Holy Cow! BridgeChan Won Second in the avatar Contest?!
 This is how you did last weekFor week 25 of 2006 (June 25, 2006)
Title: Visitor From Jupiter Score: 9.1088 Total Ratings: 1184 Total Comments: 136 Rank: 2
As you look to the sky one starry night, you see streaks of ultraviolet and cosmic teal litter the sky as a huge object crashes into a lone corn field. Steam rises from the crater as the bright lights from the ship are dullened by the glowing figure that is now floating above the wreaked vessel. The creature links it's mind to your's and introduces it's self. "Greetings human, I come from the planet Jupiter." It states, "Let me introduce you to my associate, MervII-X83." The little robot rolls in front of you, "He will be your exterminator, as will his 5 million friends."
With that statement, the world of Gaia is plunged into it's own Armageddon.
The End :3 Comments you received: Carmen SD Totally looks like she's from another planet. Lose the weretail, maybe?
BridgeChan *Laughs* Yeah, I noticed that the Dark Halo tail looked a bit better just before I submitted my avi X'D Thanks for the comment :3
swooshgurl 3rd comment
Morning Light eek That is weird. 10
Nothlen Thats awesome! biggrin
hiwhatsup195 lose the tail and then it's perfect. It does look like she is from another planet. i will give it a 10/10
hiwhatsup195 lose the tail and then it's perfect. It does look like she is from another planet. i will give it a 10/10
rooieroo i think aqua and purple look really well together, aspecially on ur avi. its just that the purple eye on ur face is a wee bit scary. 10/10 whee
Cheese Machine awesome <3
sucrecoeur Go Bridgechan! 10/10
TheTantrum Nice. 10/10.
Tre Le Coco Yay for bridgie blaugh *votes 11* xd
XxPrInCeSsxNaTxX so cute! i didnt know all that even existed! but awesome! one of my favs! :]
Your Kaleido Star The dark face is very overused but that's a given for a new donation item, but this is the best one I've seen used. I love it! 10/10!
Andy1989 This is simply amazing. I'm in awe of your skills. Congrats. You deserve to get at least the Top 5. 10/10 fer joo!
LaceyBoo i love it! you get a 10
Nakht-Akhen Very nice!
Ninja Lyzzi I love the color combination! 10/10
zombatarkaish2nebery Amazing, and wonderful description *backs away from robot* The winged anklets color is a bit off, but it looks better with them than without. Fantastic job. 10/10
Alfaomegga lmao, you ripped off my RP character in your description xD oh well, great minds think alike! 10/10
blackpendant wow that is so cool ^_^
Fallen Angel Alexial Nix the tail and its pretty good
BridgeChan Thank you all for the lovely comments guys ^_^!! And yeah, lol, the tail does need to go XD!
CaLiaZnBoi Whats up with the tail? but its ok
Miss Fallen Yay Bridge! ^.^
BridgeChan @ CaLiaZnBoi: I think the dark halo tail would have been a better fit honestly :3 heart
Yoan Bo I think it looks cool!!
~[butterfly-guitar]~ i looooove it looks like you are from another planet
Subliminal Advertising ROFLMAO PURPLE v****a FACE.
puddinmuffin Very nice!
(X)Spork(X) Very original,to say the least, 10/10
BrillianT~MaDnesS Ha, it really does look awsome, the colors...so eye catching.
BoxGirl Tight!!!! 10! Come see me in the arena too? <3
Aritsuke Awesome!
.MC.Monochrome. That's hot. I love the color combo. I don't like the tail though. -9
[ . Mirage . ] Lose the weretail and robot. Looks AWESOME by itself. One of the best I've ever seen. 10/10
lylstarryazngurl :O wow. nice. <3
DNxangel its awesome and i like ur theme too! <3
Kitsune79 Oh that look awesome!
Push Pop D00D WTF IS UP W/ HER FACEEE!!!11one1six </n00b> I like the color.."distribution" I guess you could say, but yeah, the were tail looks a bit out of place.
BridgeChan Woo, thanks for all the lovely comments guys ^_^! I REALLY appreciate it heart
TinkerBell1923 Its cute and different I like it alot...Very Unique, I t w has its own way about it....I give it a 10 out of 10.... 4laugh heart
Sky Star i like it
kiara_tigress Agreed,the tail is a bit out of place,but besides that,it is quite the eye-catcher,isn't it?
Vampire Fantasy Goddess I have seen many like inaround the site but it still looks cool so 8/10
Rosesflowerk Great Job. You deserve at ten outta ten. ^^
darkblueangel15 very creative 10/10 ^-^
BabyBlu Nicely done!
Slinky31 *sighs* I agree with Star. ): Still, very nice color combo. 10/10
Castkkk+ creepy but cool 3nodding
guitar_obsession99 its awesome!! i like the colors
Synoir I absolutely love it! A beautiful color combination and evrything.
xFinal_Showdownx thats pretty cool. ^_^
nanachi lol i luv it 10
BridgeChan Wow, more comments! Thanks a ton guys ^_^! I appreciate them all heart
Adrienne Higureshi nice colors. 10/10
Moonshai creative...but really cool i have to admit
face_thats_loved i totally LOVE it!!!!!!! no tail though,then it's perfect!!!! 10/10
Piratemime luv the skin. if i could i would peel it off your very pixels... so long now
jontukka awesome!
silveran9el it actually looks pretti good...9/10
balloonatic CRAP! Minus 666 for you
Terra_crystal That ... is... so... awesome...!...10.../...10!
cutebunny5566 I love it!
inferno159 ewwwwwwww 1/10
Thalionwen Calloniel Awesome, 10/10! XD
A n g y OooOo freaky. 10.
lirsveacba I LOVE THE COLORS. Maybe no tail, but it's alright. The bot's cool, but not really part of the electric angel look. I just wish we could see your face...
