Daniel is limping his way back home, after a long and bloody battle with the lord of destruction, Wrecker The Destroyer. To his surprise, there is another challenger, eagerly awaiting his presence...

Daniel: "... Well... This sucks..." Burke sounded his pre-battle hiss, just seconds before ramming Daniel so hard, it launched him on top of a train of criminals. Confused, they all debate on what could have made such a loud thud. Criminal-1: "Sounded like a gorilla just slammed the roof or somethin'." Criminal-2: "I bet it was a fish. Fish are heavy, right?" Criminal-3: "You all have it all messed-up... It's clearly the tooth-fairy." Burke's hand busted through the roof of the train, snatching a criminal from his seat. Daniel: "Oh, so that's how it is, huh? Grabbin' people, swingin'em around like a mania--BLEH!" Burke slammed the criminal over Daniel, thus destroying his upper-body. Daniel: "This is soo gross, Dude.. I'm covered in... Half a dude. Time to fight back." Daniel put his experience in the ring to use against this monster! (Rapid body-blows/three jabs to head/kick to right kneecap/punch to stomach/uppercut to face) Daniel: "You want more!? 'Cos It's Comin'!" (Right hook to face/left hook to face/straight-punch to face/elbow to body/countered throat-punch) Burke wasn't standing there, getting beat on because he was in too much pain, or couldn't react in time... He was catching on to Daniel's strike-pattern... Now that he is done studying, he has successfully caught Daniel's fist. Hard. He swiped at Daniel, only to be surprised by the sparks that had come out of his abdomen... Daniel: "... What's the matter, you never seen man made of hell?" Daniel's hand burst into flames, burning Burke, and making him shriek in pain (real pain). Threatened, Burke attempted to flea. Daniel: "Nope! No Way!" Daniel threw a fireball at Burke's spine... The nerve-center of his body... In an instant of an orange flash, Burke was paralyzed... Daniel: "... Well!? Had Enough Yet!?" .... Burke fell in a frontward motion, off the back of the train... A train that followed, not far behind the train they fought upon, finished the job... Burke is now reduced to track-spatter... Daniel: "Yeah... (heavy breathing) ... That was a good... Wait a minute... Where...? HOW THE HELL AM I GONNA GET BACK HOME!!"

Background Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1My068Veok