OKAY! These are the people in it so far! I will list mor later sooo...PREPARE!
SoraXKairi= Roxas age 16, Kylie age 12
RikuXSophie= Ina age 14
LeonXYuffie= 2 kids
CloudX------= 1 kid// Daun age 6?
Damian age 13X??????
and his lil brother Koreno
Kylie= Looks exactly like kyrie exept longer and darker hair, blue eyes, bad temper, more mature, and her fathers skin.
Ina= Look exactly liker her father, Riku but girl vertion and acts exactly like her love-struck, Happy go-lucky mother.
Damian= Looks like Roxas but darker hair, Has a mischieviouse brother who picks on us and him. Currently has no mother or Father what-so-ever, Lives with Sora and Kairi.
A 12 year old Kylie walks down the hall heaving a great sigh, Where can she be! I've check everywhere! As kylie went into soras thinking pose she walked her way to damians room, "Hey Damian!"
A boy about the age 13 popped his out from under the bed, "WHAT DO YA WANT!" Kylie jumped 5 feet holding her chest, "YOU SCARED ME HALF TO--....why are you under the bed?" Damian looked left, then right and soon shuffled out "Im hideing fom my damned little brother!" Kylie rolled her eyes, "What exactly did he do this time?" Damian turned bright red as he turned around, " u-um nothing.... important...Hey why where you yelling at me? eheheh Need something?!" Kylie crossed her arms and looked at him up and down Hes hideing something Kylie sighed and held her head mine as well let it pass...for now,"I was looking for Ina, have you seen her lately?"
In the corner of the old tree house Sora, Riku, and Kairi used to play in was what looked like a big pile of rope...or so they thought it was.
GREAT...Just terrific...im stuck AGAIN. PLEASE say that they will find me earlier this time! The pile of rope started wiggleing and made a small moan,
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