Age: 24
Race: Human
Height: 5'6
Appearance: [White Haired]

Bio: He has no memory of who he is or who his family was, having been found outside the main orphanage in Athens when he was six. At once the other kids there called him nemo, meaning nobody, mocking him that while they didn't have a family, they at least knew what their name was. The overseers, thinking wthat his family would gather him soon let the name stick. It was obvious that his heritage didn't come from Greece. However as days turned months, and months to years no one came to collect him and by then the name Nemo had stuck to the point where they didn't bother thinking up a new one.
When he reached the age of 18 and was relesed from the orphanage he couldn't have been happier, and was almost always found in the great libraries of Athens, studying and learning, working towards getting a scholarship to the University. However by night he would dress up in woman's clothing and worked in varrious clubs and bars to pay for rent and food.
Sexuality: Unsure.