Name: Kali Johnson
Age: 16
Race: neko
Orientation: straight
Personality: Timid and shy at first, but once you get to know her, she will open up a little, although she only does this for those she trusts. She's never known what it's like to be loved and wanted, so she needs someone who will keep her around for a long time.
Bio: Kali is the youngest daughter of a poor neko couple. She's the youngest by a good five to seven years, with an older brother and two older sisters. Since before she was born, her parents lived a hard life, barely making ends meet. After Kali's birth, things just got worse. They didn't have enough money to support all six of them, and jobs were nearly impossible to find for her parents. Eventually, her brother left to try and find a job to help support the family. About a year later, her sisters followed suit. None of them were ever heard from again, as all three were captured and put into slavery.
Kali's parents knew they couldn't keep living like they were, so when Kali was fifteen, they sold her into slavery as well, assuring her that when they had enough money, they would get her back. Kali believed her parents and went without complaint, but the day her parents had promised never came, as they, too, were put into slavery. Due to the fact that she is a neko, some of the guards that she was sold to decided it would be fun to harass her. They would take turns beating her, then leave her where she lay after each beating. Such is the reason that she trusts no one. Kali never saw her family again, and now waits for someone to take her home and show her the love her parents were never able to show.
Pink: Cute and playful
Medium Slate Blue: Cool and reserved, very thoughtful
Dark green: Timid and obedient
White rose: Innocent
Heart: Loving, affectionate (when showed the same affection in return)
Spoon: A cook
Paint brush: Artistic
Leaf: Loves to be outdoors
Cloud: Very easily frightened
Bow and Arrow: True loyalty and devotion
Lace: Delicate or frail
Silk: Obedient without a question
Weretiger form:

Name: Ty Whitestripe
Age: 25
Race: Weretiger
Orientation: Straight
Personality: Ty is usually easy-going, but mess with someone or something he cares about in the wrong way, and you won't like him. He is very protective of those he cares about, and doesn't mind using his strength to prove it. He likes cuddling with someone he loves.
Bio: Ty was born the eldest son of a poor human couple. His parents could barely make ends meet, but they still had two other children. Ty always loved the outdoors, as his family lived in the jungles of South America. He'd heard rumors of tigers roaming the jungles, but he'd never seen any. That is, until one night when he was out with his friends on a camp-out. They had already eaten dinner and were sitting around the campfire when one of the boys told a story about an old legend that had been passed down from generation to generation about a man who was rumored to be half man, half tiger.
According to the legend, this man would only appear to those he deemed worthy, then offer them a gift. Whatever they desired the most, he would give them. The rest of the boys listened intently, wondering if the legend was actually true and if any of them would be deemed worthy enough to see the man. When the story was over, the boys turned in for the night one by one, with the exception of Ty. He wanted to see if the legend was true. The only thing was, his friend hadn't mentioned how the man would appear or that there was a price to pay for the gifts he promised.
Long into the night, Ty waited for the man to show himself. but he never did. It wasn't until Ty actually fell asleep that the man appeared, but it was in Ty's dream that he did so. "What is your desire?" the man asked. Ty could see his tail, and he knew this was the man from the legend. "Why have you come to me?" Ty asked. "Because you are the only one worthy in all this village," the man answered. "What is your desire?" Ty thought for several minutes before answering, "I want to have the strength and speed of a tiger." The man blinked once, then nodded. Walking over to Ty, the man bent down and bit Ty's arm, sinking his teeth in deep. Ty cried out in pain, but before he could move, the man was gone, and Ty was waking up in his tent. There was a bite mark on his arm that looked like that of a dog, but it was too big. Ty knew that his dream was real, but he didn't realize that the gift the man had given him came with a price. When he used his strength for the first time, he actually transformed into a tiger that was walking on its hind paws. When his family found out, they sold him into slavery, knowing that as rare as weretigers were, he would bring a good price.
Medium Slate Blue: Cool and reserved, very thoughtful
Green: Obedient and quiet
White Rose: Innocent
Heart: Loving, affectionate
Shield: Protector, very defensive
Sword: Fighter
Emerald: Rare species
Book: Smart
Spear: Hunter
Leaf: Loves to be outdoors
Bow and Arrow: True loyalty and devotion
Metal - Very strong and/or ferocious, highly skilled fighter, or unusually dangerous
Jeweled - Rare and/or exotic
Silk - Obedient without a question
Werejaguar form: 

