8:21pmPrincess Zelda21:
Any luck coming up with a name to the group RP?
8:23pmFlare Kazamata:
Oh nah.
Sorry I haven't took the time to think up of one.
8:23pmPrincess Zelda21:
It's ok. I'm kinda stumped on that myself.
8:23pmFlare Kazamata:
Should we name it after the main conflict. "The Royal Sphere"? Althought that sounds cliche.
We could brainstorm now I guess.
8:24pmPrincess Zelda21:
Sounds like a good idea.
Brainstormin' it is.
I don't think having it sound cliche would be very catchy.
8:27pmFlare Kazamata:
Well the main theme is a struggle over power which happens to be found in a sphere.
xD I don't know. I'm usually good with titles but this role play is very abstract.
A lot can happen so a title will be hard to pick that covers all the aspects.
8:30pmPrincess Zelda21:
True. If the person who gets their hands on it and uses it for bad, some negative side effects could occur. On the other hand, if the person who has it uses the gem for good, then things will not become corrupted.
8:33pmFlare Kazamata:
"The Poison of Greed" ?
8:34pmPrincess Zelda21:
Hey, that sounds great.
8:34pmFlare Kazamata:
Cool ^^;
Pick that or "Greed's Poison"
8:35pmPrincess Zelda21:
Hmm, I'd say "Greed's Poison" sounds best.
8:35pmFlare Kazamata:
Glad you like it.
8:36pmPrincess Zelda21:
Alrighty, got the Title done. What else are we missing?
8:39pmFlare Kazamata:
8:39pmPrincess Zelda21:
Hmm, what sort of references should we use?
8:39pmFlare Kazamata:
And people who are willing to work with us in controlling certain plots. (Main Characters) Or it could be us with multiple characters.
8:40pmPrincess Zelda21:
8:40pmFlare Kazamata:
Well just to make it easier on the members, Just images of the castle. A map creator.
It's just so people know what environment they are on.
8:40pmPrincess Zelda21:
Good idea.
8:40pmFlare Kazamata:
Later in the roleplay we can get fancy and create a topic with references and links to the castle, the town house and all that.
I'm sure we can get artist for a custom job at things.
8:41pmPrincess Zelda21:
Yeah, sounds great.
8:41pmFlare Kazamata:
and I think Neon knows a guy who can make maps. If not I can do it. I could also do the art.
8:41pmPrincess Zelda21:
8:42pmFlare Kazamata:
So to take care of this now, which characters do you want to take? I also have a question about Prince Jeremy. If you had any ideas with him.
My idea when writing up King Edgar's background. I thought since he was into wanting to get the sphere so bad, he was willing to offer Supreme Loyalty and a gurantee at being claimed prince. So like an arranged marriage for his own selfish greed.
This could spark more tension between you and your father.
Maybe Jeremy could be the lover you could never reach because your father had thought things through without consulting you. So maybe you run away and go against him. Just ideas.
One thing for sure though, I'm Damien Hunter ^^;. I start off the story since I steal The Sphere of Royals from King Edgar and take it with me to sell it and make my own selfish fortune.
8:47pmPrincess Zelda21:
Hmm, I like it. I'll do Princess Saki. Yeah, and of course later on perhaps say during the time the queen was executed, Saki's older brother managed to flee the castle in secret in order to avoid getting caught up in his father's plan, remaining in hiding for several years. He then sides with one of the groups who is against his father in order to help restore the land to peace, not knowing if his sister survived.
8:47pmFlare Kazamata:
Gotcha, so what guild is this that plans to oppose your father. (I'll say you since your Saki, makes things easier)
If you want also you can make a secret conflict if you have all the civilians have a strong hatred for Royal Family members. So maybe your brother escapes, joins the group, and no one recognizes him as one of the royals, so they recruit him. But the second he calls you his sister, thats when everyone starts to kinda turn. The people don't like having you Royals around and theres that hint of what if they want to backstab your or something. Maybe Saki works her magic and being a leader and gives people a chance at defeating her father.
*works her magic at being a leader. She shows the people hope and a chance at regaining Seradon's old ways*
8:52pmPrincess Zelda21:
Hmm, the guild of Ice Dragons would be the name. However, I'm thinking somehow their neighboring kingdom ended up being blamed for starting the trouble. Saki's brother won't be named until later on. So Prince Jeremy would be from the allied kingdom, of which he was arranged to be married to Saki by Princess Saki's corrupted father. Though the king from their allied lands wouldn't agree to it under the conditions demanded.
Yes, that does sound good.
8:54pmFlare Kazamata:
Alright. This expands things. So now we have Seradon's Kingdom. And Unnamed Kingdom 2. So does Kingdom 2 know about the apperance of super naturals due to the loss of the Royal Sphere being stolen. (by I wonder who xD)
8:56pmPrincess Zelda21:
Yes, they were informed of the matter say within a few hours after it had started. Not sure of whom would tell them.
