oh boy, what a few weeks i've been having, work work work oh god i think i feel like im dying and now we had some one rob like.... 15-20k in cash and jewerly gonk my when we found that out my mum was crying all over since she saved up the money and jewerly for like years and then wham! someone just goes and steals it all, plus it happened WHILE we were working although it was like really uber busy and i was working the front by my self while my mum my bro and everyone else was working the kitchen getting the food cooked and all so nobody noticed anything for a while, and then when the phone line weird my uncle went to check it to find the office with the money and accounts and all that had been raided. we went through the standard proceedure; shock, horror, anger, angst, then calling the police. took like 2-3 hours to get the details and reports down and all that.
after a while things tried to get back to normal though we received a bouquet of flowers from regulars that we tend to talk to.
then something else happened just a week after the robbery. a fire! [insert "The roof the roof the roof is on fire... blah blah blah"] what happened this time is that my mum was lighting incense (buddhist candles i guess you could call them if you dont know what they are) in the office (yes the same office that was robbed the week before anywho) and then locks it this time, cause she tends to be like "thats not going to ever happen to me" kinda attitude till the robbery, shame she doesnt listen to her kids much other wise she still might of not had much robbed, anyway, she leaves them in the office and goes downstairs to go work, about 15 mins later my cousin who was upstairs in the living room near the office doing ironing smelt something weird and burning, she comes downstairs to tell my mum, my mum says its the incense smell thinking that she might not of like the smell, then like 5 mins later my bro who works aswell says he doesnt feel quite well and wants to rest a bit upstairs, he goes up stairs and low and behold the office is full of smoke, he runs downstairs telling my mum to give him the keys to the office, she says why he says theres a fire in the office shes like "a fire it cant be" very calmly, then he gets pissed off and says in a more demanding tone "get the keys and come with me" and im like downstairs looking after the customer at the time. so he takes her to the office and its really smoky now its like you cant see past the window which is almost lucky in a way, so the the action man bro starts running downstairs shouting he needs water, i pour him a glass of water then thinking he'll prob need more i get a jug of water, he comes back down, i can see the smoke clinging on around him, i give him the jug, he runs back up, i prepare another one he comes back down this time takes a rest telling me its really smoky up there and you cant see s**t for shoes, so curious as i am and the customers already having food and drinks out i wet a cloth wrap it around my mouth then head up stairs.
it was awful i could see before i got to the top that thick thick smoke was all over the place there was only like... 2 foot from the ground and my eyes kept stinging plus the heat was hot too although thats not surprising considering there was a fire i tried to look around but i just coulding see also the mask didnt help much so i started to choke from lack of oxygen, looking for the window i was walking almost blind since i just couldnt use my eyes at all, so i get to the window breathing in the fresh air as much as i can then looking back at the scene it looked like a fog machine blew up everywhere. so i try to get back to the stairs with as much difficulty as anyone would have with stinging eyes and not being able to breath properly, i bump into my mum as i reach an area where the smoke isnt too smokey, and i tell her to stop for a bit but shes like i have to open all the windows so she goes back to the third floor to find some more windows to open, and im taking a breather at the bottom of the stairs hoping the customers havent heard all the ruckus. so after a while the smoke starts to clear from the open windows rather than flooding the whole restaurant with smoke, and im taking care of the few customers we have left. although one of the customers realised that there was something going on xp oh wells hopefully we wont be sued for endangering the lives of other people but in the end the smoke disappated and all that was damaged was a pile of useless paper and crap like that. the smoke smell is going to last for weeks and weeks and we have to clean the room and probaly redecorate it but i doubt that part.
and now its late i have to get to bed and its all been and exciting week and all but now im brutally nackered from work so good bye and good night 3nodding
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Kodeku's Wandering Web-blog
welcome to the journal of a thai guy living in a small quiet town struggling to make ends meet
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Skooled-G is my anti-depressant
Skooled-G = *Luffles* <3
pwnj00romg+gotis+smexehblackpantiesandbra xD
Raz Has Sophie Obsession<3333
Skooled-Gishminebiyotches <333 pirate mad
want to smile?
want to check out some of my pics in my profile? comment tooz please cool
Taeko Okuda is the artist that did the pic ;3
Skooled-G = *Luffles* <3
pwnj00romg+gotis+smexehblackpantiesandbra xD
Raz Has Sophie Obsession<3333
Skooled-Gishminebiyotches <333 pirate mad
want to smile?
want to check out some of my pics in my profile? comment tooz please cool
Taeko Okuda is the artist that did the pic ;3