Name: Jake Black
Age: 21
Race: Werejaguar
Orientation: Straight
Personality: Upon first meeting someone, Jake is quiet and timid, the second due to his years as a slave. After he warms up to someone, however, he will become friendlier and open up a bit more. He is very protective of those he has come to care for, and will do anything in his power to keep them from harm. He is hoping to find a kind mistress that can show him some love after his years of torture with cruel masters and mistresses.
Bio: Jake is the youngest son of a powerful family of werejaguars. His father was second-in-command to his clan's ruler, while his mother was good friends with the clan queen. There had been peace between his clan and others in the area for centuries, and it appeared it would remain that way. But all was not as it seemed.
One day, when Jake was around 14, a member of another clan that was located nearby appeared in the town, beaten and bloody. Jake's father was one of the first to reach the stranger, and from what the other werejaguar told him, humans were attacking all the neighboring clans and taking the werejaguars as slaves. The stranger told Jake's father that their race was going for quite a high price, since they were so rare as slaves. Jake's father informed the king of this information, and the king took immediate action, preparing his troops for battle. They were no match for the humans, however, who had defeated all the neighboring clans easily.
Jake and his entire family were captured and put in chains, then thrown in cages, to be sold on the market as slaves. Jake didn't resist capture, not wanting to shame his family in any way. Along the way, Jake's family was separated, until he and the younger of his two older sisters were the only ones left. Eventually, she too, was sold, leaving Jake all alone, with no hope of ever seeing his family again. He now waits in the market for someone to purchase him and take him home.
Medium Slate Blue: Cool and reserved, very thoughtful
Green: Obedient and quiet
White Rose: Innocent
Heart: Loving, affectionate
Shield: Protector, very defensive
Emerald: Rare species
Paint Brush: Artistic
Spear: Hunter
Leaf: Loves to be outdoors
Bow and Arrow: True loyalty and devotion
Jeweled: Rare and/or exotic
Silk - Obedient without a question
Wolf form: 

Name: Amy Walker
Age: 18
Race: Wolf
Orientation: Straight
Personality: Amy is normally quite shy and timid. She won't usually speak unless spoken to, and even then, only what is necessary. She won't actually start to open up to anyone unless she trusts them, which can take months to accomplish. She has issues trusting others, due to the fact that she's been a slave all her life, and her first two masters were cruel.
Bio: Amy was born into slavery. Her mother was a pleasure slave, but she never knew her father. As far as she knows, both of her parents were wolves. No one, including her mother, ever told her different. The only thing her mother ever told her about her father was that Amy had his fur and eyes. Other than that, she looked like her mother.
When Amy was around ten, she was taught to cook and clean, earning her the spoon and dustpan charms. When she was 14, she was taken from her mother and sold to a new master. He promised not to harm her when he bought her, but Amy quickly learned that he was a liar. Almost as soon as she arrived at his home, he started treating her like filth. He would beat and whip her for every mistake, whether real or imagined. This went on for nearly a year before he decide that she was no longer of any use to him, and she was sold again.
Her new master was every bit as cruel as her last one, even going so far as to whip her for the mistakes of his other slaves. Why he did this, she never knew, but it seemed she was the favorite target for abuse. All she knew was that she probably wouldn't survive this master. She was wrong, though, as her master quickly grew tired of her, selling her to the first buyer to come along. This one was a mistress, and she was kinder than the previous two masters. She allowed Amy to rest until her injuries were healed, at which time Amy decided she was ready to serve. Her mistress wouldn't allow this, however, telling Amy that she'd bought the girl as a pet. Amy remained with her mistress until the woman passed away when Amy was 17, thus sending Amy to the slave shop, where she has been ever since. Now she waits for someone to take her home and show her the love she's never known.
Pink: Cute and Playful (once she warms up to someone)
Green: Obedient and Quiet
Dark Green: Timid
White Rose- Innocent
Heart- Loving, Affectionate (once she warms up to someone)
Spoon- A Cook
Dustpan- Good for Cleaning
Bell- Pet
Red Tear - Abused by Previous Mistress/Master
Cloud - Very easily frightened
Bow and Arrow - True loyalty and devotion
Lace - Delicate or frail
Rope - Scared
Silk - Obedient without a question
If anyone is interested, please send me a PM.