She was a close friend...nice, funny and kind. She's been through too much pain in life. Has no family but her older bro...and I was here for her to comfort her in her time of need, but in the end she died from blood loss. Jenna was walking down the street when a drunk driver hit her, later found out yesterday october 4th from her older bro's girl friend that she died sept 23rd. Her only wish was to meet me her one close friend, leavig behind her kid she named the child Gazer from my username's last word.
She lived her 17 years fully but if only I could have spent more time with her...I'm sorry Jenna..I'll see you on the other side, but not yet...I still have alot to live for so please rest in peace.
p.s. This is the last page of my journal, my story will be stopped and this will always be the first page of my journal for all to see and hear Jenna's story through my words.
[Seperate from Jenna's part]
[rp character]
Name: Sky Azurith
Race: Twi-light Angel
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Position: Wandering angel
Weapons: Sword of faith,
(transforms when posessed) Sword of Black Chaos
Tainted heart can be consumed by darkness and taken over by evil.
Willing to sacrifice self for another.
Powers: Twi-light
Aura sensing
Particle acceleration
(sword of faith) Heaven's Fall ,
(sword of black chao's) Chaos scar, Divine Divinity, Black oblivion,
(Evil form) Soul reaper
(final attack -suicide-) Final destiny
Personality: Kind, loyal, thoughtful and tends to keep to self.
(posessed form) laughs and hiss's his words of hatred and preach's of death
Appearence: Avitar with white hair, crimson iris's and two black angel wings. Discard the guitar and card along with kiki. Is 5"12 in height and weighs 150 lbs. Black blood flows through Sky's veins and each breath he takes sends a puff of cold mist into the air. Wing span of twelve feet.
((basis of my character -note that its modified))

Posessed form: White hair floats, Crimson iris's in the eyes turn into slits. Wicked grin always on face and enormous dark aura surrounds body.
Sword of faith transforms into "Sword of chaos".
Floats above ground with black angel wings flared out.
Bio: Years ago when I was only 5 years old, my family and I lived in an old cottage on the out skirts of a forest.
One night bandits broke down the door and rushed in, my little brother and I hid behind mother and father. We all fell to our knees and prayed... no begged God for mercy.
We prayed while each of us was slaughtered.
I held my little brother while he bled to death in my arms, then I too was killed. In my last dieing breath I cursed God.
And so he gave me a second life but banished me to walk the world for eternity, until the end of time to silently watch the world suffer, seeing only more greif and death wherever I go.
I am like no other angel, I was not born in heaven and not fallen. I am born here on earth from sorrow and greif. Now I travel the world with only half my soul, waiting for the ends of time to come, bearing alone the sins of mankind's heart.
Rp sample
Inside the dark and damp library, long forgotten were the books of which held countless centurys of memory and knowledge.
So quiet were the words that echoed in the library, the small dripping of water could be heard from corner to corner. Silence and stillness protrayed serenity; until a small whirl of wind came to pass atop a book shelf. Inside the wind, it held black feathers, and from those very feathers a figure slowly emerged.
Time seemed to stop, but when Sky fully emerged the wind and feathers disappeared. No dust disturbed by the wind... odd but true as the man now stood. Snow white hair stood most vivid from his feature's, aside from the twin black angel wings that sprouted from his back; but being the most fearful would be his crimson iris's that gazed over the horizon for any signs of life.
A smirk soon came to his lips "I sense powerful aura's, will you be the one to end my destiny?". The words seemed to echo, but left silkily from Sky's mouth. Holding a hand out to the air; to no one he repeated himself.
As sudden as his appearence in this world; was his disappearence back into the shadows of whence he came. Only a single feather floated down to the ground in his place.
Atop one of the few remaining buildings that towered over the ruin's like a guardian, stood Sky. His reappearence could only mean destruction and death that follow in his wake; like a shadow to a mortal.
The demons and other such dark creatures, whom crawled over the rotten corpse's cringed and quickly fled in fear. All too familiar to them was Sky's aura, the deathly cold feel of it was so strong, that even mortals who are not so sensitive would feel chills down their spine.
"Will you be the one to end my destiny?" his voice was calm but demanding "I will kill you... ".
The demons who fled were now whispering and cowering in fear; behind the many shadows hidden in the ruin's "let's take him right now" one suggested "no! we must wait" another said.
Their bickering didn't stop until the one who appeared as their leader spoke up. Many glistening red eyes turned to the demon's position.
"We have numbers and we can finish this right now!" his voice roared through the ruin's and thundered into the sky.
So together like many black dots on the ground from where Sky stood, they began to storm towards the building.
Surounded and outnumbered... things looked hopless.
Gazing down at them with a disgusted look he spoke aloud with a steady voice "fools... I judge you unworthy".
Flaring out both dark angel wings, the gust knocked Sky's white hair upwards and revealed his crimson iris's that seemed to glow with hatred.
Aura pulsing outwards at a faster rate from his body, he held out his right hand and the darkness began to gather into his palm.
So concentrated that the abyss seemed to harden until the point of a sword... a white sword formed. Paradox I know.
The demons who also sensed this power suddenly stopped and began to retreat, but it was too late. Taking his sword high into the air, Sky pointed the tip towards the clouds, and soon a shower of glowing white orb's shot from it. The orbs roughly the size of your fist, flew outwards, and then in wide arch's down like rain. So numerous that it made the sky look like it was filled with fire works, but then screams broke the silence.
Each and every orb was unwasted as they seemed to home into an enemy. Upon touch it blew up; and soon in a matter of seconds, just as it started, it finished with a cloud of dust.
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