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My Book
I've been writing in this since I was thirteen in 2007. I still am writing in it, and it will probably be my legacy till the day I die. (Don't start reading from the beginning as my writing was atrocious then.)
"Definitive" Guide to Bat Kiting
Author Notes: So I wrote a thesis/paper on Bat Kiting and it contains a lot of useful information if you want to learn this style of doing Bloodlust in DMS. I put quotations on "definitive" because It's always subject to being updated. This paper has been peer reviewed by my colleague and friend, resembling roses. I will post the abstract here. I won't post the full guide because the way the guide is written its more "ergonomic" to view it in google docs than convert the whole thing into a bbcode format. The link to the guide will be posted below.

------This guide will explain Bat Kiting, which is an advanced and also the fastest way to get Bloodlust (BL) done. If done perfectly, Kam can be killed in 15 to 20 minutes; assuming we start timing upon the beginning of the Tank’s positioning to Kam’s eventual demise. This is also the riskiest, hardest and possibly the laggiest method. However, it is the most rewarding way to finish BL. If you are into high-risk high-reward types of gameplay, such as Yellow Maze (YM) Sword tank, YM SNS and Full Nutter Crypt, then Bat Kiting is for you. If you like faster runs in general or trying to get a record speed of completing GR-BL, then bat kiting is also for you.

------At its core, the DPS ignores the blood bats and strictly focuses on Kam, while the Batkite heals the Tank and kites the incoming batwaves. The idea of Batkite was created by zerodarkmatter in his zOMG! Test Journal and refined by Jimilar Jeff. Since there aren't any definitive guides to Bat kiting at the time of writing this, this will hopefully explain Bat Kite BL thoroughly. Be sure to open the Document Outline on the guide to view the table of contents. You can watch a demonstration right here!

Link to the full guide: Click Here

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