Annie was almost home from walking around her new town, it was small compared where she originally lived with her parents. She looked at her new home across the street, the U-haul was still in front of the house. Annie started to cross the street, when she was in the middle of the street she heard the squeal of car tires. Annie looked to her left and a car is coming her way, it wasn't even stopping. She stood there terrified and frozen, she covered her face with her arms. She felt someone grab her and pull her out of the way of the car. She fell onto the ground and they fell on her. Annie uncovered her face and looked at the person that had pushed her out of the way. She saw a teenage boy with bright green eyes and black hair looking at her. “That was close huh?” She nodded. He stood up and reached his hand down toward her. “Yeah it was, I'm sorry if you got hurt on my account..” Annie took his hand and he pulled her up. “Its okay, I've been hurt worse in gym class”, he chuckled and moved his hair out of his eyes. “So you new here?” She nodded again. “My name is Annabelle, but everyone calls me Annie. You?” He cleared his throat and tried to talk with a British accent and bowed. “My name is Sir Ronald Benjamin.” He burst out laughing and sat up. “Its actually Daniel, but most call me Dan.” He pulled a little piece of cloth out of his pocket, it smelled horrid. She looked at it then at him. “Whats that for?” She took a step back, away from him. “Has anyone ever told you that you have the prettiest blue eyes ever?” Annie look at Dan confused. “Yeah, why?” He chuckled once again. “Because no one can see them when your asleep.” Annie took another step back, she was getting scared. He took a step toward her, she turned around and started to run. Dan caught up to her quickly and grabbed her arm with one arm and covered her nose and mouth with the piece of cloth with the other hand. She struggled to get away but he was too strong. Annie started to calm down and become very tired. “Shh, everything is going to be okay.” She fell unconscious.
When Annie woke up, she noticed she was in a room that looked like it has not been used in years, her wrists were tied behind her back and her ankles were also tied up. She was leaning against a very cold wall. She heard a deep voice in another room. “So where did you find this girl Danny, a street corner?” They laughed, “No Matt, I found her on Washington Street, she’s new here. When I searched her pockets I found some cash and a driver’s license.” She became angry, “A stranger felt me up?! What a creeper.” She looked down at her clothes and noticed that they were ripped into shreds. “You have got to be kidding me.”
She heard footsteps so she shut her eyes and acted like she was asleep. “Danny she’s really pretty, her hair is the color of wheat. I can’t believe she’s only sixteen.” They came into the room and walked over to her, one of them knelled next to her. She felt large cold hands on her hips; they come up to her face. “Annabelle, wake up my little angel.” I open my eyes slowly and I see a man with brown eyes and dark brown hair. A smile crossed his face.
“Good morning! Now if you are a good girl you won't have to be punished, right Danny.” Danny sighed, I looked behind the man and saw Danny. “You know that it irritates me when you call be Danny, Matty.” Matt glared at him, “Don't try to pull bad jokes like that.” She recognized the larger man’s voice, he was the man from the other room, probably Matt. “Now Annabelle, I want you to open up your lips a little.” Annie was getting a bit more mad, “He better not try anything” She thought to herself. She did what he told her to, just as she opened her lips, he kissed her. His hands were still holding onto her face. She wanted to stop, but he was too strong. Matt pulled away and smiled. “Speak, I want to hear your voice.” Matt commanded, Annie cleared her throat.
“Okay well; number one, why did your buddy over there kidnap me? Number two; you must have had a bad childhood, so you try to be dominant over others, especially women. Am I right? ” Matt grabbed her neck fiercely. “You're wrong, so shut up and be a good girl.” He said with a frightening voice, he let go of her neck and reached into his pocket. “Oh you mean the kind of girl that lets guys take advantage of them? I refuse to be that kind of girl.”
Matt chuckled and pulled out a pocket knife to see what her reaction would be, Annie kept glaring at him but he saw a small flicker of fear on her face. “I hear that a lot, but they always end up letting me get away with anything.” Matt put the knife away and grabbed her by the waist and stood her up. She was quite short compared to him, her at 5’6 he’s probably 6’4 or 6’5. Annie looked up at him and they both stare into each others eyes. Matt picked her up, it was as if she was a feather. He then carried her to a kitchen and sat her on a chair. He went to a counter and grabbed a knife, he looked at her. Fear and anger was in her eyes; he set it at the table in front of Annie and went to a refrigerator. He grabbed an apple and took it to the table. Matt chopped up it up and held a piece to her mouth. She glared at him. “Its okay, its not poisonous.” Annie opened her mouth slowly; he put the piece in it. She chewed it and then swallowed; he repeated this until there was nothing left but the core.
When he was done eating an apple himself, he picked her up and took her back to the room she was in before. He laid her on a bed she didn't notice before. “Don't try any funny business girl.” He shook his head in the direction of a dresser. “Get dressed.” She nodded and sat up, He untied the ropes that had bound her. He started to leave but then turned around to look at her again. “Try smiling a little will ya? I don't want to keep seeing that glare.” He turned around again and left.
She looked at the dresser: it had a brush, a makeup bag, and a large mirror on top of it. She walked over to it and opened one drawer; it was full of mini-skirts. She closed it and opened another, it was full of shirts, she opened another and it was full of panties and bras. “Why does he has so many clothes for ladies?.” She opened the skirt drawer and pulled out the longest skirt she could find, she took a modest shirt out of the shirt drawer. The shirt went above her waist by an inch or two. “Why are all these shirts so short?” She undressed then put the skirt and shirt on over her bra and panties. “I don't know if those are clean so I'm not going to take a chance.” She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked at the makeup bag and sighed. “A girl doesn't need makeup to be beautiful, a girls beauty comes from her personality. I wish guys would understand that.”
She sat on the bed and waited for Matt to come back into the room. Annie looked at the clothes again; the light purple shirt goes really well with the black skirt. She looked around again and notice a book on the floor. She leaned over and grabbed it, Annie looked at the title. “A book full of Shakespeare’s stories. Why would Matt have this?” She sat on the bed and flipped open the book, she ended up on the page where Romeo and Juliet started.
Matt walked in a couple minutes later. Annie looked up at Matt and closed the book. “Annabelle, you look great.” She stood up and started to walk over to him, he put his hand up to stop her, and she stopped.
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Sara's storys
hey all this is where you can see all of my awsome storys
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Before I met you,
the sun,
was like a yellow grape.
the sun,
was like a yellow grape.