, when the strength of the monsters is doubled.
Summon Moorwen: Summons a massive vile dragon-like creature. Using it's gnashing stiletto teeth, it reeves flesh with ease. Requires Shadow Manipulation to be active.
Josephine's Memory: Bishop can use his will to find his lost love to be fearless in the face of death, and danger to give him a bit more strength. Bishop must be near defeat to use this.
Flight:As the title reads, Bishop is winged, and therefore can fly. This is Bishop's only means of escape in a pinch.
Spirit Mutation: If an enemy is entrapped in the shadows, then this exhausting ability can be used to render a persons soul disfigured, stealing away the longevity of ones life and give it to the user. Though it will not cause death, it is a painful experience, for both the user, and the afflicted.
Weapons: Alchemical weapons, including a pair of porcelain daggers that can be reshaped through alchemy on-the-fly. His claws, providing him with a basic means of defense.
Body Guards:

Myral Kanji:
A young kitsune, fully sapient, and sentient.
His familiar, a small arctic fox, always resting atop his shoulder or head.
He's more of a servant boy, but he can fight with fox magic.
Bishop found him in a cold cave, alone.
He gave him food, in return for information.
The boy told bishop everything he knew about white magic. But even after Bishop gave him the food, the boy never left.
He seems to tag along with Bishop, for no reason.
Pestering him with frivolous things like hugs, and goofy tricks.
He is Bishop's only light.

A vicious, twisted creature, borne of Bishop's Malice, and Alchemy.
He is Bishop's one, and true protector, discovered knocking on Bishops doorstep in his darkest hour.
Using his b*****d Sword, and his skill with it, as his only means of murder.
He lives only to aid his master.