I guess everyone has a reoccurring dream once or twice but I'm scared. It is so realistic I wake up feeling as if the wind is still tangling my hair in the breeze and my shoulders ache as if it truly had the weight of two enormous wings pounding against the air and flying my body through the sky. I'm sure I'm just feeling silly though. Today is a big day though mom is...
April 3, 20XX - Something is happening to me and I can't even write it down in my journal for fear that someone will read it but this is unnatural and I'm completely lost. It happened only last week while I was doing my homework in the evening. I just so happened to raise my eyes from my work to watch the sunset and the moment the sun dipped beneath the horizon my back began to ache. It was unbelievable and looking back I thank whatever Higher Power there is in this world that my family happened to be gone to a baseball game. My screams could have raised the dead as I writhed on my floor in agony and I was drenched immediately in the beads of sweat rising from my pores.
I wonder if this same Higher Power is punishing me for some kind of crime I committed in a past life because what has happened has turned me into a monster. It's only a matter of time before people see me for what I am...a freak.
"Hey Diana! Have you heard the stories that are circulating around town?"
Only a million times...
"No what?" Diana smiled sweetly as if possessing sweet ignorance which she knew would make her friend Brandon feel that much better when she feigned complete shock and amazement at the end of his story.
"Supposedly there is some girl with wings walking around town at the dead of night! People are beginning to say that it's a fallen angel and that if you pluck one of her feathers you can make a wish and it will come true!" Diana formed her lips in the shape of an O and laughed though deep inside she felt a serpent beginning to slither through her gut as the manifestation of her fear.
"R-Really? How can people tell that her feathers grant wishes?"
"Well you know Tika from the super market? She picked up a feather in the road to add to her collection and she just so happened to wish for a new car when she did so and out of absolutely no where the vehicle of her dreams shows up right in front of her with the keys in the ignition and her name on all the papers inside. An absolute dream come true! Tika tried to talk to the police about it and they said that all the papers checked out so now she has this amazing car and everyone is picking up feathers when they see them. Some people even claim to have seen her so tonight me and a few other people are going to see if we can spot her, want to join?"
Diana felt her face pale in fear but she managed to give Brandon a shaky grin before she declined his offer and rushing out of the class when the bell had rung she sat in the girl's bathroom alone, rocking back and forth in one of the stalls as she pondered over what to do next. These wings were going to be the end of her. She was going to be sent to a lab for testing, news crews would stalk her night and day for a glimpse of the 'fallen angel', and Diana was never going to have normalcy again. A choked sob caught in her throat and swallowing it back into her chest Diana took a few deep breaths and pressed the heels of her palms into her eye sockets. It would be best if she could stay indoors but she had such...such...urges. Diana had managed to stay indoors before but one way or another it seemed she found a way outside and then she had to go walking around town. She never flaunted it, she preferred the more secluded areas of town but Diana had never known that anyone had seen her. Luckily no one had recognized her or they would already have responded to the presence of a monster in their city.
The door to the girl's bathroom creaked open and listening intently from her stall Diana hardly dared to breathe as the girl went about her business before leaving again. Ever since Diana had found a secret she was desperate to hide she had become increasingly paranoid about the people around her. If she could grow wings, could people read thoughts? Control the elements? Grow cat ears? The possibilities were endless but something told Diana that she was a one of a kind.
Outside the front doors of the school, Diana took a few moments to admire the surrounding scenery before descending the front steps with a painfully slow pace. The longer she lingered outside and satisfied her addiction to the outside air the longer she could possibly stay indoors and out of trouble. A few people brushed by her impatiently and Diana could feel her feet tingling with the desire to speed up but Diana forced her thoughts to reflect on her day to keep them occupied when she suddenly ran into the back of a man in a black suit. "Oh excuse me, I wasn't looking where I was going."
The man turned around and in her adolescence she could not help but smirk as he wore dark sunglasses and was big as a house. He looked like he had stepped out of a Men in Black comic book
((PM me to continue! I have a lot of other RPCs, starters in my journal, and I'm open to most ideas! Please be literate or have enough creativity to keep me interested. Your response does not have to be this long!))