BridgeChan Thanks for the comments guys ^.^! And Oooo, Electric Angel :3 I might have to develop an outfit more fitting to that title ^.^!
~Wolf Fae~ 10'd, that should win the week =D
[~Zoso~] O_O
Chikiya Wow! Your look is veeery smexy. Very alienish. 10/10
Rinnlynn HOMIGAWD!!! she's sooo kewl! Loose the were tail though, that just throws off the hole space vibe. And the little boot wings. not spacey. 10/10. ; )
PoisonedPocky Awesome! And I love the description. A 10 for you!
IrethFefalas Highly original (from what I've seen) and I like the usage of the dark halo -- the black face is odd. A glitch? 7/10
MisUndrStoodPoet i think the winged anklets, the baos, and the wings would go... well, maybe not the wings.
Fatal_Requiem It just makes me wanna run into a knife so I dont have to look at it anymore.
Tetrominon Cool theme, and well done!
ThE PaTTerN QueeN I like the colors! 10!
[.]Full[.]Metal[.]Clo Soooooo awesome!!!!!!!! 10/10 so pretty!!!! +_+
BridgeChan Thanks again for the comments guys ^_^! I appreciate them all <3 And they are all very <br>helpful for making this avatar better in the future ^_^!
Bewitching_NightShade OMG that is fabulous. I hope that you win heart
matt_ownz_u !
xxPuppy Wonderful, wonderful. ;D <3
Demonic_Cr0w Awesome 10/10
Sakura The Leaf Ninja cool yep u do look like ur from another planet!10/10
Jhon Li creepy...10/10
teeter_lynn_ its looks totally sweet! a little to different for my likings tho but you did a great job on it
Enmarnacu Love this one everytime I see it. You're going to be a winner.
Lady Syoko Oh my god. The colours are great!! 10/10!!!!
Digital~Dance~Trance__xX Daziling! 10/10
Goth K1D the tail is misplaced. without it i would give a 10, but with i have to give a 8. it just looks so random when everything else matches
CredendoVides personally, i think you should loose those white pom-pom things in your hair, otherwise it looks very original and creative!!! i do enjoy it. 10/10
`SWEETBABYxx lolss.......g-bot doesnt match
Laimickel I like it...wait...I LOVE IT^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^
Tameyaka68 Your AWESOME!!!!!!
Kagome_preitess_06 well it's unique....
aprilmayjune that is awesome. 1o
Belledandi Is this avatar ever gorgeous. gonk -tens- I hope you win. 3nodding
Evelyn_Nyht v****a FACE! I had to say it, Bree. But OMG, it looks awesome. I agree with you that the tail would have been better with the dark halo version one. The whole idea is very originial and I love the description. 10/10
slip or fall good avi
slip or fall 10/10
esttieL dats reel cool lol
cindywanda Lose the tail and wings and you will look awesome!!!8/10 for effort....
kunoichi260 snap, son.
hakirashu scary but awesome! 10/10. ^^
Evil-husky youre a demon...out of ten!?!
Rey Mysterio1 i like the robot touch
Rey Mysterio1 that's awsome
Vaugner Of Woe 10
BukuNushi Avos wow cool have it's very weird and does look like an alien :3 you did great with the colors and making them all go together 10/10 <3
Lull Bridgey's avatar is so sexy. Love the colours. <3
Jessi_chan cute!! nicely put together might i add 10/10 :3
brainsick Freaking AWESOME. I love love love the colours. Definate 10! =D
AnthoFlex Finally something good. 5/10
Heavens_Light_Warrior YAY ARMAGEDDON!!!!! 10/10
Mileena101 awesome
i_h8_you 9 for me... but only 'cause I'm mean...
i_h8_you 9 for me... but only 'cause I'm mean... But then, I'm not wearing a top.... Okay, 10.. Nobody could've done any better. It is hard to perfect a theme on Gaia, unless it's one of the ones they've catered for. And nobody bag the were tail. The were tail rocks smile
ImSoTrendy xd Nice. 1o/1o
dice245 10/10 asome^^
revolution_symphony i would just say lose the tail but otherwise its pretty good! what am i saying? its wicked awesome! 10
Kila Renalia Lose the tail, but it's otherwise nothing less than absolutely brilliant. 10/10, even with the tail
Doutei I like the fact that you used interesting colors. It seemed that all anyone ever used was red and black. This is a refreshing sight. (though the eye still creeps me out!)
Lady_Threnody 8/10 - I really like teh color scheme but the bot and the tail seem out of place and unnecessary. Hmm, it seems top heavy too and the wings aren't needed.
Eternal Evil She's awsome. It really looks like she's a vistor from Jupitor, or another planet. 10'd
anarchy_boy sweet this is the coolest one 10/10
cheesestickjimmy I read the description, and I love it. But I didn't read the 9 pages of comments, so if I repeat hat others have said I apologize. I've always loved that hairstyle in that color greenish blue and you did a fantastic job finding other items to match it. The purple/green/blue/black theme works very well. If I had to pick one thing that really stood out it would be the weretail. I don't think it needs a tail at all, actually. That's about all that I can see. It's great. 2nd 10 of the day.
moon_slayrz Awsome-o!
Ammera Why do things from outerspace always end up in corn fields?
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