Name: Koyoyo 
Rank: Lance Corporal
Abilities/Talents: Koyoyo is an assassin skilled in many forms of battle, but she excels at poisoning, archery, and hand-to-hand combat with a pair of short daggers. She can stand on air if she concentrates hard enough, but she's not good enough to use it in actual combat yet.
Appearance/Symbol: Koyoyo is a dark ash-grey tadpole. Her hat is black and shaped rather like Dororo-san's. Her symbol is a pure white feather, like an exclamation point.
Allegiance/Origin: On Keron, Koyoyo idolized Zeroro. For a time, she even served as a disciple of his, but the he joined the Keroro Platoon and left for Earth. Koyoyo graduated soon after, and was ready for a mission of her own. The minute she got wind of the rumor that a platoon might be sent to Pekopon to serve as backup because the Keroro Platoon was having such difficulties, Koyoyo immediately pounced on the chance. She researched Pekopon and the entire Keroro platoon extensively. Somewhere along the line, though she didn't realize it, her heart went out to the unpopular yellow Sergeant Major... And that was where the problems began.

Rank: Lance Corporal
Abilities/Talents: Koyoyo is an assassin skilled in many forms of battle, but she excels at poisoning, archery, and hand-to-hand combat with a pair of short daggers. She can stand on air if she concentrates hard enough, but she's not good enough to use it in actual combat yet.
Appearance/Symbol: Koyoyo is a dark ash-grey tadpole. Her hat is black and shaped rather like Dororo-san's. Her symbol is a pure white feather, like an exclamation point.
Allegiance/Origin: On Keron, Koyoyo idolized Zeroro. For a time, she even served as a disciple of his, but the he joined the Keroro Platoon and left for Earth. Koyoyo graduated soon after, and was ready for a mission of her own. The minute she got wind of the rumor that a platoon might be sent to Pekopon to serve as backup because the Keroro Platoon was having such difficulties, Koyoyo immediately pounced on the chance. She researched Pekopon and the entire Keroro platoon extensively. Somewhere along the line, though she didn't realize it, her heart went out to the unpopular yellow Sergeant Major... And that was where the problems began.
Name: Jolulu
Rank: Private (1st class)
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Weapons: Laptop, multidimensional belt pouch. Proficient with poisons and passable with a short, thin blade.
Special Abilities: Jolulu can mix a chemical formula to do almost anything. Her favorite trick is a gaseous mixture which coats her in shadows, making her nearly invisible; very useful for skipping boring classes she knows by heart.
Looks: Fawn-colored and barely out of tadpole-hood. Jolulu wears pearl-colored glasses, a sandy-colored standard keronian hat, and a dull metallic belt pouch. Her symbol is three dark purple bubbles of increasing size.
Personality: Solitary and secretive, Jolulu enjoys the feeling of knowing more than anyone else about everything around her. She sometimes sounds arrogant simply because she knows so much, but she is religiously attuned to the chain of command and would never talk back to her superior. (In her mind, teachers don't count when she knows more about their subjects than they do.)
Likes: Cats, for no particular reason. The color brown, because its practical. Solitude. Intellectual challenges. Chemistry. Darkness.
Dislikes: Idiots, though she will tolerate idiots in command for as long as it takes to get transferred. Overly macho soldier-types. Meat. Fairy tales.
Past: Jolulu is a clever little hacker who has yet to go on an off-planet mission. She never saw fit to display enough of her intelligence and talent to rise to a higher rank than private, though she graduated with top marks by a noticeable, if not notable, margin. She joined the Keronian military simply to occupy herself without blowing up her parents' house.

Rank: Private (1st class)
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Weapons: Laptop, multidimensional belt pouch. Proficient with poisons and passable with a short, thin blade.
Special Abilities: Jolulu can mix a chemical formula to do almost anything. Her favorite trick is a gaseous mixture which coats her in shadows, making her nearly invisible; very useful for skipping boring classes she knows by heart.
Looks: Fawn-colored and barely out of tadpole-hood. Jolulu wears pearl-colored glasses, a sandy-colored standard keronian hat, and a dull metallic belt pouch. Her symbol is three dark purple bubbles of increasing size.
Personality: Solitary and secretive, Jolulu enjoys the feeling of knowing more than anyone else about everything around her. She sometimes sounds arrogant simply because she knows so much, but she is religiously attuned to the chain of command and would never talk back to her superior. (In her mind, teachers don't count when she knows more about their subjects than they do.)
Likes: Cats, for no particular reason. The color brown, because its practical. Solitude. Intellectual challenges. Chemistry. Darkness.
Dislikes: Idiots, though she will tolerate idiots in command for as long as it takes to get transferred. Overly macho soldier-types. Meat. Fairy tales.
Past: Jolulu is a clever little hacker who has yet to go on an off-planet mission. She never saw fit to display enough of her intelligence and talent to rise to a higher rank than private, though she graduated with top marks by a noticeable, if not notable, margin. She joined the Keronian military simply to occupy herself without blowing up her parents' house.

Gender: Female
Age: Around 17.
Personality: Sorere is distant and calculating. As an assassin, she does not make friends, only comrades. Although loyal, Sorere is always battle-ready.
Rank: Corporal (Gocho)
Appearance: Though not often seen, Sorere is a very dark green keronian who looks young for her age. Her hat is a dark, storm-cloud gray with a hood-like black veil hanging from it. Her symbol is a downward-facing jet black arrowhead. (No picture)
Other: Sorere prefers to fight with arrows, usually poisoned ones, but for close combat she uses a range of short throwing daggers.