Perhaps Prince Jeremy had gone to let his father know of what had occurred in Seradon at the time.
9:00pmFlare Kazamata:
Alright sounds cool.
So this Roleplay will start right after the disappearance of the Royal Sphere.
King Edgar's going crazy about it. Saki wants to talk Edgar out of the whole craziness, she wants him to handle responsibilities concerning Seradon. The people are forming guilds to attack.
9:01pmPrincess Zelda21:
Yeah. Perhaps in time Prince Jeremy ends up falling in love with Saki shortly after meeting her.
9:01pmFlare Kazamata:
Ok ok better
So how about the whole roleplay starts during some Kingdom Ceremony
Like the two Kingdoms get together to have a conference to discuss their future.
Jeremy falls in love with Saki.
King Edgar and King whoever from the other place discuss adult business like war and stuff.
9:03pmPrincess Zelda21:
Yeah, say it starts with a council meeting to discuss a peace treaty between the kingdoms.
9:03pmFlare Kazamata:
It could kinda fore shadow where Seradon's going to end up.
There you go, thats what I meant.
Ok so it starts with the peace treaty.
and maybe in the conference the other kingdom representatives wants to ask about the Royal Spheres.
we reveal that it's stolen.
we reveal King Edgar's passion to get it back at all cost
and other character motives.
we end the intro with Damien walking on the Seradon streets with the Royal Spheres hidden in his bag
and the story is open to the public.
9:04pmPrincess Zelda21:
Yes, and of course the queen would quickly figure out her husband's intentions with the Sphere.
9:04pmFlare Kazamata:
Yes maybe
she walked in on the private conversation
when they talked about the potential of the Royal Sphere
and that could give a motive for him to want to kill her.
He could become paranoid. Maybe the queen is showing affection, and he thinks it's all just so she can get closer to the sphere.
9:06pmPrincess Zelda21:
Yes, therefore, say around nightfall, he puts his wife on trial and accuses her of backstabbing him. Thus the queen is sentenced to death.
9:06pmFlare Kazamata:
I like that.
So the roleplay will open up like that.
We can make the roleplay private until our characters get up to that point
and then advertise it all throughout
invite and recruit members
There will be a cool introduction, and then people will start submitting their characters and joining the action.
Now what we need is something with the super natural.
9:08pmPrincess Zelda21:
Sounds great! I suppose I'll take over as the queen for now. Who's going to take the role of Saki's brother or Prince Jeremy?
9:08pmFlare Kazamata:
Theres going to be a war going on between species so we need someone to sort of moderate that. Like designated commanders that play as antagonists' to eachother.
Hmm. If you want I could do either one.
But I'll only take one out of the two parts.
Since I'm going to be Damian.
9:09pmPrincess Zelda21:
Hmm, how about Prince Jeremy?
9:09pmFlare Kazamata:
You can hand pick someone you want to be the character.
Ok So I'll be Prince Jeremy.
You can hand pick who you want to be your brother than.
Ok. King Edgar is open.
Hmm nevermind.
We can hold auditions.
write a bio of each character.
See who wants to be who
9:11pmPrincess Zelda21:
I agree.
9:11pmFlare Kazamata:
Of course we get first picks.
9:11pmPrincess Zelda21:
9:11pmFlare Kazamata:
Ok so next step in the project is creating biography of special characters.
We can do that some day. Doesn't matter, the project is pretty much ahead since we first started with the idea only weeks ago.
Now we already have a planned intro, we just have to cast it and work out from there.
9:13pmPrincess Zelda21:
9:13pmFlare Kazamata:
Like I said though, the super natural aspect of it has not been worked on. If we want we can have that war open up in the role play later. Like for now focus on Seradon's problems. And then give roleplayers the option to create a second character that goes into the species war.
So theres revealing two sides of Seradon. The inside and the outside. And how one day they will meet.
9:14pmPrincess Zelda21:
Yes, that would work well.
9:14pmFlare Kazamata:
So there you have it.
Kill one bird with three stones. XD
9:15pmPrincess Zelda21:
9:15pmFlare Kazamata:
we got the title, the plot, the planned outcomes.
like a film studio, we are all set.
9:16pmPrincess Zelda21:
Probably wouldn't hurt to have this written down or something so we won't forget later before jumping in.
9:17pmFlare Kazamata:
Yeah I was going to copy and paste this chat into a journal entry or something on gaia.
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Flare's All Purpose Journal, raps, stories, songs, etc.
Anything i have here has been written by me, i may have gotten ideas off of others but the writing is all me
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Flare Kazamata
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