- Username: Got_moxxie
Character name: Tombini [Tombo] McConner
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Race: Halfing
Class: Bard
Physical Description:
He stands 4'3'' with a full head of luscious white hair. It grows quite fast, so he trims it often.
Tombo speaks his mind whenever addressed, so people rarely talk to him on purpose if they know him. Also doesn't help that he's the type to listen to everyone else business and turn it into a song. Everyone's problems are very minuscule to his mind, he prefers to hear tales from travelers and seeks them out for inspiration, sometimes going so far as to stalk them.
Religious Beliefs
Tombo was raised in a religious family but it wasn't for him. He's just the rebel of the family and tends not to do anything they do.
Tombini Rasculnakuff McConner was raised in the great merchants town of Tenim. His parents run a booth that has been passed down for generations called McConner Straps and Strings in the Merchant dock. It's main purpose is to fix or enhance items of clothing or armor. Mostly broken straps on a breastplate or an extra holster on the belt, Unfortunately, instead of taking these skills and honing them as his ancestors had, Tombo completely took his privilege for granted and focused more on the impressive tales each visitor had to share at their shop. Some of them would even come back, despite if their armor needed tuning, just to tell him of their ventures.
Since he was never in school or working in the booth, little tombini found other ways to occupy his time. Every morning he would run along the merchants dock, greeting the boats as they parked along side him in the early fog. Sometimes he'd hide and sneak his way aboard, dodging through the sailors as they unloaded. He also learned sleight of hand tricks at a young age and was challenging people for money in poker or darts by 13.
Slowly his path unraveled. He won his first lute in such a card match. It had not been any normal match either. One of the usual customers, an older soldier, had come to get his shield insignia recolored when young Tombo challenge him to a game of war. A simple game with no real skill involved, unless youre cheating the whole time. Tombo never knew if the soldier really believed him or just let him win, but the reward was some flimsy lute, though the boy treasured it like was the last piece of gold on earth. He'd run off to the canal or by the port, anywhere by the water really, and taught himself no just to play but also to sing. He'd eventually play in taverns and parties, where he was actually paid though it wasn't much.
After many years he reached 18 and his father sat him down. Their branch of the family had never left Middle Tristecarré. But they also all worked in the Merchants dock, while Tombo never worked as a merchant a day in his life but he had succeeded in selling himself as a musician. "And every good musician knows, you can not share your gift with the world from the comforts of home." He had his fathers blessing, and coin, to be sent off to Mleneaux Veripointe, where his more wealthy cousins would house him. From then on it was his choice, whether he would venture further, maybe to the city of Wyverick one day to be a royal minstrel, or become one in a troupe of troubadours.
Though no matter how hard Tombo fought the tides of fate, searching for nothing more then good wine, women, and mostly fame, he would simply fall at the age of 20. Her name wasn't as important as what she left with him, and took from him. Time skipped by like a rock over the top of a pond, ripples disappearing with the hours. It was hard for Tombo at first, being that he never had a teacher but himself. However, once they passed his learning curve, natural talent unlocked the true power of his playing. And then she was gone and time stood still. Memories were the only thing that kept him going and his style of playing completely changed.
Now no one will hear his bitter songs, but it matters not to him. He plays for free and searches now to find her... or at least make a tune of a legend to come. So that it might one day be passed on to her. And she would know his song.

- Score:
- Score:
- Score:
- Score:
- Score:
- Score:
- Special: <does your character receive a bonus for specific instances in fortitude? N/A if no>
- Special: <does your character receive a bonus for specific instances in relex? N/A if no>
- Special: <does your character receive a bonus for specific instances in will? N/A if no>
Armor Class Total:
- Armor Bonus:
Dex Bonus:
Size Bonus:
Shield Bonus:
Other Bonuses:
Hit Points:

- Initiative:
- Dex Bonus:
Additional Bonus:
Weapon Name (Melee Format)
- Total Attack Bonus:
- Base Attack Bonus
Strength Bonus:
Miscellaneous Bonus:
Special Bonus: <N/A if none - do not add to total attack bonus>
- Dice Damage:
Strength Bonus:
Miscellaneous Bonus:
Special Bonuses: <N/A if none - do not add to total damage>
Type: <light, one-handed, ranged, etc>
Notes: <reach? +1 vs certain creatures? significance of any kind?&
Weapon 1 Name (Ranged Format)
- Total Attack Bonus:
- Base Attack Bonus
Dexterity Bonus:
Miscellaneous Bonus:
Special Bonus: <N/A if none - do not add to total attack bonus>
- Dice Damage:
Miscellaneous Bonus:
Special Bonuses: <N/A if none - do not add to total damage>
Ammunition Type:
Notes: <unlimited ammo? something other? N/A if no>

Trained skills
Name of Skill: <total +>
- Ranks:
Modifier Bonus:
Additional Bonus: <if none, N/A>
Special Bonus: <if none, N/A - use for things like favored enemy bonuses. do not add to total>
Class: <yes/no - dont forget to add +3 to total if yes>
Name of Skill: <total +>
- Ranks:
Modifier Bonus:
Additional Bonus: <if none, N/A>
Special Bonus: <if none, N/A - use for things like favored enemy bonuses. do not add to total>
Class: <yes/no - dont forget to add +3 to total if yes>
Name of Skill: <total +>
- Ranks:
Modifier Bonus:
Additional Bonus: <if none, N/A>
Special Bonus: <if none, N/A - use for things like favored enemy bonuses. do not add to total>
Class: <yes/no - dont forget to add +3 to total if yes>
Feat Name
- Effect:
Feat Name
- Effect:
Feat Name
- Effect:
Name of Feature
- Description
Name of Feature
- Description
Name of Feature
- Description
Name of Feature
- Description
Name of Feature/Ability
Name of Feature/Ability

Name of item
- <item count/description>
Stored: <where item is kept>
Name of item
- <item count/description>
Stored: <where item is kept>
Name of item
- <item count/description>
Stored: <where item is kept>
Name of item
- <item count/description>
Stored: <where item is kept>
Name of item
- <item count/description>
Stored: <where item is kept>