I had made a 10 page(maybe less) left-to-right booklet manga on this and later gave it away to a friend of mine.
This comic is Haku, The Four Swords.
At the time i did not know much about manga making so i kind of bited from Hiro Mashima (Rave Master, Fairy Tail).
Haku is a young adult on a journey looking for four mini swords that would grant the one sword( which haku owns) super powers. His friend, Sakura, is a girl who travels and fight along side Haku on his quest. During the quest they encounter a rival/ally, Devonson Helsupier. Evil searches for the mini swords for control and power, Haku's nemesis, (havent came up with a name for this "evil" character).
Characters in order from top left,
top left-Haku being granted the power when he equiped on of the mini swords.
top right-Sakura
bottom left- evil dude
bottom right-Devonson Hel.

Below is a link to a little short clay stop motion clip of Haku, The four swords.
I made this video in Multimedia class, when i was freshman in Highschool.
excuse the audio, i was a bad video editor at the time.
(i hope this link works whee )
Haku, The four Swords (clay stop motion)