Usagi looked out the window while her teacher continued to teach about stupid things that she had no idea about. Quite honestly she could care less about learning she just wanted to go home. She wanted to read her new magical girl manga and, wanted to watch the new magical girl anime her mom just bought for her to! She looked up front to the teacher that stood up at the chalk bored writing confusing numbers and, letters and, yawned. She took a quick glance around the classroom and, noticed every one was taking notes...or, at least pretending to. Looks likes every one is taking notes...maybe I should pretend to take notes teach doesn't put me in the hall again... she thought to herself while resting her notepad on her lap and, on the corner of the her tiny square people called a desk. She then began to make doodles of the sailor moon characters and, drew a little picture of Tuxedo Mask with hearts around it. She let out a long irritated sigh. Why couldn't life be as cool as the cute magical girls had it...She then was kicked right out of her thoughts when she heard the bell. She jumped out her seat and, ran out the door. While running to her locker she crashed into a tall boy that seemed to he familiar. She fell to the floor while her book bags latched opened and, her papers of doodles scattered every where."Oh...I-I am so sorry!" She said moving to her knees and picking up the papers. Her face was bright red. She crashed into a adorable boy and, made herself like a absolute fool. A complete nerd that was obsessed with magical stuff... "I wasn't watching where I was going..." she said sadly. She looked around the hall and, noticed it was practically empty now. Great...I'm late for going to the arcade with my friends. They definatly left me by now. Oh, well at least nobody saw me... she thought while letting out a stressed out puff of breath. Transformation:  Everyday looks:
-The_Failing_Farewel- · Mon Sep 26, 2011 @ 11:33am · 0 Comments |