*sigh*...Do you just hate it when someone does not stick to their own morals? Do you absolutely hate it when a adult figure you know does not stick to their own morals?...Do you just ******** hate it when a adult figure you know doesnt stick to their own morals and you can't say or do anything about it since they will punish you for speaking out of term and you just wanna blast their mofo head off and feel like you did something right but you still can't do that? Well guess what? I FEEL THAT WAY TOO!!! And this teacher i am talking about is my computer teacher Mrs.Morland! And what she said today pissed me off! Ok there is a pokemon rpg website called DelugeRPG.com and me and my buddy Douglas are playing this game in computer class since we didnt have anywork to do in the class. She walks up to check on my computer project(That i finished of course) yet before that i had caught a Deoxys on the game and Douglas was freaking out(It was histarical) and when she is taking a look at my project she is hearing me and Douglas talk about our Deluge games. Here is some of the conversation...
Mrs.Morland:How old are you two?
Me:I'm also 15
Mrs.Morland:Yet you two play pokemon? Really?
Me:Well It's a childhood thing for me. Plus it's a hobby...i like it.
...ok. Now...How does this make my teacher a hypocrite? Well let's rewind about...a few weeks back in one of my last computer classes. The boys in the class were debating on something...idk...i think it was baseket ball related...yeah it was. Anyway, I just say "Does it really matter?" and she tells me if I were to be talking about something video game realated, would it matter to me? All i said was "I guess..." So she told me i shouldnt bag on someone elses interest. Hm...i think i feel my bull s**t meter going crazy. Because she tells me this but she doesnt follow her own rule. I really wanted to say something to her yet i knew i would get screwed if i said a thing. Oh well...all i can say is she is a b***h who whines when ever a student asks a question and is a hypocrite. If any of you have a teacher like mine don't be afraid to tell me about it. Because in my life there are one too many a** holes.
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