Please, before you ask for a slave of mine please read a little about me!
Please, before you ask for a slave of mine please read a little about me!
~ I have spelling issues, I try my best.
~ I don't like short post, I like to be semi-lit please
~ I like to have fun with it so if I am bored I will ether do something crazy, kill myself, or leave for a few months and then come back
~ I might be slow in responding. I sometimes can't get to my laptop, I am having a life, or am busy at high school
~ I can make customs, PM me please! It is no problem~
~ Pm if you are interested! I don't bite!
::Here is an example of one of my post with Zara::
Zara tucked her ears into her hair to hide them and put her white, flowing tail down her pant leg. She hoped it was enough to hide the fact that she is a beast, a white tiger shifter. Zara dusted off her ragged clothing and sat down in the corner of her cage. She watched as people and guards passed by her cage without even a glance. The cage echoed the grumble of her empty belly. Will no one ever take me? Will any one see me? She thought to herself as she brushed a long strip of white hair from her face. She would cry but she had cried so much that she ran out of tears, ran out of hope, ran out of everything. She inched up to the bars, ignoring her fear of them. Zara now sat at the edge of her cage where people should really see her, notice her, but still no one even looked at her.

Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: White tiger shifter
Orientation: Confused
Power(s): Fully change into a white tiger, talk to animals
Skills: Cooking, Herbal medication
Appearance: White hair, ears, and tail, pink lips, long nails, pale skin, thin
Likes: Fish, nice people, soft things, being happy, animals
Dislikes: Mean people, most dogs, killing
Personality: Really shy to strangers, cute, very kind, obedient, can be brave, smart, hard to anger, curious, cat-like
Bio: Born from a human couple, Zara was quickly casted away to the slave market. She lived in a single cell with cold, dirty floors, iron bars, and very poor nutrition for 14 years. She only knew her first name and nothing else, she had no knowledge of her powers or why she has ears and a tail. Her life was lonely, sad and Zara was often mistreated by the slave trader. She thinks of herself a freak, an out cast, a mutant! She was bought by a poor farming family and was set to work as the cook and on the farm a lot. Zara lived in the basement for a only a year until robbers killed the family and sold her back into the slave trade. She waits there now, losing hope for anyone to pay attention to her.

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Orientation: Bi
Appearance: Black hair, blue eyes, pale, nice body
Likes: Money, pleasure, fine music, sweets
Dislikes: Cheep things,
Personality: Disobedient, lazy, stubborn, nice to when feels like it, plays games
Bio: Once rich and owned slaves but her faimly didn't like the way she acted so they kicked her out of the house at age 16. She have been wondering around homless for a while until she found an abanded house. She eats out of caned foods but dose not go back to her parents and stays the same stuck up mess she was before

Lozine Fren
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Orientation: Bi
Appearance: Dark brown hair and eyes, tan, perfect body (she spends a lot of time on herself)
Likes: Very fine music, rich foods, nice people, playing music
Dislikes: Rude people
Skills: Very gifted in music, a great cook, cleaner,
Personality: Decent, nice to most mean to others, kind, sassy, very loyal, often jealous of anyone with something she doesn't have
Bio: She was born into a high class . She had many classes in being decent and perfect. Her family owner recently died and she was sold into slavery, witch she doesn't like at all. She has many issues with things that are dirty, rude and shy. She often morns over her parents but has to much pride to admit it.

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Bunny/Human
Orientation: Pan
Appearance: Black hair, black ears, bunny tail,
Likes: sex, shiny things, cute animals, cloths, feedom
Dislikes: waiting, being bored, cars (feels like a cage), fire
Skills: dancing, drawing
Personalty: can be forceful, likes to keep on moving, out going, load, often depressed
Bio: From a normal family she lived in love and was only lightly spoiled. Flow was born with bunny ears and a tail, just like her grandmother, and was told to wear a hat all times. She and her sister won scollarships to an art school. Flow was really good at art and had a blast showing everyone her skills. At fairs she would dance in the streets and had many guys and girls having crushes on her. She had many relationships but liked them more for the pleasure. She was at her girlfriends house when she retrieved a horrible phone call. Her parents and her sister all died in a fire. Flow dropped out of the art school, dumped her girlfriend and moved in with her poor grandmother. Her grandmother then, sold her right into slavery for money to feed her 12 cats.Throughout her life she had a very hard time controlling her bunny instincts.

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Imp/Human
Orientation: Straight
Appearance: red eyes, black hair, small black wings, thin tail
Likes: Playing games, having fun, chicken, human attention, jokes, heat
Dislikes: People not understanding, cold, being alone
Skills: magical talents, grant wishes (Only when happy or feels like it), crafty
Personalty: Playful, very obedient, sometimes jelly, evil at times
Bio: Mica always carries around an item, all Imps are attached to an item that some what holds their sole. Hers is a crystal quartz that she crafted into a necklace that hangs from her neck. Mica is always looking for someone fun to be friends with but they misunderstand her as she pranks them. She sold herself into slavery to find a master or a mistress that will feed her attention.