1st Combatant:
Name: Raziel "Infernal Crasher" Rosen
Race: Flame Forge Deamon
Combat Style: Combines the power of his great sword on his back with crushing and horribly destructive flame attacks for a style known as "Eternal Infernal Crushing"

Ex Mode: "Inferno of Reality" Life is like a dancing inferno says the philosophers of ancient greece. Little did they know that they were right. Raziel's body becomes covered in raging flame and his elemental spirit "Ember" even cowers in fear and returns to her farplane till he leaves his ex mode. His attacks gain extra damage due to the flame licked blade but he also gains an attack called "Flaring Surge" in which he leaps high into the air and then flips around throwing his buster sword into the ground creating an explosion of incredible might. His ex burst is know to all who look upon their death as "Final Reality." He slams his opponent with his buster sword so hard that its sends them spiraling into another dimension of flames and rebirth. As he cries out "Return to the fires the birthed you miserable wretch!", he executes a flurry of fiery hits before baseball swinging them into the raging flames below. Few have survived this brutal assualt and none of them have ever came back sane.
Ex Mode Appearance:

Combat Theme Song: Cantata Mortis/God in Fire (as scene in dissidia 012! ^^ )