Caiden Ray (Ravenheart) Todd
 Pokemon Daycare/rehabilitation worker
     Poke Team Whimsicott, Florges, Skitty, Pikachu, Sylveon(Shiny), Teddiursa
Whimsicott F|Ellie| First Pokemon, got her at the age of eight thanks to her Father's wealth. Caiden got Ellie as a little Cottonee. At first the poor thing was skittish and very shy, warmed up to Caiden pretty fast but refused to leave the girl's room until everyone else went to bed. Grew up to still be a shy little Whimsicott but is very loveable and playful to those she's close to. [Bonus points: We love momma's babies] Florges F|Lily Mae| Originally abandoned by her first trainer, Lily was originally found by a few Poke Rangers and brought straight to Caiden's work place in hopes to get the poor thing back on its feet. Her trainer was never found. Lily Mae had extreme trust issues when Caiden took her into her group, she was never one to listen and would go days without eating until Caiden proved that she wouldn't leave her behind like her old trainer. Till this day we're still iffy about others and takes a long time for us to get use to others. Skitty F|Kaira| This little girl was Caiden's second Pokemon. She was around ten when this little Skitty snuck into her family's backyard. She was found chasing poor Ellie around the yard in attempt to play tag but only caused the poor pokemon to cry. Although playful we tend to be act as a lazy house cat and loves to soak up the sun... We're not a big fan of K9 pokemon though. Pikachu F|Usagi| Usagi was originally found hiding with her older sister, Livewire, some time after their mother passed. The two were so tiny, hungry and very dirty. It took some time to win the pair of sisters over but when it finally happened, Caiden did everything in her power to nurse the two back to health. This little pikachu is very playful and tends to forget were not a young pichu anymore. All those she's one of the best playmates, and loves to dress up in little tutus, Usagi isn't the best to use during battles. She has a small habit of trying to play with her opponents rather fight that and Usagi loves water to death...Trust me, Caiden stresses over this. Please don't jump into the baby pool with my children. Sylveon M|Calis| Caiden found Calis as an egg. Abandon in a nest no one was sure if the mother had no choice but to abandon her egg for safety reasons or if it never hatched. The poor thing scared Caiden more than once before he even arrived. Once the egg finally hatched Caiden was more than happy to see a tiny little silver Eevee poke his tiny head out. We're probably one of the most curious pokemon on the team, we also believe we're the baby in the team/family. Will take pacifiers from babies and suck on them. Teddiursa M|Patches| Newest member, sweetest little boy Caiden ever had-- minus her own son that is--
Mira Cole (Ravenheart) Satyr
 Actress/Pokemon Coordinator
      Poke Team Gardevior,Ninetales, Aurorus, Milotic, Lapras, Glaceon
Gardevior F Ninetales M Aurorus M Milotic M Lapras F Glaceon F
Klementie Barron
 Poke Trainer
   Poke Team Shaymin, Mawile, Meloetta
XOXO Likes to keep small parties. Helps her to get to know her pokemon better. Fighting wise we'll take up anyone we seem fit and if the challenge seems a little bit too big for her tiny party, we'll just call up the boy-toy and have a double battle.
Shaymin Mawile Meloetta
Lana Paige Noviko

   Poke Team Minccino, Froslass,Shuppet
Minccino Froslass&Shuppet This pair just showed up one day. No one knows where they came from but they don't intend on leaving.
Theodore Elric
Poke Team
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Apolonia 'Pola' Pawlicka
 Police officer [******** you Officer Jenny
  Poke Team Growlithe, Sawsbuck
Growlithe F|Justyna| Was given to her after graduating from the academy, all Officers were given a growlithe as their company. Justyna was just a young pup back in the day and very untrained but she was very loyal to Pola. It took quiet sometime and many failed battles before the pup became well trained and knew not to leave her trainers side and that her job was just as important as her trainers. Sawsbuck M|Aleksy| Aleksy was obtained shortly after an arrest on a poke thief. This big guy refused to be apart of the kidnapping and was the reason the thief was caught. With all the pokemon returned to their owners it was clear that Aleksy owner wasn't coming to get him. Pola took a liking to him and his stubborn ways and took him in as one of her own. dsg
Poke Team
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kitten elric · Tue Apr 28, 2015 @ 04:38am · 0 Comments |