Insomnia, or Izzy, as they would call it in the #mysecretfamily.
I don't know how it started honestly, but I know it began while I was in high school. Just that one night, I wasn't able to fall asleep at the normal time I usually would.
I mean I would wake up at five in the morning, just to take the bus to school by six. Zero period to fourth, lunch, then fifth period to seventh. Sport practice, take the bus home around five, and do chores. Eat dinner, take a shower, and do homework until I felt like I was going to pass out.
But I never did actually pass out. I would be awake till two in the morning, restless unable to get my body to calm itself down enough to be relaxed. It got to the point where I wasn't even tired anymore, at least not physically, or until the weekend. It felt I had more energy not going to sleep, and without the aid of energy drinks and coffee.
I didn't even know I had insomnia until I took Abnormal Psychology and found out what abnormalities a person can have.
Now, sleeping isn't a necessity. Yes, of course I know my body requires it to function at its max ability. But in my mind, it's become more of want, then a need. I don't need to sleep, Izzy don't need it. #Insomnia #Izzy #nysecretfamily
"Stuck in your Wonderland, with nothing but this blood on my hands. So let me be your Deadman, I wanna make you bleed just like me." - One Reason 
ShortCupofTee · Wed Dec 03, 2014 @ 11:29am · 0 Comments |